55 BLACK BEZEL 1392013 80 BLACK BEZEL 1392014 100 BLACK BEZEL 1392015 ACCESSORIES 55 LAMP WAT T INPUT K CRI L m IP CLASS 1392004 Integral LED 6.8W 700mA / 2700 80 501 65 Ø70 % 25° % % 1392001 Integral LED 6.8W 700mA / 3000 80 525 65 Ø70 % 25° % % 1392017 1392018 GU10 LED / 6W max – – – – 65 Ø73 % – % – 80 1392002 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 3000 80 877 65 Ø95 % 25° % % 1392005 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 2700 80 863 65 Ø95 % 14° % % 1392006 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 2700 93 690 65 Ø95 % 14° % % 1392007 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 3000 80 888 65 Ø95 % 14° % % 1392008 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 3000 93 667 65 Ø95 % 14° % % 1392009 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 2700 93 611 65 Ø95 % 25° % % 1392010 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 3000 93 653 65 Ø95 % 25° % % 1392012 Integral LED 9.1W 250mA / 2700 80 840 65 Ø95 % 25° % % 1392019 1392016 GU10 LED / 6W max – – – – 65 Ø98 % – % – 100 1392003 Integral LED 12.7W 350mA / 3000 80 1230 65 Ø117 % 25° % % 1392011 Integral LED 12.7W 350mA / 2700 80 1219 65 Ø117 % 25° % % VOID MW MB Ø55 163 VOID 55 LED 177 Ø80 VOID 80 LED VOID 100 LED 190 Ø100 VOID 80 GU10 Ø80 163 Our fire rated downlights comply with all the latest building regulations: Part B - Fire Safety. The downlights have been tested to provide a minimum of 90 minutes fire protection (BS 476: part 21). Ø55 VOID 55 GU10 163 / LAMP OR DRIVER EXCLUDED, SEE PAGE 683. La lampe / driver exclu, voir page 683. La lampadina /driver esclusi a pagina 683. Das Leuchtmittel / treiber ist ausgeschlossen, sie auf Seite 683. INTERIOR LIGHTING 503 DOWNLIGHT

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