Katalog Estuliz 2021

50 YEARS: Estiluz has brought emotions to life through the art of light. Our collection continues to grow and we give you a taste of our news for 2021. S W UZ / NE TIL S E

NEWS 2021 (ENG) Our collection of lighting for homes and commercial spaces continues to grow, expanding our vocabulary of elegance and simplicity of form. This aesthetic quality allied with efficiency in the use of LED technology forms the essence of our brand. With this catalogue, we give you a taste of our (ESP) Nuestra gama de ilumi- news for 2021, an appetizer for what will follow. nación para el hogar y espacios comerciales sigue aumentando, ampliando así nuestro vocabulario de elegancia y simplicidad. Esta cualidad estética junto con la eficiencia en el uso de la tecnología LED forma la esencia de nuestra marca. Con este catálogo, mostramos algunas novedades para 2021, un avance de lo que está por llegar.

CYLS 4 studio ermelada E M

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urbban Passage by @raquelsogorb Hotel Y (ENG) A simple cylindrical shade is fixed to an extended arm and rotates to direct its light. The slender stem is balanced on a circular steel or a polished marble base. Add a polyester fiber shade and Cyls glows with warm and (ESP) La pantalla cilíndrica diffused light to romantically illumine the space. permite su rotación para dirigir la luz. El brazo extensible se equilibra sobre una base circular de acero o mármol pulido. Añadiendo una pantalla de poliéster, Cyls brillará con luz cálida y difusa iluminando románticamente cualquier espacio. Floor lamp 8 Cyls

CYLS p-3908 p-3908P LED or Fluor. up to 20W LED or Fluor. up to 20W E27 / 230V E27 / 230V On/Off cord switch On/Off cord switch White pearl translucent polyester shade p-3908M p-3908MP design LED or Fluor. up to 20W LED or Fluor. up to 20W E27 / 230V E27 / 230V On/Off cord switch On/Off cord switch Marble base White pearl translucent osacolet.interior polyester shade and marble base esidence by @r Private r Finish Finish 26 BLK 26 BLK 55 BG 55 BG Additional Additional We offer custom finishes, We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. for projects. Photographs may show Photographs may show non-standard products. non-standard products. Spec sheet 10 Cyls

(ENG) Scaled to sit atop a desk or side table, Cyls’ technic-inspired, minimalist (ESP) design makes it the perfect office partner. Con las proporciones perfectas para escritorio y un carácter técnico-decorativo, Cyls es la perfecta compa- ñera para una mesa de oficina. urbban Passage by @raquelsogorb Hotel Y Table lamp 12 Cyls

design osacolet.interior esidence by @r Private r (ENG) Pared to its essential volume, as a table lamp with its translucent shade, Cyls takes on a more sociable aspect. Without its shade Cyls provides a (ESP) La lámpara de so- dramatic up-light when positioned on floor or table. bremesa con pantalla translúcida adquiere un aspecto más acogedor. Sin la pantalla, Cyls proporciona una iluminación espectacular cuando se coloca en el suelo o encima de una mesa. Cyls 15 Table lamp

urbban Passage by @raquelsogorb Hotel Y (ENG) Reduced to its simplest forms, a cylinder on a disk, the smaller sconce spreads a wide fan of light to illuminate art, an alcove or architectural feature. (ESP) El aplique Cyls reducido a su forma más simple, un cilindro en un disco, proyecta un amplio haz de luz para iluminar una obra de arte, un detalle arquitectónico o simplemente una mesita de noche. Floor lamp 16 Cyls Cyls 17 Table lamp

