Modular cabinet ”ie eleents three colours: ix it your on ay! These intage ‚anish inspired odular cainets are designed for you to a‘e the setup you loe! The odular draer cainet ith its organically shaped handles reathes the •0s and “0s hile the odular sideoard adds any ays to ix into a cainet ith intage ies €ix the fie eleents your ay atching your hoe your taste your ie! Create your on intage stateent piece y choosing three different colours or y delierately choosing one shade and different eleents With no ‚OR THI ET ‡P €O‡ NEE † ELEƒENT AN 2 LE liits in idth and ax three eleents high any setup can e ade! eleent ™ « eleent ž « eleent C ƒKA1… ƒKA1…0 ƒKA1… ƒKA1… ‹ ƒKA1…1 ƒKA1…‹ ƒO‡LAR CAINET– LACK– HELVIN ELEƒENT A ƒO‡LAR CAINET– LACK– RAŠER ELEƒENT ƒKA1… ƒKA1… ‹ 100xœ0xœ“c § aailale in œ colours 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours /NEW /NEW ‚OR THI ET ‡P €O‡ NEE † ELEƒENT AN LE eleent C « eleent ™ « eleent Ž ƒKA1… ‘ ƒKA1…2 ƒKA1…‘ ƒKA1… ƒKA1…† ƒKA1… ƒKA1… … ƒKA1… ƒKA1…… ƒKA1…‹‹ ƒO‡LAR CAINET– NAT‡RAL– RAŠER ELEƒENT C ƒO‡LAR CAINET– NAT‡RAL– RAŠER ELEƒENT ƒO‡LAR CAINET– AN– RAŠER ELEƒENT E ƒETAL LE ‚OR ƒO‡LAR CAINET ƒKA1…2 ƒKA1…† ƒKA1…… ƒKA1…‹‹ 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours xœ0x1›c /NEW /NEW /NEW /NEW œ0 œ1