


COASTAL Planet earth is covered by more than 70% ocean, and has more than 620,000 miles of coastline. With a 3.5% content of salt in seawater, and with coastlines often accompanied by extreme temperatures, sun and high winds, it is no surprise that coastal damage due to saline conditions is one of the major outdoor lighting challenges in such locations. This Coastal range delivers solutions that use materials with this very much in mind. Robust, rust resistant and UV stable to resist the harshest of climates, these fittings combine technical competence with design, style and variety. OUTDOOR LIVING For the first time, we have brought together a series of dedicated products for outdoor living spaces, aimed to enhance and bring the indoors outside. More and more people, whether at home or in a hotel, bar or restaurant, enjoy being outdoors to eat, relax and spend social time together. Our Outdoor Living models offer new lighting options such as Outdoor Chandeliers to bring new life to these locations. This edition is an updated reprint of the 2019 collection with some additional back catalogue favourites, as well as new 2020 introductions. An updated Master Collection will be published later in 2021. Welcome to our latest and most comprehensive ever collection of exterior lighting. This catalogue brings together almost 500 great options to help bring light effectively and attractively to the outdoors. Good and effective outdoor lighting plays an important role in today’s marketplace, accenting property appearance, assisting with security and enhancing outdoor living spaces. We have also placed considerable emphasis on the uniqueness of the designs, the versatility of their use along with performance and quality of the product to ensure this is the catalogue of choice when requiring outdoor lighting solutions. Amongst some of the highlights, this catalogue features a section dedicated to Outdoor Living space with lighting options including IP44 rated outdoor chandeliers as well as an industry leading Coastal Collection that brings style and design to locations facing the harshest of conditions.

LITEC LED LAMPS The majority of our outdoor fittings use E27 or E14 lamp-holders, which makes them suitable to use retrofit LED lamps. The Litec range offers an LED lamp solution for every such fitting in this catalogue. Using the latest LED filament technology, these energy efficient lamps offer good lumen output, look stylish with their retro vintage influences, yet run at a cool temperature and have a 25,000 hour life expectancy. See the range on p218-219 SAFETY AND COMPLIANCE Safety is paramount with all lighting, and especially when used outdoors. All of the products within this catalogue are manufactured to be safe and fit for their intended purposes. All products are CE compliant and are fully inspected and tested for electrical safety and function. They are all constructed to EN60-598 standards and are all IP rated to ensure suitable protection against the ingress of water. The company is also ISO9001:2015 certified by BSI for our UK headquarters and by SGS for our Polish subsidiary to further show commitment and competence in the manufacturing and supply of safe and reliable product. OUR AMERICAN PARTNERS We share our passion for design with our American partners who put their heart and soul into creating light fittings to excite and inspire. They too employ great energy and commitment to bring truly original design to their customers. Elstead Lighting is very proud to have strategic partnerships with Hinkley, Quoizel, Feiss and Kichler to manufacture under licence and distribute many of their products to the 220V-240V markets.

CONTENTS Outdoor Living p22 A merican Traditional p66 C oastal Collection p138 L andscape p200 LED Lamps p218 Mo dern p180 C ountry Traditional p110 Transitional p32 Visual Index p6-21 T echnical Advice p220 A- Z Index p222

6 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR WALL BALTIMORE Weathered Bronze p102-103 BALMORAL Old Bronze p130 CANTERBURY Black p119 BATON ROUGE Walnut p98-99 CAPE COD Sienna Bronze p178 BINGHAM Sienna p174-175 BRIGHTON Sienna p176 BYRON Imperial Bronze p62 BURFORD Black p132 BRUGES Stainless Steel p187 CHAPEL Black p120-121 CHAPEL Black p121 BEACON SQUARE Olde Bronze or White p146-147 BEDFORD Mystic Black p159 BAY SHORE Polished Brass p76 BRIDGE POINT Weathered Zinc p48 BROMLEY Oil Rubbed Bronze p63 ARGYLE Weathered Zinc p129 CARSON Vintage Iron p24-25 ASHLAND BAY Weathered Zinc p47 BENNIE Brushed Steel or Bronze p38 BOYNTON Brushed Steel p150-151 AGNER Graphite p191 ADMIRAL’S COVE Textured Black p142 ANO Graphite p199

7 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM CHEDWORTH Old Bronze p128 CHELSEA HARBOR Storm Cloud p52 CLEARPOINT Brushed Aluminum p44 CHICAGO Rusty Bronze Patina p108-109 COPENHAGEN Black p185 COPENHAGEN Silver p184 CORTLAND Imperial Bronze p128 VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR WALL EUSTON Old Bronze p129 FRANCEASI Olde Bronze p81 ENGLISH BRIDLE Black p92-94 ENGLISH BRIDLE British Bronze p95-97 CRUSADE Earth Black p148 DOWNING-STREET Aged Brass or Verdi p169 CRICKLADE Black/Gold p133 COTSWOLD LANE Black p84-87 DUNGARVAN Black p135, 162 ENZO Autumn p80 FEDERAL Gilded Bronze p155 EGIL Graphite p199 FRIDA Graphite p197 FREYR Graphite p196 FREYR Graphite p196 E LVA Graphite p190 GLENVIEW Antique Bronze p60 GLENBEIGH Black p160

8 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM HYTHE Old Bronze p131 HYDE PARK Aged Brass p169 KENDAL Old Bronze p130 KENT Black p132 VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR WALL KERRY Black p161 KERRY Black p161 KINSALE Black p162 KINSALE Black p162 HELSINKI Stainless Steel p187 HEREFORD Black p126 HEREFORD Black p127 HOLBORN Chrome or Dark Bronze p173 HOLBORN Chrome or Dark Bronze p173 HIGHNAM Weathered Bronze p133 HORNBAEK Black p186 HORNBAEK Black p186 HELSINGOR Black or Silver p137, 184-185 HALLERON Londonderry p71 HODGES Ash Black p140-141 INGLENOOK Valiant Bronze p77 INGRID Graphite p190 JANNIK LED Dark Grey p135, 193 GRAMPIAN Black p125 KASPER Graphite p196 GOLDENROD Western Bronze p39

9 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM KLAMPENBORG Black or Silver p183 KOLNE Stainless Steel p187 LAMBETH-PALACE Aged Brass p168 LAMBETH-PALACE Verdi p168 LIVINGSTON Imperial Bronze p149 LIGHTHOUSE Brushed Steel p49 LONDONTOWNE Weathered Chestnut p154-155 LEDBURY Black p134 LUVERNE Oil Rubbed Bronze p100 LUNA Satin Black or Titanium p189 LUNA Satin Black or Titanium p188-189 MALVERN Black p135 MANHATTAN Oil Rubbed Bronze p57 MANSION HOUSE Aged Brass or P. Nickel p164 MANSION HOUSE Aged Brass, PN or Verdi p165 MARBLEHEAD Palladian Bronze or White p152 MATLOCK Old Bronze p131 MARINE Western Bronze p45 MARINA Silver p53 VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR WALL LYNDON B. Aluminium or Bronze p43-44 MAGNUS Dark Grey p135, 194 LINA Graphite p196 MERRILL Heritage Bronze p64 MINERS Old Bronze p131 MEDSTEAD Black p134, 136

10 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR WALL RANDOLPH Autumn p133 OLD BAILEY Aged Brass p167 POLRUAN Black p128 QUINCY Oil Rubbed Bronze p54-55 RANDHURST Copper Oxide p143 PHILADELPHIA Old Bronze p104-106 PARISH Black p122-123 PARISH Black p123 PETTIFORD Olde Bronze p61 POOLE 316 Stainless Steel & Teak p179 PROVINCE Mystic Black p128 PEDIMENT Dark Aged Copper p130 NORFOLK Black p113 NEWPORT Bronze or Brushed Steel p144 NORFOLK Black p112, 136 NEWBURY (EL) Black p134 RAVINE Western Bronze p40-41 NEW ENGLAND Weathered Bronze p107 NEWBURY (QZ) Polished Brass p75 MONTREAL Aged Iron p82-83 NEWBURY (QZ) Aged Copper p73 OAKMONT Patina Bronze p72 REDDING STATION Restoration Bronze p65 REEF Hematite p50-51 MONTAUK Sienna p177

