7608 7937 7141 rio pella finish code lamp watt K CRI lumens efficacy input IP class 125 plaster 7936 LED 5.7W 2700 80 196 34 mains 230V 20 - % 210 plaster 7937 LED 5.8W 2700 80 195 33 mains 230V 20 - % finish code lamp watt K CRI lumens efficacy input IP class 190 plaster 7173 LED 14.6W 3000 80 1228 84 mains 230V 20 1-10V % 190 plaster 7609 LED 14.6W 2700 80 1365 90 mains 230V 20 1-10V % 190 plaster 8054 LED 16.6W 2700 80 1637 98 mains 230V 20 phase % 325 plaster 7172 LED 14.7W 3000 80 1198 80 mains 230V 20 1-10V % 325 plaster 7608 LED 14.7W 2700 80 1133 75 mains 230V 20 1-10V % 325 plaster 8053 LED 16.4W 2700 80 1550 94 mains 230V 20 phase % finish code lamp watt K CRI lumens efficacy input IP class 190 plaster 7141 GU10 LED / 2 x 6W max - - - - - 20 % - 325 plaster 7140 E27 LED / 12W max - - - - - 20 % - 125 / 210 190 / 325 190 / 325 / Lamp / input source not included and must be ordered separately. For driver compatibility and number of fixtures please visit: astrolighting.com 325 325 180 190 79 85 pella 190 pella 325 available finish: plaster available finish: plaster can be painted 210 125 55 rio 125 210 125 55 rio 210 rio 190 190 325 55 rio 325 180 325 55 0 DOWNLIGHTS 0 SPOTLIGHTS 0 WALL LIGHTS 81 80 | CEILING LIGHTS | MARKER LIGHTS