5. Pench National Park & Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pench National Park is situated in Madhya Pradesh, the heart of India, and encompasses a total area of 758 square kilometers. It is located in the southern portion of Madhya Pradesh, specifically in the districts of Seoni and Chhindwara, which also border Maharashtra. This park’s additional 257 square kilometers are located in Maharashtra, but it is readily accessible from Madhya Pradesh. This national park is a treasure trove of flora and animals, and its area is divided into two sections: a) Priyadarshini National Park and Mowgli Pench Sanctuary, which covers an area of 299 square kilometers, and b) a buffer zone of 464 square kilometers. The national park is named after the river Pench, which flows from north to south and divides the park approximately equally into eastern and western halves. In 1965, Pench was designated as a sanctuary; in 1975, it was elevated to the status of a national park. And because it is home to a large number of tigers, it was designated a tiger reserve in 1992 and is now participating in

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