11 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM REGENTS PARK Verdi p168 REGENTS PARK Aged Brass p168 SHEPHERD Dark Weathered Zinc p156-157 SOUTH HOPE Oil Rubbed Bronze p33, 56 SPRINGFIELD Distressed Black p118 ROSCOE Textured Black p158 SOREL Architectural Bronze p192-193 SECURITY LANTERNS Various p136-137 SANDOWN Black p132 SHANNON Black p162 SHELDON Aged Brass or Verdi p170 SHELDON Antique Nickel p170 SHIPSTON Black p132 SOMERTON Aged Brass or Verdi p172 VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR WALL REEF Victorian Bronze p50-51 REGENT COURT Walnut p101 ROYAL MARINE Distressed Black p34-35 RIVERWOOD Weathered Zinc p36-37 ST. JAMES Aged Brass p169 ST. JAMES Verdi p169 SIGMUND Graphite p137, 195 ST. LOUIS Weathered Bronze p107 ST. MARTINS Aged Brass or Verdi p166 ST. MARTINS Antique Nickel p166 ST. PAULS Aged Brass p169

12 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM WESTMINSTER Aged Brass or Antique Nickel p167 UP/DOWN WALL LIGHTS Various p135 WEXFORD Black/Silver p114-115, 136 WEXFORD Black/Silver p114 WALKER Buckeye Bronze p58-59 WELLFLEET Aged Bronze p155 WILMSLOW Black p124 WINCHESTER Black p117 WINCHESTER Black p117 WINCHCOMBE Black/Silver p132 YORK Black p116 YORK Black p116 VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR WALL VICTORIA Aged Brass or Verdi p168 WABASH Mocha p133 TOURNAI Londonderry p88-91 TRELLIS Regency Bronze p67-68 VENETIAN RAIN Brushed Bronze p78-79 VENETIAN RAIN Brushed Bronze p79 TANGIER Olde Bronze P69 VANDALIA Textured Black P42 TORSTEN Graphite p194 SVEN Graphite p198 SVEN Graphite p198 SURI Textured Black p145 STOW Old Bronze p130

13 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR CHAIN ASHLANDBAY Weathered Zinc p29, 46 ASHLANDBAY Weathered Zinc p29, 47 BEACON SQUARE White or Olde Bronze p146-147 BEDFORD Mystic Black p159 BRIDGE POINT Weathered Zinc p48 CARSON Vintage Iron p24-25 BALTIMORE Weathered Bronze p102-103 BATON ROUGE Walnut p99 CANTERBURY Black p119 CAPE COD Sienna Bronze p178 BRIGHTON Sienna p176 CHICAGO Rusty Bronze Patina p108 CHELSEA HARBOR Storm Cloud p52 COTSWOLD LANE Black p86-87 ENZO Autumn p80 ENGLISH BRIDLE Black or Bronze p93-97 CRUSADE Earth Black p148 GLENBEIGH Black p160 HALLERON Londonderry p27, 70-71 HEREFORD Black p126 HEREFORD Black p127 BOYNTON Brushed Steel p151 GOLDENROD Western Bronze p39 KERRY Black p161 KINSALE Black p162

14 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR CHAIN KLAMPENBORG Black p183 KLAMPENBORG Silver p182-183 LIGHTHOUSE Brushed Steel p49 LYNDON Architectural Bronze p28-29, 43 LYNDON B. Aluminium or Bronze p43-44 LUVERNE Oil Rubbed Bronze p100 MANHATTAN Oil Rubbed Bronze p57 MANSION HOUSE Aged Brass or Pol. Nickel p164 NEWBURY (QZ) Polished Brass p74-75 MERRILL Heritage Bronze p64 MINERS Old Bronze p131 MONTAUK Sienna p177 MONTREAL Aged Iron p83 MARINE Western Bronze p45 QUINCY Oil Rubbed Bronze p55 PHILADELPHIA Old Bronze p106 NORFOLK Black p112 REDDING STATION Restoration Bronze p65 REEF Hematite or Victorian Bronze p50 OAKMONT Patina Bronze p72 NEWBURY (QZ) Aged Copper p73 RAVINE Western Bronze p41 SHANNON Black p162 SHELDON 3 finishes p171 RIVERWOOD Weathered Zinc p37

15 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM SOMERTON Aged Brass or Verdi p172 SHEPHERD Dark Weathered Zinc p157 SOUTH HOPE Oil Rubbed Bronze p56 VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR CEILING FEDERAL Gilded Bronze p155 FAIRFORD Old Bronze p132 CAPE COD Sienna Bronze p178 BEACON SQUARE White or Olde Bronze p146-147 CHAPEL Black p121 CHELSEA HARBOR Storm Cloud p52 CORTLAND Imperial Bronze p128 ASHLANDBAY Weathered Zinc p46 BATON ROUGE Walnut p99 COTSWOLD LANE Black p85 TANGIER Olde Bronze p69 TOURNAI Londonderry p88-89 VANDALIA Textured Black p26-27, 42 WEXFORD Black/Silver p114 VENETIAN RAIN Brushed Bronze p79 WINCHESTER Black p117 YORK Black p116 VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR CHAIN

16 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR CEILING TOURNAI Londonderry p90 SURI Textured Black p145 VENETIAN RAIN Brushed Bronze p79 WINCHESTER Black p117 YORK Black p116 SHEPHERD Dark Weathered Zinc p157 REGENT COURT Walnut p101 LIGHTHOUSE Brushed Steel p49 MARINA Silver p53 NEW ENGLAND Weathered Bronze p107 HALLERON Londonderry p71 PARISH Black p122 GLENBEIGH Black p160 HEREFORD Black p126 HEREFORD Black p127 KERRY Black p161 KINSALE Black p162 MERRILL Heritage Bronze p64 NEWBURY (QZ) Aged Copper p73 NEWBURY (QZ) Polished Brass p74 INGRID Graphite p190 MARBLEHEAD Palladian Bronze or White p152 INGLENOOK Valiant Bronze p77 FRIDA Graphite p197 FRANCEASI Olde Bronze p81

17 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR PEDESTAL BALTIMORE Weathered Bronze p102-103 CANTERBURY Black p119 BATON ROUGE Walnut p98 BINGHAM Sienna p175 BRIGHTON Sienna p176 CHAPEL Black p121 BEDFORD Mystic Black p159 ASHLAND BAY Weathered Zinc p47 CHICAGO Rusty Bronze Patina p108 GLENBEIGH Black p160 GRAMPIAN Black p125 ENGLISH BRIDLE Black or British Bronze p93-97 COTSWOLD LANE Black p86-87 ENZO Autumn p80 HELSINGOR Black p185 HELSINGOR Silver p184 HALLERON Londonderry p71 KERRY Black p161 HEREFORD Black p126 HORNBAEK Black p186 KINSALE Black p162 LEDBURY Black p134 LUVERNE Oil Rubbed Bronze p100 MANHATTAN Oil Rubbed Bronze p57 MERRILL Heritage Bronze p64

18 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR PEDESTAL WILMSLOW Black p124 WINCHESTER Black p117 YORK Black p116 NORFOLK Black p113 NEWBURY Polished Brass p74 MINERS Old Bronze p131 MONTREAL Aged Iron p83 REEF Hematite or Victorian Bronze p51 REGENT COURT Walnut p101 QUINCY Oil Rubbed Bronze p55 PHILADELPHIA Old Bronze p106 PARISH Black p122-123 POOLE 316 Stainless Steel & Teak p179 SANDBANKS 316 Stainless Steel p179 SOUTH HOPE Oil Rubbed Bronze p56 SHANNON Black p162 TOURNAI Londonderry p90 TRELLIS Regency Bronze p68 WEXFORD Black/Silver p114 OAKMONT Patina Bronze p72 RIVERWOOD Weathered Zinc p37 TANGIER Olde Bronze p69 RAVINE Western Bronze p41 ROYAL MARINE Distressed Black p34-35 SURI Textured Black p145

19 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM BETA Bollards Aged Iron or Matt Silver p212-214 AMBLESIDE Anodised Aluminium p203 BETA Wall Aged Iron or Matt Silver p215 BETA Mini Bollard Matt Silver p216 BETA Post Spotlight Matt Silver p216 VISUAL INDEX - LANDSCAPE & ACCESSORIES BRONZE Pagoda Aged Bronze p210 BRONZE Pagoda Copper p210 FUSION Brushed Aluminium p217 COLLECT & CONNECT Landscape Accessories p201 SPENNYMOOR Anodised Aluminium p202 PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION Accessories p205 SOUTH HOPE Bluetooth Lantern p31 LYNDON Bluetooth Lantern p31 LED LAMPS 14 types p218-219 BRONZE In-ground Aged Bronze p209 ELITE Wall Spotlight Anodised Aluminium p211 BRONZE Spotlight Verdigris p207 BRONZE Spotlight Copper p207 DERWENT Anodised Aluminium p203 ELITE Spotlight Anodised Aluminium p211 BRONZE Floodlight Aged Bronze p208 BRONZE Floodlight Verdigris p209 FUSION 304 Stainless Steel p217

