counted down. Three. Two. One. Action. Lucas sprang as quickly as he could with all his childlike energy, knife in hand, and sprinted towards the truck. He was careful not to scream or shout even as he believed that it would give him a boost of energy. Heroes did not scream. They carried on in quiet dignity and belief in the righteousness of their cause. He grabbed the side of the truck and used its momentum to lift him up to the side before mercilessly thwacking a protruding edge of a tall stalk of sugarcane with all his might to create a notch before methodically sawing at it — tearing the fibers of the sugarcane to make them fall on the road. He sawed past the stinging sweat making their way into his eyes as he cursed himself for forgetting his bandana at home. For a moment, he looked up and saw Jose running as well to pick up the sugarcane that would fall off the truck as Lucas sawed wildly, one after the other before the driver would notice, at the freshly harvested sugarcane that grew endlessly in all the plains — the only world the brothers knew. The truck began to slow and Lucas took it as his signal to hop off and hide in the tall grass once again until the truck sped away. Lucas gave three short whistles and Jose ducked to the side and hid at the side of the road. After placing the knife back in its wooden sheath, Lucas timed his jump as perfectly as he could but failed 27