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allery ceraŒicŽ allery ceraŒicŽ allery ceraŒicŽ CO‚‚EE C‡P €ELLOŠ/LILAC OVAL IE PLATE PINK/N‡E ­OŠL ­L‡E/PEACH ACE‹‘ ACE‹‘0 ACE‹2‹ 10•x’x••c 2œ•x1›•x1c 12x12x“c allery ceraŒicŽ allery ceraŒicŽ allery ceraŒicŽ CO‚‚EE ƒ‡ LILAC/€ELLOŠ RO‡N IE PLATE ƒINT/N‡E OVAL INNER PLATE REEN/LILAC ACE‹2 ACE‹‘2 ACE‹‘‘… ­x­x’c 1’•x1’•x1c œœx20x1c RO‡N IE PLATE PINK/€ELLOŠ ACE‹‘† 1’•x1’•x1c allery ceraŒicŽ allery ceraŒicŽ allery ceraŒicŽ OVAL INNER PLATE’ PINK/LILAC TEA C‡P N‡E/LILAC OVAL IE PLATE PEACH ACE‹‘‘ ACE‹‘ ACE‹2 ‘A playful mix of organic shaped tableware in blush œœx20x1c 1›•x11x•c 2œ•x1›•x1c pinks with touches of blue hues and sunny yellow softness.’ 10

Katalog HK Living 2021 - Page 6 Katalog HK Living 2021 Page 5 Page 7