BonniE E clydE rosone / Canopy elemento componibile - Gruppo luce / modular element - lamp Component kit Ø 7 cm - foro installazione Ø 2.7 in - installation hole bonnie clyde 5.8 cm2.3 in 5.9 cm2.3 in 4.5 cm2.1 in 5.5 cm2.1 in 1.8 cm0.7 in LBN01-- LCL01-- 8.3 cm3.3 in 13 cm5.1 in 10 cm3.9 in Parti metalliche verniciato grigio / Parti metalliche verniciato grigio / LGR0001 grigio / grey LGR0006 grigio / grey LGR0011 grigio / grey grey painted metal parts. grey painted metal parts. LGR0002 bianco / white LGR0016 bianco / white LGR0012 bianco / white 1xE27 70W HS 1xE27 70W HS 130 cm h totale / 51,2 in total h 130 cm h totale / 51,2 in total h Rosone per sospensione 1 luce / Rosone per sospensione 1 luce / Rosone a incasso per sospensione 1 luce - canopy for hanging lamp 1 light canopy for hanging lamp 1 light installazione su cartongesso / 130 cm51.2 in 130 cm51.2 in recessed canopy for hanging lamp 1 light - installation on plasterboard 25 cm9.8 in 27.5 cm10.8 in Ø 18 cm LGR0004 grigio / grey LGR0005 grigio / grey Ø 7.1 in LGR0014 bianco / white LGR0015 bianco / white Ø 27.5 cm Ø 23 cm Ø 10.8 in Ø 9 in 5 cm Rosone per sospensione 2 luci con 2 ganci / Rosone per sospensione 5 luci con 5 ganci / 1.9 in canopy for hanging lamp 2 lights with 2 hooks canopy for hanging lamp 5 lights with 5 hooks LGR0003 grigio / grey LGR0008 grigio / grey LBN11-- LCL11-- LGR0013 bianco / white LGR0018 bianco / white Parti metalliche verniciato grigio / Parti metalliche verniciato grigio / Rosone per sospensione 3 luci con 3 ganci / Rosone per sospensione 8 luci con 8 ganci / grey painted metal parts. grey painted metal parts. ( ... ) canopy for hanging lamp 3 lights with 3 hooks canopy for hanging lamp 8 lights with 8 hooks 1xE27 70W HS 1xE27 70W HS 300 cm h totale / 118.1 in total h 300 cm h totale / 118.1 in total h 300 cm118.1 in 300 cm118.1 in 3.5 cm1.4 in 3.5 cm1.4 in 13 in 13 in Ø 33 cmØ Ø 33 cmØ 25 cm9.8 in 27.5 cm10.8 in Esempio installazione Ø 27.5 cm Ø 23 cm LGR0023 grigio / grey LGR0025 grigio / grey rosone rotondo (vetri Ø 10.8 in Ø 9 in LGR0033 bianco / white LGR0035 bianco / white con cavo min. 3 m) / example of installation Rosone per sospensione 3 Rosone per sospensione 5 with round canopy (glass luci / canopy for hanging luci / canopy for hanging with cable min. 118,1 in) LBN21-- LCL21-- lamp 3 lights lamp 5 lights Parti metalliche verniciato grigio / Parti metalliche verniciato grigio / grey painted metal parts. grey painted metal parts. Ø 90 cm Ø 170 cm 1xE27 70W HS 1xE27 70W HS Ø 35.4 in Ø 66.9 in 500 cm h totale / 196.8 in total 500 cm h totale / 196.8 in total 1 in 1 in 2.5 cm 2.5 cm 500 cm196.8 in 500 cm196.8 in 5 cm1.9 in 5 cm1.9 in LGR0043 grigio / grey LGR0045 grigio / grey 25 cm9.8 in 27.5 cm10.8 in LGR0053 bianco / white LGR0055 bianco / white Esempio installazione rosone Ø 27.5 cm Ø 23 cm Rosone per sospensione 3 luci / Rosone per sospensione 5 luci / rettangolare (vetri con cavo canopy for hanging lamp 3 lights canopy for hanging lamp 5 lights min. 3m) / example of installation Ø 10.8 in Ø 9 in with rectangular canopy (glass with cable min. 118,1) 01 04 05 09 20 21 22 23 24 Esempio acceso - spento Vetro trasparente / Vetro ambra / Vetro ametista / Vetro fumé / Vetro bluino / Vetro Vetro Vetro Vetro versioni vetro metallizzato / clear glass amber glass amethyst glass grey glass light blue glass metallizzato metallizzato metallizzato metallizzato example on - off metallic argento / metallic oro antico / bronzo / metallic oro rosa / metallic glass version silver glass metallic antique bronze glass pink gold glass gold glass Collezione personalizzabile per dimensioni, forme e colori / the collection can be customized in sizes, shapes and colours ZAFFERANO 22 23 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS