ESTILUZ (Headquarters) / Carretera d’Ogassa s/n E-17860 St Joan de les Abadesses (Girona) Spain T + 34 972 720 125 / F + 34 972 720 796 / [email protected] ESTILUZ Inc. USA & CANADA / 330 West 38th St. Suite 710 New York, NY 10018 USA / T +1 (646) 454 - 1285 F + 1 (646) 454 - 1799 / [email protected] This catalog has been designed by Tactica. / Photography by Jordi Anguera and Starp Estudi. Virtual Photography by Estudi Cread / Consulting by Mireia Cervera Interiors & Contract and Maria Algara photography. Thanks for their collaboration: Arlex design, BD Barcelona, Casadesús, Gandía Blasco, Grassoler, Joquer, Mobles 114, Nani Marquina, Nomon, Now Carpets, Barcelona Rugs, Vergés Design, Ondarreta, Sampere and Sancal / Estiluz June 2022.