20 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR PILLAR/BOLLARD TOURNAI Londonderry p91 BALTIMORE Weathered Bronze p102 BATON ROUGE Walnut p98 CHAPEL Black p121 CHICAGO Rusty Bronze Patina p108 GLENBEIGH Black p160 ENGLISH BRIDLE British Bronze p95 COTSWOLD LANE Black p86 KERRY Black p161 KINSALE Black p162 NORFOLK Black p113 WEXFORD Black/Silver p115 PHILADELPHIA Old Bronze p106 ENGLISH BRIDLE Black p94 PARISH Black p122-123 HELSINGOR Black p185 HELSINGOR Silver p184 HELSINKI Stainless Steel p187 POOLE Stainless Steel & Teak p179 SANDBANKS 316 Stainless Steel p179 SHANNON Black p163

21 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM VISUAL INDEX - OUTDOOR LAMP POST TOURNAI Londonderry p89 BALTIMORE Weathered Bronze p103 BATON ROUGE Walnut p98 CHAPEL Black p120 CHAPEL Black p120 CHICAGO Rusty Bronze Patina p109 GLENBEIGH Black p160 GRAMPIAN Black p125 ENGLISH BRIDLE British Bronze p97 COTSWOLD LANE Black p87 KERRY Black p161 KINSALE Black p162 LEDBURY Black p134 NORFOLK Black p113 WEXFORD Black/Silver p115 WILMSLOW Black p124 PHILADELPHIA Old Bronze p106 PARISH Black p123 ENGLISH BRIDLE Black p93 PARISH Black p123

22 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM It has become a popular trend to extend home living areas into gardens, patios and verandas. Elstead have a number of more decorative IP44- based solutions that help to bring the inside outdoors. Either by using chandeliers or nesting multiple pendants over tables or seating areas, great style can be brought to these outdoor leisure areas. HALLERON KL-HALLERON-8M page 27 LYNDON KL-LYNDON-5P-AZ page 29 CARSON HK-CARSON-3P page 25 OUTDOOR LIVING

23 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM Model shown: KL-ASHLANDBAY-5P (see page 29)


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM OUTDOOR LIVING 25 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE High style heads outside with the Carson collection. These hand- crafted exterior products are IP44 rated and feature bold overlapping metal ribbons in a Vintage Iron finish. Paired with seedy glass, this transitional design will illuminate any outdoor oasis. CARSON Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-CARSON-3P 3lt Outdoor Chandelier 476mm 470mm 703mm 1316mm* - Vintage Iron 3 x 40W E14 IP44 HK-CARSON-5P 5lt Outdoor Chandelier 667mm 673mm 893mm 1506mm* - Vintage Iron 5 x 40W E14 IP44 HK-CARSON1 1lt Small Wall Lantern 267mm 255mm - - 310mm Vintage Iron 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1 x 150mm and 2 x 300mm rods. HK-CARSON-5P HK-CARSON-3P HK-CARSON1


3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM OUTDOOR LIVING 27 These outdoor pendants take traditional inspiration, updated with on-trend orb styles. They are ideally suited to create dramatic clusters over a table or seating area. Vandalia comes in Textured Black and Halleron in a grey painted Londonderry finish. They all come with mouth- blown, clear seeded glass. HALLERON & VANDALIA Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-HALLERON-8M 3lt Chain Lantern 392mm 305mm 565mm 2362mm* Londonderry 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-VANDALIA8-L 3lt Chain Lantern 482mm 356mm 583mm 2442mm* Textured Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-VANDALIA8-M 1lt Chain Lantern 391mm 279mm 494mm 2315mm* Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1829mm of chain. KL-VANDALIA8-L KL-VANDALIA8-M KL-HALLERON-8M See the full Halleron collection on p71 See the full Vandalia collection on p42

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM OUTDOOR LIVING 28 create lifestyle image Model shown: KL-LYNDON-5P-AZ

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM OUTDOOR LIVING 29 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-ASHLANDBAY-5P 5lt Outdoor Chandelier 508mm 663mm 624mm 1473mm* 1 Weathered Zinc 5 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ASHLANDBAY8-S 1lt Chain Lantern 327mm 154mm 432mm 2306mm* 2 Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON-5P-AZ 5lt Outdoor Chandelier 248mm 610mm 305mm 1219mm* 1 Architectural Bronze 5 x 75W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON8-S-AZ 1lt Small Chain Lantern 246mm 128mm 330mm 1327mm* 3 Architectural Bronze 1 x 75W E27 IP44 * 1 Supplied with 2 x 152mm & 2 x 305mm rods. * 2 Supplied with 1829mm of chain. * 3 Supplied with 965mm of chain. LYNDON KL-LYNDON-5P-AZ There is a traditional colonial vibe to both the Lyndon and Ashland Bay families. A stylish statement can be made using the chandeliers, or single pendants in a cluster. Both ranges feature mouth-blown, clear seeded glass. LYNDON & ASHLAND BAY LYNDON KL-LYNDON8-S-AZ ASHLAND BAY KL-ASHLANDBAY-5P ASHLAND BAY KL-ASHLANDBAY8-S See the full Ashland Bay collection on p46 See the full Lyndon collection on p43


3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM OUTDOOR LIVING 31 Code Description Height Width Depth Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-LYNDON-BT-A-BK Bluetooth LED Portable Lantern (UK plug) 484mm 206mm 206mm Textured Black 3W LED* IP44 KL-LYNDON-BT-B-BK Bluetooth LED Portable Lantern (EU plug) 484mm 206mm 206mm Textured Black 3W LED* IP44 KL-SOUTH-HOPE-BT-A-OZ Bluetooth LED Portable Lantern (UK plug) 474mm 178mm 178mm Rubbed Bronze 3W LED* IP44 KL-SOUTH-HOPE-BT-B-OZ Bluetooth LED Portable Lantern (EU plug) 474mm 178mm 178mm Rubbed Bronze 3W LED* IP44 *Integrated LED 3000K, 250 Lumens. Speaker output 3W. 3 W a u d i o o u t p u t LYNDON KL-LYNDON-BT-A-BK (UK plug) KL-LYNDON-BT-B-BK (EU plug) The South Hope and Lyndon portable and rechargeable Bluetooth Lanterns are ideal outdoor living companions. Their integrated LEDs provide a welcoming light to any indoor or outdoor space. Each have an inbuilt bluetooth speaker which allows you to bring your music with you anywhere. BLUETOOTH LANTERNS SOUTH HOPE KL-SOUTH-HOPE-BT-A-OZ (UK plug) KL-SOUTH-HOPE-BT-B-OZ (EU plug) C o n t r o l l e d b y a n y B l u e t o o t h d e v i c e

32 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM Transitional describes designs that derive from classic styles but have been conceived with a contemporary edge. Transitional lanterns are less ornate than their classic counterparts, but aren’t as streamlined or minimalist as modern styles. They combine the best of both worlds for a clean, comfortable look wherever they are placed. ROYAL MARINE KL-ROYAL-MARINE2-M page 35 BYRON QZ-BYRON-M page 62 BENNIE FE-BENNIE-S-PBS page 38 TRANSITIONAL



3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 35 The Royal Marine collection's nautical-inspired style gets a 21st-century update with a slightly scalloped base and decorative arm. The oversized caged glass features a seeded detailing, adding to the vintage character. ROYAL MARINE KL-ROYAL-MARINE2-M KL-ROYAL-MARINE2-S KL-ROYAL-MARINE3-M Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-ROYAL-MARINE2-S Small Wall Lantern 337mm 178mm 230mm Distressed Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ROYAL-MARINE2-M Medium Wall Lantern 462mm 241mm 304mm Distressed Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ROYAL-MARINE3-M Medium Pedestal 529mm 241mm - Distressed Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 36 Riverwood's modern take on a vintage-style lantern gives outdoor spaces a rustic seaside vibe. Bringing together touches of nautical style and industrial charm. RIVERWOOD Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-RIVERWOOD2-XL XL Wall Lantern 497mm 279mm 309mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-RIVERWOOD2-XL

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 37 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-RIVERWOOD2-S Small Wall Lantern 317mm 172mm - - 194mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27* 1 IP44 KL-RIVERWOOD2-M Medium Wall Lantern 362mm 203mm - - 225mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-RIVERWOOD2-L Large Wall Lantern 429mm 241mm - - 267mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-RIVERWOOD3-M Pedestal 440mm 203mm - - - Weathered Zinc 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-RIVERWOOD8-M Chain Lantern 301mm 203mm 400mm 1980mm* 2 - Weathered Zinc 1 x 100W E27 IP44 * 1 Golf ball size lamp only. * 2 Supplied with 1620mm of chain. KL-RIVERWOOD8-M KL-RIVERWOOD3-M KL-RIVERWOOD2-S KL-RIVERWOOD2-M KL-RIVERWOOD2-L

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 38 The Bennie collection of contemporary outdoor wall lights boasts an integrated LED module tucked into the crown of the fixture, shining light downward through a Clear Water glass shade. Available in either a warm Antique Bronze or a more modern Painted Brushed Steel finish. Cast aluminium construction ensures durability. BENNIE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-BENNIE-S-ANBZ Small LED Wall Light 203mm 159mm 106mm Antique Bronze 14W Integrated LED* IP44 FE-BENNIE-S-PBS Small LED Wall Light 203mm 159mm 106mm Painted Brushed Steel 14W Integrated LED* IP44 FE-BENNIE-L-ANBZ Large LED Wall Light 304mm 159mm 106mm Antique Bronze 14W Integrated LED* IP44 FE-BENNIE-L-PBS Large LED Wall Light 304mm 159mm 106mm Painted Brushed Steel 14W Integrated LED* IP44 * LED information: 1000Lm, 3000k, not dimmable FE-BENNIE-L-ANBZ FE-BENNIE-S-ANBZ FE-BENNIE-L-PBS FE-BENNIE-S-PBS IP44 LED

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 39 Mid-century for today's home, the Goldenrod outdoor series is intriguing yet classic. The rich Western Bronze finish of the base is accented with stripes of metal painted a lustrous Gold. The bevelled clear glass panels are in keeping with the overall design. Please note that the gold rods can be removed to simplify the design, or recoloured by the end user to create alternative looks. Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-GOLDENROD2-L Large Wall Lantern 510mm 256mm - - 270mm Western Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-GOLDENROD2-M Medium Wall Lantern 421mm 206mm 220mm Western Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-GOLDENROD2-S Small Wall Lantern 327mm 155mm 169mm Western Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-GOLDENROD8-M Chain Lantern 421mm 206mm 513mm 2988mm* - Western Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 2438mm of chain. GOLDENROD QZ-GOLDENROD2-L QZ-GOLDENROD2-S QZ-GOLDENROD2-M QZ-GOLDENROD8-M

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 40 The Ravine outdoor collection achieves sophisticated style in a minimal way. The rich Western Bronze on the base showcases the clear bevelled glass panels on the sides and top of the fixture. RAVINE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-RAVINE2-L Large Wall Lantern 510mm 254mm 290mm Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-RAVINE2-L 2 YEAR 2 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 41 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-RAVINE2-S Small Wall Lantern 318mm 153mm - - 182mm Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-RAVINE2-M Medium Wall Lantern 412mm 203mm - - 235mm Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-RAVINE8-M Medium Chain Lantern 413mm 203mm 505mm 2979mm* - Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-RAVINE3-M Medium Pedestal 519mm 203mm - - - Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-RAVINE8-L Large Chain Lantern 514mm 254mm 605mm 3080mm* - Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 2438mm of chain. QZ-RAVINE2-M QZ-RAVINE8-M QZ-RAVINE8-L QZ-RAVINE3-M QZ-RAVINE2-S 2 YEAR 2 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 42 On-trend orb styles step outdoors with the Vandalia collection's globe design. Marrying carriage lantern details with a round silhouette, the result is an updated take on a traditional piece. VANDALIA Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-VANDALIA2-S 1lt Wall Lantern 307mm 229mm - - 250mm Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-VANDALIA8-L 3lt Chain Lantern 482mm 356mm 583mm 2442mm* - Textured Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-VANDALIA8-M 1lt Chain Lantern 392mm 279mm 494mm 2315mm* - Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1829mm of chain. KL-VANDALIA2-S KL-VANDALIA8-L KL-VANDALIA8-M

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 43 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-LYNDON-5P-AZ Outdoor Chandelier 248mm 610mm 305mm 1219mm* 1 - Architectural Bronze 5 x 75W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON2-M-AZ Medium Wall Lantern 381mm 152mm - - 203mm Architectural Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON2-S-AZ Small Wall Lantern 288mm 128mm - - 191mm Architectural Bronze 1 x 75W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON8-S-AZ Small Chain Lantern 246mm 128mm 280mm 1280mm* 2 - Architectural Bronze 1 x 75W E27 IP44 * 1 Supplied with 2 x 152mm & 2 x 305mm rods. * 2 Supplied with 1000mm of chain. KL-LYNDON-5P-AZ The Lyndon collection combines a simple streamlined design with an emphasis on traditional details. Available in a beautiful Architectural Bronze finish with clear seedy glass, these fixtures can effortlessly blend with your existing décor. LYNDON ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE KL-LYNDON2-M-AZ KL-LYNDON2-S-AZ KL-LYNDON8-S-AZ

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 44 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-CLEARPOINT Wall/Ceiling Fitting 311mm 280mm - - 133mm Brushed Aluminum 1 x 75W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON2-M-BA Medium Wall Lantern 381mm 152mm - - 203mm Brushed Aluminum 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON2-S-BA Small Wall Lantern 288mm 128mm - - 191mm Brushed Aluminum 1 x 75W E27 IP44 KL-LYNDON8-S-BA Small Chain Lantern 246mm 128mm 280mm 1280mm* - Brushed Aluminum 1 x 75W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1000mm of chain. CLEARPOINT KL-CLEARPOINT LYNDON KL-LYNDON2-M-BA LYNDON KL-LYNDON2-S-BA LYNDON KL-LYNDON8-S-BA CLEARPOINT & LYNDON BRUSHED ALUMINUM The Lyndon collection combines a simple streamlined design with an emphasis on traditional details. The wall and pendant lights are now available in Brushed Aluminum with clear seedy glass. The Clearpoint outdoor wall light features classic porthole styling with a warm inviting glow behind wire- mesh inside frosted glass. It can be mounted on walls and ceilings.

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 45 QZ-MARINE-M Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-MARINE-S Small Wall Lantern 292mm 152mm - - 165mm Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-MARINE-M Medium Wall Lantern 381mm 203mm - - 216mm Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-MARINE-L Large Wall Lantern 445mm 241mm - - 254mm Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-MARINE8-S Small Chain Lantern 380mm 152mm 450mm 2890mm* - Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP23 QZ-MARINE8-L Large Chain Lantern 550mm 241mm 620mm 3060mm* - Western Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP23 *Supplied with 2440mm of chain. QZ-MARINE8-L QZ-MARINE8-S QZ-MARINE-S Inspired by vintage Americana, the Marine collection features a nautical flair. The Western Bronze finish complements the overall design of this series and the industrial filament bulb accents the clear seedy glass for a classic look. MARINE QZ-MARINE-L

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 46 Add a little bit of colonial charm to your outdoor lighting with the Ashland Bay Collection. The traditional design is enhanced by a weathered zinc finish and clear seeded glass. Use with LED Edison-styled bulbs for time-honored appeal. ASHLAND BAY Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-ASHLANDBAY-5P 5lt Outdoor Chandelier 508mm 663mm 624mm 1473mm* Weathered Zinc 5 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ASHLANDBAY-F 2lt Outdoor Ceiling Flush 152mm 305mm - - Weathered Zinc 2 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 2 x 152mm & 2 x 305mm rods. KL-ASHLANDBAY-5P KL-ASHLANDBAY-F

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 47 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-ASHLANDBAY2-L Large Wall Lantern 404mm 224mm - - 244mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ASHLANDBAY2-M Medium Wall Lantern 346mm 193mm - - 213mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ASHLANDBAY2-S Small Wall Lantern 278mm 154mm - - 173mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ASHLANDBAY3-M Pedestal Lantern 471mm 193mm - - - Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ASHLANDBAY8-S Chain Lantern 327mm 154mm 432mm 2306mm - Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1829mm of chain KL-ASHLANDBAY2-M KL-ASHLANDBAY2-S KL-ASHLANDBAY2-L KL-ASHLANDBAY3-M KL-ASHLANDBAY8-S

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 48 The Bridge Point outdoor collection embodies the classic styling of nautical and railway lighting. It features a Weathered Zinc finish surrounding clear seeded glass. BRIDGE POINT Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-BRIDGEPOINT8S Small Chain Lantern 272mm 178mm 372mm 2237mm* - Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-BRIDGEPOINT-L Large Wall Lantern 510mm 280mm - - 310mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-BRIDGEPOINT-M Medium Wall Lantern 405mm 228mm - - 258mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-BRIDGEPOINT-S Small Wall Lantern 334mm 178mm - - 207mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1828mm of chain KL-BRIDGEPOINT-S KL-BRIDGEPOINT-M KL-BRIDGEPOINT-L KL-BRIDGEPOINT8S

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 49 The Lighthouse outdoor lighting collection by Feiss is versatile with a nautical feel and meticulously crafted from die-cast Brushed Aluminium and powder coated clear lacquer finish. LIGHTHOUSE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-LIGHTHOUSE-7 Half Wall Lantern 288mm 178mm - - 114mm Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-LIGHTHOUSE-F Outdoor Flush Mount 145mm 254mm - - - Brushed Steel 2 x 40W E27 IP44 FE-LIGHTHOUSE2-M Medium Wall Lantern 352mm 181mm - - 230mm Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-LIGHTHOUSE2-S Small Wall Lantern 292mm 120mm - - 160mm Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-LIGHTHOUSE8-S Small Chain Lantern 196mm 134mm 391mm 1861mm* Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1524mm of chain. FE-LIGHTHOUSE-F FE-LIGHTHOUSE2-M FE-LIGHTHOUSE2-S FE-LIGHTHOUSE8-S FE-LIGHTHOUSE-7 2 YEAR 2 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 50 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Reef’s contemporary nautical shape features a sleek capsule of inside etched glass captured by bold rings of cast aluminium. Available in Hematite or Victorian Bronze finishes. REEF Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-REEF8-HE Chain Lantern 320mm 140mm 405mm 1930mm Hematite 1 x 60W E27 IP23 HK-REEF8-VZ Chain Lantern 320mm 140mm 405mm 1930mm Victorian Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP23 HK-REEF8-VZ HK-REEF8-HE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 51 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-REEF-MINI-HE Mini Wall Lantern 203mm 140mm 165mm Hematite 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HK-REEF-MINI-VZ Mini Wall Lantern 203mm 140mm 165mm Victorian Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HK-REEF-SM-HE Small Wall Lantern 273mm 197mm 222mm Hematite 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HK-REEF-SM-VZ Small Wall Lantern 273mm 197mm 222mm Victorian Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HK-REEF3-HE Pedestal 463mm 228mm - Hematite 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-REEF3-VZ Pedestal 463mm 228mm - Victorian Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-REEF3-VZ HK-REEF-SM-HE HK-REEF-SM-VZ HK-REEF3-HE HK-REEF-MINI-HE HK-REEF-MINI-VZ

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 52 These traditional, industrial coastal looking fittings are made to look like the work lanterns seen harbourside in the 1940’s and 1950’s. Hand made from aluminium material and painted in a Storm Cloud grey with black speckle finish, these attractive lanterns feature a mouth-blown, seedy glass to add to their authentic look. CHELSEA HARBOR Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-CHELSEAHBR-F Flush Mount 149mm 279mm - - - Storm Cloud 2 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-CHELSEAHBR2 Wall Lantern 411mm 121mm - - 179mm Storm Cloud 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-CHELSEAHBR8 Chain Lantern 520mm 146mm 590mm 2114mm - Storm Cloud 1 x 100W E27 IP23 FE-CHELSEAHBR-F FE-CHELSEAHBR8 FE-CHELSEAHBR2

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 53 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE HK-MARINA-F HK-MARINA2-S HK-MARINA2-M Set sail with Marina. Inspired by authentic ship passageway lighting, its die-casted aluminium construction uniquely emphasises the captured clear holophane style glass. A robust finish of Silver showcases the fresh, modern-nautical cast cage design. MARINA Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-MARINA2-M Medium Wall Lantern 365mm 256mm 267mm Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MARINA2-S Small Wall Lantern 296mm 206mm 215mm Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MARINA-F Flush Mount 131mm 256mm - Silver 2 x 60W E27 IP44


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 55 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Quincy’s traditional bell-shaped design in die-cast aluminium construction evokes early Americana. The seedy outer glass and interior etched opal cylinder, acting as a “faux” candle, adds to its nostalgic feel. QUINCY Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-QUINCY-S Small Wall Lantern 343mm 171mm - - 210mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-QUINCY-M Med. Wall Lantern 425mm 235mm - - 273mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-QUINCY3-M Pedestal 525mm 235mm - - - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-QUINCY8-M Chain Lantern 394mm 235mm 490mm 1420mm* - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP23 * Supplied with 1000mm of chain. HK-QUINCY3-M HK-QUINCY8-M HK-QUINCY-S HK-QUINCY-M

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 56 The South Hope collection softens its sturdy rectangular design with satin etched cased opal glass for an expertly understated grace and welcoming light. An Oil Rubbed Bronze finish completes the overall look with a touch of casual style. Open and clean, this design can complement any porch or walkway. SOUTH HOPE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-SOUTH-HOPE3-L Large Pedestal 592mm 228mm - - - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-SOUTH-HOPE8-S Small Chain Lantern 300mm 140mm 370mm 2100mm* - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-SOUTH-HOPE-M Medium Wall Lantern 451mm 178mm - - 196mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-SOUTH-HOPE-S Small Wall Lantern 300mm 140mm - - 158mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 1800mm of chain KL-SOUTH-HOPE8-S KL-SOUTH-HOPE-M KL-SOUTH-HOPE-S KL-SOUTH-HOPE3-L

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 57 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Manhattan is a classic update to the traditional train station lantern. The hand-painted Oil Rubbed Bronze finish complements the clean lines of its durable die-cast construction. MANHATTAN Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-MANHATTAN2-S Small Wall Lantern 298mm 184mm - - 203mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MANHATTAN2-M Medium Wall Lantern 381mm 235mm - - 260mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MANHATTAN2-L Large Wall Lantern 470mm 286mm - - 318mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MANHATTAN3-M Pedestal 490mm 235mm - - - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MANHATTAN8-S Chain Lantern 305mm 184mm 355mm 1340mm* - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP23 * Supplied with 1000mm of chain. HK-MANHATTAN2-S HK-MANHATTAN2-M HK-MANHATTAN8-S HK-MANHATTAN3-M HK-MANHATTAN2-L


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 59 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Walker has roots in the American West with its large scale, strong angular lines and no-nonsense style. The sturdy aluminium and brass construction features a two-tone finish of bold Buckeye Bronze and Heritage Brass. A welded outer form frames an inner clear, bound glass shade. WALKER Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-WALKER2-L Large Wall Lantern 381mm 236mm 261mm Buckeye Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-WALKER2-M Medium Wall Lantern 312mm 216mm 233mm Buckeye Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-WALKER2-S Small Wall Lantern 241mm 190mm 209mm Buckeye Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-WALKER2-M HK-WALKER2-L HK-WALKER2-S

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 60 The Glenview outdoor lanterns typify Prairie style with streamlined frames and subtly detailed, flat rooflines. An Antique Bronze finish brings a refreshing and stylish tone to dress up outdoor spaces. Cast aluminium construction ensures durability. GLENVIEW FE-GLENVIEW-M FE-GLENVIEW-S Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-GLENVIEW-M Medium Wall Lantern 307mm 197mm 215mm Antique Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-GLENVIEW-S Small Wall Lantern 261mm 165mm 185mm Antique Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 61 The Pettiford collection is finished in Olde Bronze and features clear vertical rain glass panels. The metal mesh detail at the top and bottom of the lantern brings a vintage industrial twist to this traditional range. The wall lanterns have the additional detail of a reflector circle to push out extra light. PETTIFORD Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-PETTIFORD-S Small Wall Lantern 267mm 191mm 121mm Olde Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP23 KL-PETTIFORD-M Medium Wall Lantern 356mm 273mm 133mm Olde Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP23 KL-PETTIFORD-L Large Wall Lantern 400mm 305mm 152mm Olde Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP23 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain. KL-PETTIFORD-L KL-PETTIFORD-M KL-PETTIFORD-S

