THESSALONIKI STATE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (TSSO) The Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra is one of the major cultural or- ganizations in Greece and the most historic symphonic ensemble in North- ern Greece. It was founded in 1959, by the Greek-Cypriot composer Solon Michaelides and it currently comprises 112 musicians. The TSSO honors its role as a public organization by creating music at the highest caliber in an accessible way, and with a range of activities which include collaborations with highly acclaimed Greek and international artists, the dissem- ination of Greek musical works, the fostering of talented young Greek artists, as well as a variety of educational and social projects. When it comes to international discographic prowess, the TSSO is the most notable symphonic ensemble in the country, as it records regularly under world - leading recording labels, such as EMI, BIS, NAXOS and DEUTSCHE GRAMMO PHON. 12

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