CYLS M-3907 A-3900 LED or Fluor. up to 20W LED or Fluor. up to 20W E14 / 230V E14 / 230V On/Off cord switch Dimmable when using dim. Lamps Additional Additional We offer custom finishes, We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. for projects. Photographs may show Photographs may show non-standard products. non-standard products. M-3906P M-3906 LED or Fluor. up to 20W LED or Fluor. up to 20W E27 / 230V E27 / 230V On/Off cord switch On/Off cord switch White pearl translucent polyester shade Additional Additional Finish We offer custom finishes, We offer custom finishes, 26 BLK sizes, and alternate lamping sizes, and alternate lamping 55 BG for projects. for projects. Photographs may show Photographs may show non-standard products. non-standard products. Spec sheet 18 Cyls

urbban Passage by @raquelsogorb Hotel Y (ENG) Suspended, Cyls directs its light to any chosen area. Add a translucent (ESP) shade to create elegant, softer lighting for seating or dining areas. Cyls de suspensión ilumina cualquier área. Añadiendo una pantalla translúcida se consigue una iluminación más suave y elegante para las zonas de descanso o el comedor. Suspension 20 Cyls

Katalog Estuliz 2021 - Page 12

CYLS T-3905 T-3905P LED or Fluor. up to 20W LED or Fluor. up to 20W E27 / 230V E27 / 230V Dimmable when Dimmable when using dim. Lamps using dim. Lamps White pearl translucent polyester shade Finish Finish 26 BLK 26 BLK 55 BG 55 BG Additional Additional We offer custom finishes, We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. for projects. Photographs may show Photographs may show non-standard products. non-standard products. design osacolet.interior esidence by @r Private r Spec sheet 24 Cyls

GADA 26 ominicis Studio ti deD o B

(ENG) Suspended above work or social spaces, Gada possesses perfect balance. On the level, symmetry is satisfied. Tilted, it shows a playful side while keeping its efficiency. A palette of finishes and textures for the shade allows (ESP) this minimalist light to adapt to its surroundings. Suspendida en espa- cios de trabajo o reunión, Gada posee un equilibrio perfecto. En posición horizontal proporciona una bonita simetría e inclinada muestra su faceta más informal sin perder su funcionalidad. Una paleta de acabados y vinilos texturizados permiten que esta lámpara minimalista se adapte a su entorno. Gada 29 Suspension

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GADA T-3924S T-3924R LED 15,5W LED 15,5W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI 500mAh ) 230V / Typ* 1917 lumens 500mAh ) 230V / Typ* 1917 lumens Non Dimmable Non Dimmable T-3925S T-3925R LED 21,5W LED 21,5W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI 700mAh ) 230V / Typ* 2450 lumens 700mAh ) 230V / Typ* 2450 lumens Non Dimmable Non Dimmable Additional Finish We offer custom finishes, 50 MM (Marble textured vinyl) sizes, and alternate lamping 51 CT (Concrete textured vinyl) for projects. Photographs may show 52 WD (Wood textured vinyl) non-standard products. 74 WH (white metal) Spec sheet 32 Gada

urbban Passage by @raquelsogorb 34 & 35 Hotel Y rafalgar by @raquelsogorb urbban T 26,27, 30 & 31 Hotel Y (ENG) The simplicity of its aspect also makes Gada a sophisticated desk or table lamp. Its intense illumination provides glare-free, comfortable light. (ESP) La sencillez de su diseño convierte a Gada en una sofisticada lámpara de sobremesa con mucha personalidad y proporciona una luz confortable que ilumina sin deslumbrar. Table lamp 34 Gada

urbban Passage by @raquelsogorb Hotel Y (ENG) Gada lends itself perfectly to wall sconces, casting a penumbra of light effortlessly and efficiently. Signage can be seamlessly incorporated into the design, with custom perforations for easy-to-read directions and informa- (ESP) tion. Gada se integra perfectamente como aplique, proyectando su luz elegantemente a la pared. Su diseño permite incorporar señalización con información personalizada y fácil de leer. Wall light 36 Gada

GADA A-3921 LED 15,5W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI 500mAh ) 230V / Typ* 1917 lumens Non Dimmable Additional We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. Photographs may show non-standard products. M-3927 LED 15,5W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI 500mAh ) 230V / Typ* 1917 lumens Non Dimmable Additional We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. Photographs may show non-standard products. Finish 50 MM (Marble textured vinyl) 51 CT (Concrete textured vinyl) 52 WD (Wood textured vinyl) 74 WH (white metal) Spec sheet 38 Gada