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 62 This fixture gives the exterior of your home both beauty and an exclusive sense of style. Use a vintage LED bulb for a historic look and is enhanced by the copper-hued plate directly behind it. The clear bevelled glass and the Imperial Bronze finish complete the look. BYRON Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-BYRON-S Small Wall Lantern 305mm 165mm 152mm Imperial Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-BYRON-M Medium Wall Lantern 368mm 203mm 178mm Imperial Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-BYRON-L Large Wall Lantern 457mm 254mm 216mm Imperial Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-BYRON-S QZ-BYRON-M QZ-BYRON-L

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 63 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Bromley’s handsome silhouette features an updated traditional design that combines elegant and stately details. These dignified die-casted aluminum fixtures convey sophistication in an Oil Rubbed Bronze finish that complements any facade. Specialty touches such as a “Shepard’s Hook” decorative scrolled arm and detailed top finial highlight Bromley’s homage to tradition and quality. BROMLEY Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-BROMLEY2-L Large Wall Lantern 631mm 254mm 298mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-BROMLEY2-M Medium Wall Lantern 388mm 203mm 233mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-BROMLEY2-S Small Wall Lantern 299mm 203mm 233mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HK-BROMLEY2-S HK-BROMLEY2-L HK-BROMLEY2-M

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 64 Modern geometric forms and a soft Heritage Bronze finish with cream etched glass create a versatile look; at home both in modern or traditional architectural styles. MERRILL Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-MERRILL3-S Small Pedestal 600mm 194mm - - Heritage Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-MERRILL8-S Small Chain Lantern 410mm 194mm 1450mm* - Heritage Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP23 FE-MERRILL-F Flush Mount 162mm 330mm - - Heritage Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-MERRILL1-M Medium Wall Lantern 514mm 244mm - 295mm Heritage Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 FE-MERRILL1-S Small Wall Lantern 387mm 194mm - 241mm Heritage Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1000mm of chain. FE-MERRILL1-S FE-MERRILL-F FE-MERRILL3-S FE-MERRILL1-M FE-MERRILL8-S

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TRANSITIONAL 65 Reminiscent of old railroad lighting, the Redding Station outdoor lighting collection warmly illuminates its surroundings no matter the residential architecture. The aluminium shades are designed to withstand the elements and feature prismatic diffusers that convey the vintage styling which has become so popular. REDDING STATION FE-REDDING2-M-RB FE-REDDING2-L-RB FE-REDDING2-S-RB Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-REDDING8-M-RB Med. Chain Lantern 276mm 305mm 403mm 1500mm* - Restoration Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP23 FE-REDDING2-S-RB Small Wall Lantern 246mm 229mm - - 264mm Restoration Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 FE-REDDING2-M-RB Med. Wall Lantern 318mm 305mm - - 341mm Restoration Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 FE-REDDING2-L-RB Large Wall Lantern 397mm 381mm - - 422mm Restoration Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain. FE-REDDING8-M-RB

66 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL Typically larger in scale and more detailed in design, the lanterns in this collection are almost entirely designed in North America, originally for the typical American style home. These fittings, often influenced by original European styles, bring more presence to where they are used, suiting both residential and hospitality situations. LUVERNE KL-LUVERNE2-M page 100 OAKMONT FE-OAKMONT3-M page 72 NEWBURY QZ-NEWBURY-F-AC page 73

67 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM Model shown: HK-TRELLIS2-L (see page 68)

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 68 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Trellis is a traditional hanging wall lantern design in a Regency Bronze finish with dense clear seedy glass. The large scroll arm detail, cast loop finial and true rivet detail create a refined elegance. TRELLIS Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-TRELLIS2-S Small Wall Lantern 387mm 178mm 286mm Regency Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-TRELLIS2-M Medium Wall Lantern 502mm 229mm 368mm Regency Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-TRELLIS2-L Large Wall Lantern 565mm 279mm 419mm Regency Bronze 4 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-TRELLIS3-L Pedestal 584mm 279mm - Regency Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-TRELLIS2-L HK-TRELLIS2-M HK-TRELLIS2-S HK-TRELLIS3-L

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 69 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE KL-TANGIER3-M KL-TANGIER2-S KL-TANGIER2-L KL-TANGIER2-M KL-TANGIER8-M With a classic lantern look, the Tangier collection picks up style cues from lighting found in historic town squares. The versatile outdoor design features a criss-cross pattern and traditional detailing that's always in style. TANGIER Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-TANGIER2-S Small Wall Lantern 265mm 146mm - - 169mm Olde Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-TANGIER2-M Medium Wall Lantern 341mm 191mm - - 217mm Olde Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-TANGIER2-L Large Wall Lantern 432mm 242mm - - 267mm Olde Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-TANGIER3-M Medium Pedestal 457mm 191mm - - - Olde Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-TANGIER8-M Medium Chain Lantern 365mm 191mm 447mm 2040mm* - Olde Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1620mm of chain.


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 71 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Unique shapes and patterns are the highlight of the Halleron Collection. The clean traditional design reflects its Victorian era inspiration and it is available in a Londonderry finish creating a perfect fit for any home. HALLERON Code Description Height Width Projection Min. Drop Max. Drop Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-HALLERON-2S 2lt Wall Lantern 489mm 254mm 318mm - - Londonderry 2 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-HALLERON-2M 3lt Wall Lantern 578mm 305mm 375mm - - Londonderry 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-HALLERON-F 3lt Ceiling Flush 229mm 305mm - - - Londonderry 3 x 40W E14 IP44 KL-HALLERON-8M 3lt Chain Lantern 476mm 305mm - 565mm 2362mm* Londonderry 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-HALLERON-3M 3lt Pedestal Lantern 696mm 305mm - - - Londonderry 3 x 60W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 1829mm of chain. KL-HALLERON-8M KL-HALLERON-2S KL-HALLERON-F KL-HALLERON-2M KL-HALLERON-3M

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 72 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Oakmont outdoor collection boasts incredible details, from the steeply pitched roofline and softly curved glass panels to an angular backplate, lovely curved arm extension and classic finials. A Patina Bronze finish paired with clear seeded glass give this stately collection old world charm. Cast aluminum construction ensures durability. OAKMONT Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-OAKMONT2-S Small Wall Lantern 278mm 165mm - - 205mm Patina Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-OAKMONT2-M Medium Wall Lantern 673mm 254mm - - 313mm Patina Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-OAKMONT2-L Large Wall Lantern 859mm 305mm - - 375mm Patina Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-OAKMONT3-M Medium Post Lantern 635mm 254mm - - - Patina Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-OAKMONT8-M Medium Chain Lantern 555mm 254mm 655mm 2139mm* - Patina Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 1524mm of chain. FE-OAKMONT8-M FE-OAKMONT3-M FE-OAKMONT2-L FE-OAKMONT2-M FE-OAKMONT2-S

