Dear friends of the Thessaloniki State Sym- The TSSO does not forget the other com- phony Orchestra, on behalf of everyone I ponents of its mission, namely the collabo- would like to wish you a happy new year. ration with civil society sectors, aiming to extend the reach of classical music to wid- The start of the new year finds TSSO in er audiences. Thus, educational programs even closer collaboration with Megaron, in collaboration with local municipalities Thessaloniki’s Concert Hall, as they pro- and other institutions are an ever-present vide a rehearsal space for us in "M. Saltiel" part of our calendar. This is a part of the Hall, solving one of the Orchestra’s most Orchestra’s activity that we are particular- long-standing problems. ly proud of, as every year, tens of thousands of children attend these programs in per- This season’s artistic program is extremely son or online. interesting, as it is deployed in collabora- tion with Greek and foreign cultural or- On a closing note, I would like to extend ganizations, marking the TSSO’s vivid pres- a big “thank you” to all the friends of the ence in and out of national borders, in the TSSO, whose presence supports and rein- Balkans and in Italy. forces our work. The collaboration with fellow cultural or- Stathis Georgiadis ganizations of our city: the Megaron, the President of the Economic Committee State Conservatory, the National Theatre of the TSSO of Northern Greece, the Cultural Centre of the Prefecture of Central Macedonia, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the Ar- chaeological Museum, and the YMCA, is a constant aim for the TSSO, as the Or- chestra strives to continue improving its artistic output. 9

2024_ Εξαμηνιαίο έντυπο ΚΟΘ (Ιαν-Μαι24) - Page 9 2024_ Εξαμηνιαίο έντυπο ΚΟΘ (Ιαν-Μαι24) Page 8 Page 10