MORSE 40 entment par A

(ENG) Morse offers multifunctional minimalism. Light segments rotate in- dependently along the slender dash of rail to permit direct and indirect (ESP) illumination. Morse ofrece un minimalismo multifuncional en el que los segmentos de luz giran de forma independiente a lo largo de la estilizada estructura y permiten la iluminación directa e indirecta. MORSE T-3915S LED 3x6,1W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI 350mAh ) 230V / Typ* 3x565 lumens Dimmable Triac design T-3915R osacolet.interior LED 3x6,1W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI esidence by @r 350mAh ) 230V / Typ* 3x565 lumens Dimmable Triac Private r Additional We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. Photographs may show non-standard products. Finish 26 BLK Spec sheet 42 Morse

ALFI 44 studi{H}ac E

(ENG) Indirect, dimmable light sculpture is suspended overhead with magical effect. Alfi shows its versatility as a galaxy of orbs or a single planetary light. (ESP) Una esbelta escultura de luz indirecta crea un efecto mágico y proporciona una iluminación suave. Alfi muestra su versatilidad pudiendo integrarse de forma individual en un espacio íntimo o formando grandes composiciones como si de lluvia se tratara. 44 & 45 / HasHotel by @uaucollectiv Alfi 47 Suspension

ALFI T-3744AS T-3744AR LED 3W LED 3W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI / 24V ) ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI / 24V ) 100V-240V / Typ* 300 lumens 220V - 240V / Typ* 300 lumens Non Dimmable Dimmable Triac Glass shade with cap Glass shade with cap design T-3744S T-3744R LED 3W LED 3W osacolet.interior ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI / 24V ) ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI / 24V ) 100V - 240V / Typ* 300 lumens 220V-240V / Typ* 300 lumens Non Dimmable Dimmable Triac Plain glass shade Plain glass shade esidence by @r Private r Finishes Additional 26 BLK We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. 20 GLD M Contract option minimum quantity required. Photographs may show non-standard products. Spec sheet 48 Alfi

ALFI A-3740AS / t-3740AS LED 3W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI / 24V ) 100V - 240V / Typ* 300 lumens Non dimmable Glass shade with cap Finishes 26 BLK 20 GLD M A-3740A1S / t-3740A1S LED 3W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI / 24V ) 100V - 240V / Typ* 300 lumens Non dimmable Glass shade with cap at 45º Finishes 26 BLK 20 GLD M A-3740S / t-3740S LED 3W ( 2700K / Ang.120º / >90CRI / 24V ) 100V - 240V / Typ* 300 lumens Non dimmable Plain glass shade Finishes 26 BLK 20 GLD M Additional We offer custom finishes, sizes, and alternate lamping for projects. Contract option minimum quantity required. Photographs may show non-standard products. Spec sheet 50 Alfi

FLOWER POT (ENG) Greenery adds life to interiors and light brings life to plants: Flower Pot is the perfect pairing of plants with the light they need. Incorporate living or artificial plants with suspended light fixtures, either as a circular planter for large chandeliers or with individual globes that can be used singly or (ESP) in clusters. El verde da vida a los interiores y la luz da vida a las plantas: Flower Pot es la combinación perfecta para incorporar plantas vivas o artificiales a tus lámparas de suspensión: una jardinera circular para suspensiones grandes o macetas pequeñas que se pueden usar individual- mente o en grupos. Suspension 52 Flower pot

ces by @ynterium erra Dominicata by @blackvelvetstudio_bcn 55 / Catena Abogados offi 54 / Hotel T (ENG) Single globes (left), easily accessed for care and maintenance, are perfect for living plants, while we’ve filled the large planter ring (above) with natu- (ESP) ral-looking artificial plants. La jardinera (ver foto superior) se puede ad- quirir con o sin nuestra selección de plantas artificiales de aspecto muy real, mientras que la maceta de polietileno (ver foto izquierda) está pensada para incorporar tus plantas naturales preferidas. Flower pot 55 Suspension

FLOWER POT FLOWER POT PLANTER Flower pot KIT for greenery in black Planter KIT for artificial greenery. anthracite polyethylene. Plants not included. Waterproof / Maximum 1,5kg. Not waterproof / Maximum 30kg. Plants not included. e chitectur The Melody House by @alon_cohen_ar PLANTER Planter KIT with artificial greenery included. Not waterproof Suspension 56 Flower Pot