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 73 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-NEWBURY2-S-AC Small Wall Lantern 311mm 177mm - - 169mm Aged Copper 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY2-M-AC Medium Wall Lantern 356mm 203mm - - 198mm Aged Copper 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY2-L-AC Large Wall Lantern 531mm 264mm - - 254mm Aged Copper 2 x 60W E14 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY8-M-AC Medium Chain Lantern 334mm 208mm 410mm 1570mm* - Aged Copper 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY8-L-AC Large Chain Lantern 497mm 264mm 508mm 1708mm* - Aged Copper 2 x 60W E14 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY-F-AC Flush Mount 190mm 365mm - - - Aged Copper 3 x 40W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain. QZ-NEWBURY8-L-AC QZ-NEWBURY2-S-AC QZ-NEWBURY2-L-AC QZ-NEWBURY2-M-AC QZ-NEWBURY8-M-AC QZ-NEWBURY-F-AC When it comes to curb appeal, outdoor lighting plays a large part in creating a special ambiance. The classic design of the Newbury gives the outside of your home a rich elegance without looking over embellished. It's a versatile look that coordinates with most any architectural style. The Aged Copper finish, with clear bevelled glass, will age naturally over time. NEWBURY AGED COPPER 2 YEAR 2 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 74 When it comes to curb appeal, outdoor lighting plays a large part in creating a special ambiance. The classic design and bevelled glass, along with the Newbury’s polished brass manufacture, gives the outside of your home a rich elegance. It is a versatile look that coordinates with almost any architectural style. The polished finish will age over time if not maintained. NEWBURY POLISHED BRASS Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Depth Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-NEWBURY-F-PB Flush Mount 190mm 365mm - - - Polished Brass 3 x 40W E14 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY3-L-PB Pedestal 570mm 265mm - - 279mm Polished Brass 2 x 60W E14 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY8-L-PB Large Chain Lantern 497mm 264mm 508mm 1708mm* - Polished Brass 2 x 60W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain. QZ-NEWBURY-F-PB QZ-NEWBURY8-L-PB Handmade in Solid Brass QZ-NEWBURY3-L-PB 2 YEAR 2 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 75 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-NEWBURY2-S-PB Small Wall Lantern 311mm 177mm - - 169mm Polished Brass 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY2-M-PB Medium Wall Lantern 356mm 203mm - - 198mm Polished Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY2-L-PB Large Wall Lantern 531mm 264mm - - 254mm Polished Brass 2 x 60W E14 IP44 QZ-NEWBURY8-M-PB Medium Chain Lantern 334mm 208mm 410mm 1570mm* - Polished Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain. QZ-NEWBURY2-M-PB QZ-NEWBURY8-M-PB QZ-NEWBURY2-S-PB QZ-NEWBURY2-L-PB Handmade in Solid Brass 2 YEAR 2 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 76 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Bay Shore Collection takes the classic lines of outdoor lanterns and dresses it up in style. Each piece in the Bay Shore Collection features Kichler's exclusive LifeBrite Polished Solid Brass, which is guaranteed for 5 years to look fantastic while being capable of withstanding the harshest elements*. Clear bevelled glass panels complete the Bay Shore outdoor lanterns' timeless profile. BAY SHORE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-BAY-SHORE1-M Medium Outdoor Wall Light 393mm 178mm 197mm Polished Brass 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-BAY-SHORE2-S Small Outdoor Wall Light 263mm 147mm 170mm Polished Brass 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Excludes use within 5 miles of any coast. KL-BAY-SHORE1-M KL-BAY-SHORE2-S 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 77 A classic geometric Arts & Crafts piece with handcrafted art glass in shades of sapphire blue, warm honey amber and cream. Arts and Crafts is an enduring style that honours the tradition of fine craftsmanship and attention to detail. INGLENOOK EXTERIOR Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-INGLENOOK-F Outdoor Flush Mount 154mm 280mm - Valiant Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-INGLENOOK2-M Medium Wall Lantern 314mm 215mm 261mm Valiant Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-INGLENOOK2-S Small Wall Lantern 278mm 178mm 226mm Valiant Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-INGLENOOK-F QZ-INGLENOOK2-M QZ-INGLENOOK2-S


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 79 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE A traditional outdoor option, the Venetian Rain collection draws upon the rich legacy of the Renaissance. Ornate decoration and lavish curves reflect the history of fine Italian craftsmanship. Showcased with a Brushed Bronze finish, this design will create depth and drama in any space. VENETIAN RAIN KL-VENETIAN-F KL-VENETIAN2-M KL-VENETIAN8-M KL-VENETIAN7-S KL-VENETIAN2-L Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-VENETIAN2-L Large Wall Lantern 787mm 235mm - 343mm Brushed Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-VENETIAN2-M Medium Wall Lantern 641mm 184mm - 267mm Brushed Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-VENETIAN8-M Chain Lantern 629mm 184mm 1900mm* - Brushed Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP23 KL-VENETIAN7-S Half Wall Lantern 298mm 171mm - 95mm Brushed Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-VENETIAN-F Flush Mount 140mm 235mm - - Brushed Bronze 2 x 40W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain.

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 80 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Enzo is inspired by a romantic lantern design. Blending beauty and durability, the intricately die-cast aluminum construction features graceful scrolls with Old World allure while the rich Autumn finish and clear seedy glass meld timeless elegance. ENZO Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-ENZO2-M Medium Wall Lantern 448mm 254mm - - 285mm Autumn 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-ENZO2-S Small Wall Lantern 358mm 203mm - - 241mm Autumn 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-ENZO3-S Small Pedestal 495mm 203mm - - - Autumn 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-ENZO8-S Small Chain Lantern 328mm 203mm 390mm 1400mm* - Autumn 1 x 100W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 960mm of chain. HK-ENZO2-M HK-ENZO8-S HK-ENZO2-S HK-ENZO3-S

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 81 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Castle windows throughout Europe were designed with a wide variety of tracery, mullions and stonework elements. The Olde Bronze panels of the Franceasi lighting family were created with these wonderful windows in mind. The intricate details create delightful shadow patterns on adjoining wall surfaces and walkways, and include soft amber tinted glass panels. FRANCEASI Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-FRANCEASI-F Flush Mount 165mm 279mm - Olde Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-FRANCEASI-M Medium Wall Lantern 457mm 178mm 229mm Olde Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-FRANCEASI-S Small Wall Lantern 368mm 140mm 184mm Olde Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-FRANCEASI-F KL-FRANCEASI-M KL-FRANCEASI-S

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 82 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Montreal’s traditional old world styling features ornate cast aluminium construction in an Aged Iron finish with stunning inside etched amber optic glass. MONTREAL HK-MONTREAL-L Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-MONTREAL-L Large Wall Lantern 813mm 280mm - - 406mm Aged Iron 3 x 60W E14 IP44

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 83 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-MONTREAL-S Small Wall Lantern 521mm 178mm - - 267mm Aged Iron 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MONTREAL-M Medium Wall Lantern 641mm 222mm - - 318mm Aged Iron 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-MONTREAL3 Pedestal 750mm 280mm - - - Aged Iron 3 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-MONTREAL8 Chain Lantern 750mm 280mm 800mm 2325mm - Aged Iron 3 x 60W E14 IP23 HK-MONTREAL-M HK-MONTREAL-S HK-MONTREAL8 HK-MONTREAL3


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 85 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE COTSWOLD LANE BLACK The classic styling of the Cotswold Lane collection features the look of architectural moulding at the top of each pane of clear bevelled glass. This adds to the more formal, traditional aesthetic of this antique gas lantern-inspired collection. FE-COTSLN2-S-BK FE-COTSLN7-BK FE-COTSLN-F-BK Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-COTSLN2-S-BK Small Wall Lantern 292mm 165mm 197mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 FE-COTSLN7-BK Half Wall Lantern 406mm 241mm 152mm Black 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-COTSLN-F-BK Flush Ceiling Mount 168mm 292mm - Black 2 x 60W E27 IP44

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 86 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE COTSWOLD LANE BLACK (continued) FE-COTSLN8-M-BK FE-COTSLN2-M-BK FE-COTSLN3-M-BK FE-COTSLN4-M-BK Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-COTSLN2-M-BK Medium Wall Lantern 521mm 229mm - 295mm Black 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-COTSLN3-M-BK Medium Pedestal 544mm 229mm - - Black 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-COTSLN4-M-BK Medium Pillar 1100mm 229mm - - Black 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-COTSLN8-M-BK Medium Chain Lantern 464mm 229mm 1550mm* - Black 2 x 60W E14 IP23 * Supplied with 1000mm of chain.

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 87 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE FE-COTSLN2-L-BK FE-COTSLN8-L-BK FE-COTSLN3-L-BK FE-COTSLN5-L-BK Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-COTSLN2-L-BK Large Wall Lantern 762mm 305mm - - 413mm Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-COTSLN3-L-BK Large Pedestal 780mm 305mm - - - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-COTSLN8-L-BK Large Chain Lantern 673mm 305mm 697mm 2000mm* - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP23 FE-COTSLN5-L-BK Large Post 2570mm 305mm - - - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain.

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 88 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE With its heavy textures, dark tones, and fine attention to detail, the Tournai collection stands out from other outdoor lighting fixtures. Each lantern is hand-made from cast aluminium, offering quality construction that is sure to withstand even the harshest of weather conditions. Our exclusive Londonderry finish and clear seedy glass panels give the light its unique aged look. TOURNAI Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-TOURNAI1G-XL Grand XL Wall Lantern 1168mm 432mm - 635mm Londonderry 4 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-TOURNAI8G-XL Grand XL Chain Lantern 850mm 432mm 4000mm* - Londonderry 4 x 100W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 3000mm of chain. KL-TOURNAI1G-XL KL-TOURNAI8G-XL Extra large fittings: please check dimensions carefully when ordering

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 89 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE KL-TOURNAI1G-L Extra large fittings: please check dimensions carefully when ordering KL-TOURNAI-5XL KL-TOURNAI2-XL KL-TOURNAI8-XL Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-TOURNAI1G-L Grand Wall Lantern 959mm 356mm - 527mm Londonderry 4 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-TOURNAI-5XL X-Large Lampost 2950mm 305mm - - Londonderry 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-TOURNAI2-XL X-Large Wall Lantern 737mm 305mm - 451mm Londonderry 3 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-TOURNAI8-XL X-Large Chain Lantern 630mm 305mm 3000mm* - Londonderry 3 x 60W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 2000mm of chain.

