Modular cabinet ”ie eleents three colours: ix it your on ay! These intage ‚anish inspired odular cainets are designed for you to a‘e the setup you loe! The odular draer cainet ith its organically shaped handles reathes the •0s and “0s hile the odular sideoard adds any ays to ix into a cainet ith intage ies €ix the fie eleents your ay atching your hoe your taste your ie! Create your on intage stateent piece y choosing three different colours or y delierately choosing one shade and different eleents With no ‚OR THI ET ‡P €O‡ NEE † ELEƒENT AN 2 LE liits in idth and ax three eleents high any setup can e ade! eleent ™ « eleent ž « eleent C ƒKA1…  ƒKA1…0 ƒKA1… ƒKA1… ‹ ƒKA1…1 ƒKA1…‹ ƒO‡LAR CA­INET– ­LACK– HELVIN ELEƒENT A ƒO‡LAR CA­INET– ­LACK– RAŠER ELEƒENT ­ ƒKA1…  ƒKA1… ‹ 100xœ0xœ“c § aailale in œ colours 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours /NEW /NEW ‚OR THI ET ‡P €O‡ NEE † ELEƒENT AN LE eleent C « eleent ™ « eleent Ž ƒKA1… ‘ ƒKA1…2 ƒKA1…‘ ƒKA1…  ƒKA1…† ƒKA1… ƒKA1… … ƒKA1… ƒKA1…… ƒKA1…‹‹ ƒO‡LAR CA­INET– NAT‡RAL– RAŠER ELEƒENT C ƒO‡LAR CA­INET– NAT‡RAL– RAŠER ELEƒENT  ƒO‡LAR CA­INET– AN– RAŠER ELEƒENT E ƒETAL LE ‚OR ƒO‡LAR CA­INET ƒKA1…2 ƒKA1…† ƒKA1…… ƒKA1…‹‹ 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours 100xœ0xœ“c§ aailale in œ colours ­xœ0x1›c /NEW /NEW /NEW /NEW œ0 œ1

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