SYMBOLS / SÍMBOLOS FINISHES / ACABADOS (ENG) TECHNICAL Products manufactured according to the European 20 GLD M 24 Carat gold / Oro 24q safety and electromagnetic standards (EN 60598-1 and 26 BLK Black matt / Negro mate (ESP) EN 60598-2-1). Productos fabricados acorde con las directrices de seguridad y emisiones electromagnéticas 50 MM Marble textured vinyl / según la legislación europea aplicable (EN 60598-1 y EN Vinilo texturizado Mármol 60598-2-1). (ENG) 51 CT Concrete textured vinyl This product has passed successfully the test of the / Vinilo texturizado Hormigón glow wire test at this temperature (standards NF C 20-455 FEATURES (ESP) 52 WD Wood textured vinyl / and EN-60-598-1). Productos que han superado con Vinilo texturizado Madera éxito el ensayo de hilo incandescente a la temperatura indicada (normas NF C 20-455 y EN-60-598-1). 55 BG Beige / Beige (ENG) Product protected against the penetration of solid 74 WH White satin, RAL 9002 / bodies equal or bigger than 12 mm and against the access Blanco lacado satinado, RAL 9002 with a finger. No protection to the water (standard NF C (ESP) 20 010). Producto protegido contra la penetración de cuerpos sólidos de diámetro superior o igual a 12 mm. No accesible con los dedos. Sin protección al agua (norma NF C 20 010). COMMENTS / OBSERVACIONES (ENG) Basic insulation with earth wire (products class I). (ESP) Aislamiento básico con toma de tierra (productos de clase I). (ENG) All ESTILUZ, S.A. products are designed and manufactured to Reinforced or double insulation, without earth wire keep customers satisfied, consequently please note the following: (ESP) (products class II). Aislamiento reforzado o doble, sin toma de tierra (productos de clase II). 1. Due to the high quality of our finishes, we recommend using a soft dry polish cloth for cleaning, avoiding the use of special cleaning products that could damage the finish. MODIFICATIONS / MODIFICACIONES 2. Do not use lamps of a higher power than indicated. 3. All models are patent protected. (ENG) Estiluz reserves the right to modify 4. Conformity Certificates and technical information of our or discontinue, without previous notice, products are available upon request. products in the catalog. Please check our web for current product availability and Los productos de ESTILUZ, S.A han sido diseñados y fabricados para satisfacer al máximo a nuestros clientes, debiendo por ello specifications. Lumens on LED's indicate informarles de: the lumen output without diffuser. 1. Dada la alta calidad de nuestros acabados, aconsejamos (ESP) efectuar la limpieza exclusivamente con una gamuza seca, Estiluz se reserva el derecho a modi- evitando el uso de productos especiales que podrían dañar ficar o anular, sin previo aviso, productos la superficie. de este catálogo. Por favor visite nuestra 2. No deberán utilizarse bombillas de potencia superior web para conocer los productos y especifi- a la indicada. caciones actuales. Los lúmenes indicados 3. Modelos protegidos por el Registro de la Propiedad Industrial. son de salida, sin difusor. 4. Certificados de Conformidad e información técnica de nuestros productos disponibles bajo consulta. DATOS TÉCNICOS Estiluz 59 Technical features

ESTILUZ (Headquarters) / Carretera d’Ogassa s/n E-17860 St Joan de les Abadesses (Girona) Spain T + 34 972 720 125 / F + 34 972 720 796 / [email protected] ESTILUZ Inc. USA & CANADA / 330 West 38th St. Suite 710 New York, NY 10018 USA / T +1 (646) 454 - 1285 F + 1 (646) 454 - 1799 / [email protected] www.estiluz.com This catalog has been designed by Tactica. www.tactica.barcelona / Photography by Jordi Anguera and Starp Estudi. Thanks for their product collaboration: Barcelona Rugs, BD Barcelona, Grassoler, Nomon, Now Carpets, Ondarreta, Silleria Vergés / Estiluz March 2021.

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