We proudly present the second edition of our Quintiesse collection. Quintiesse is the new updated branding for what was previously known as Quintessentiale. The Quintiesse brand aims to bring lighting products to market with unique and memorable design, to create impact wherever they are used. Driven by our passion for creative design, special attention to construction detail and eye-catching lifestyle photography, we aim to inspire you and your clients to choose and use these wonderful fittings in this Quintiesse Collection. CONTENTS Interior Lighting p6 - 197 Retro Modern p8 - 87 Artistic p88 - 133 Transitional p134 - 197 Kitchen Lighting p198 - 235 Portable Lighting p236 - 267 Bathroom Lighting p268 - 325 Lighting for Outdoor Living p326 - 385 Visual Index p386 - 399 A-Z Index p400 - 401 Contact Us p402 QUINTIESSE.COM 3

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