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 90 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE TOURNAI (continued) Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-TOURNAI-F Flush Mount 191mm 305mm - - Londonderry 2 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-TOURNAI2-L Large Wall Lantern 610mm 254mm - 375mm Londonderry 2 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-TOURNAI3-L Large Pedestal 670mm 245mm - - Londonderry 2 x 60W E14 IP44 KL-TOURNAI-F KL-TOURNAI3-L KL-TOURNAI2-L

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 91 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE KL-TOURNAI2-S KL-TOURNAI4-M KL-TOURNAI8-M KL-TOURNAI2-M Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-TOURNAI4-M Medium Pillar 1100mm 191mm - - Londonderry 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-TOURNAI2-M Medium Wall Lantern 457mm 191mm - 286mm Londonderry 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-TOURNAI2-S Small Wall Lantern 267mm 152mm - 197mm Londonderry 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-TOURNAI8-M Medium Chain Lantern 400mm 191mm 1400mm* - Londonderry 1 x 100W E27 IP23 * Supplied with 1000mm of chain.


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 93 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-EB2-L-BLK Large Wall Lantern 622mm 267mm - - 325mm Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB2-XL-BLK X Large Wall Lantern 737mm 318mm - - 394mm Black 4 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB3-L-BLK Large Pedestal 638mm 267mm - - - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB5-L-BLK Large Lamp Post 2426mm 267mm - - - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB8-L-BLK Large Chain Lantern 620mm 267mm 680mm 2205mm - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP23 FE-EB2-L-BLK FE-EB8-L-BLK FE-EB3-L-BLK FE-EB5-L-BLK ENGLISH BRIDLE BLACK This collection of lanterns reflects the English countryside charm combined with the graces of a stately manor. Clear seeded glass combines a clean look with old-world charm. English Bridle is available in British Bronze or Black.

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 94 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE ENGLISH BRIDLE BLACK Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-EB2-S-BLK Small Wall Lantern 320mm 165mm - - 190mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-EB2-M-BLK Medium Wall Lantern 500mm 216mm - - 267mm Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB3-M-BLK Medium Pedestal 552mm 216mm - - - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB4-M-BLK Medium Bollard 1180mm 216mm - - - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB8-M-BLK Medium Chain Lantern 470mm 216mm 580mm 2105mm - Black 3 x 60W E14 IP23 FE-EB2-S-BLK FE-EB4-M-BLK FE-EB3-M-BLK FE-EB8-M-BLK FE-EB2-M-BLK

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 95 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE FE-EB2-M-BRB FE-EB3-M-BRB FE-EB8-M-BRB FE-EB4-M-BRB Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-EB2-S-BRB Small Wall Lantern 320mm 165mm - - 190mm British Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-EB2-M-BRB Medium Wall Lantern 500mm 216mm - - 267mm British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB3-M-BRB Medium Pedestal 552mm 216mm - - - British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB4-M-BRB Medium Bollard 1180mm 216mm - - - British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB8-M-BRB Medium Chain Lantern 470mm 216mm 580mm 2105mm - British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP23 FE-EB2-S-BRB ENGLISH BRIDLE BRITISH BRONZE


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 97 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE ENGLISH BRIDLE BRITISH BRONZE (continued) FE-EB2-L-BRB FE-EB5-L-BRB FE-EB8-L-BRB Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-EB2-L-BRB Large Wall Lantern 622mm 267mm - - 325mm British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB2-XL-BRB X Large Wall Lantern 737mm 318mm - - 394mm British Bronze 4 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB3-L-BRB Large Pedestal 638mm 267mm - - - British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB5-L-BRB Large Lamp Post 2426mm 267mm - - - British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-EB8-L-BRB Large Chain Lantern 620mm 267mm 680mm 2205mm - British Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP23 FE-EB3-L-BRB

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 98 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-BATONRG-S Small Wall Lantern 381mm 191mm 229mm Walnut 1 x 100W E27 IP44 FE-BATONRG3 Pedestal Lantern 610mm 241mm - Walnut 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-BATONRG4 Pillar 1317mm 241mm - Walnut 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-BATONRG5 Lamp Post 2580mm 330mm - Walnut 4 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-BATONRG-S FE-BATONRG3 Every home can use a little extra curb appeal - that’s where this ornate lantern collection comes in. Gold lustre tinted glass and a warm Walnut finish enhance the intricate detailing beautifully. Each piece has a curvaceous form and perfect silhouette so it looks as dazzling in the daytime as it will when lit at night. BATON ROUGE FE-BATONRG5 FE-BATONRG4

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 99 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE FE-BATONRG-M FE-BATONRG-L Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-BATONRG-M Medium Wall Lantern 578mm 241mm - - 356mm Walnut 3 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-BATONRG-L Large Wall Lantern 762mm 305mm - - 457mm Walnut 4 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-BATONRG8 Duo-Mount Chain Lantern 715mm 330mm 785mm 2309mm - Walnut 4 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-BATONRG8 shown as semi-flush FE-BATONRG8

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 100 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Luverne collection features an Oil Rubbed Bronze finish that embellishes the nuanced bead patterns, medallions and scrollwork of these attractive outdoor lights. The tight pattern on the clear ribbed glass offers just the right light. LUVERNE KL-LUVERNE3-M KL-LUVERNE2-M KL-LUVERNE8-M Code Description Height Width Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-LUVERNE2-S Small Wall Lantern 337mm 178mm - 197mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-LUVERNE2-M Medium Wall Lantern 457mm 229mm - 279mm Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KL-LUVERNE3-M Pedestal 500mm 229mm - - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 150W E27 IP44 KL-LUVERNE8-M Chain Lantern 440mm 229mm 1680mm* - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1 x 150W E27 IP23 * Supplied with 1200mm of chain. KL-LUVERNE2-S

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 101 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE This regency style lantern boasts hand blown clear water glass and all die-cast aluminium construction. The rich Walnut finish completes the stately approach. REGENT COURT Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-REGENTCOURT3 Pedestal Lantern 505mm 216mm - Walnut 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-REGENTCOURT-F Flush Mount 178mm 267mm - Walnut 2 x E14 40W IP44 FE-REGENTCOURT-M Medium Wall Lantern 445mm 216mm 279mm Walnut 2 x E14 60W IP44 FE-REGENTCOURT-S Small Wall Lantern 343mm 165mm 203mm Walnut 1 x E27 100W IP44 FE-REGENTCOURT3 FE-REGENTCOURT-F FE-REGENTCOURT-M FE-REGENTCOURT-S

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 102 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE A family of “period style” medium and large size lanterns with fine leaf finial details. This range covers pedestal, lamp-post, wall and suspended applications. Each product is offered with amber tinted blown glass and is hand finished in a Weathered Bronze Patina. BALTIMORE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BT1-M Medium Wall Lantern 550mm 225mm - - 220mm Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 BT3-M Medium Pedestal 560mm 225mm - - - Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 BT4-M Medium Pillar 1170mm 225mm - - - Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 BT8-M Medium Chain Lantern 500mm 225mm 575mm 2120mm - Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP23 BT1-M BT4-M BT3-M BT8-M

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 103 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BT1-L Large Wall Lantern 690mm 300mm - - 350mm Weathered Bronze 1 x 150W E27 IP44 BT3-L Large Pedestal 680mm 300mm - - - Weathered Bronze 1 x 150W E27 IP44 BT5-L Large Lamp Post 2390mm 300mm - - - Weathered Bronze 1 x 150W E27 IP44 BT8-L Large Chain Lantern 575mm 300mm 650mm 2255mm - Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP23 BT1-L BT3-L BT8-L BT5-L


LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 105 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE PHILADELPHIA OLD BRONZE PH1-L-OB PH2-L-OB Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating PH1-L-OB Large Wall Lantern 640mm 260mm 310mm Old Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 PH2-L-OB Large Wall Lantern 640mm 260mm 310mm Old Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 PH1-M-OB Medium Wall Lantern 525mm 190mm 265mm Old Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PH2-M-OB Medium Wall Lantern 520mm 190mm 265mm Old Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 Distinctive details feature in this complete series of “period” lanterns available in three sizes; small, medium and large. Ideal for pedestal, post top, wall and suspended applications including an attractive lamp-post. The range has amber blown glass and an Old Bronze Patina finish. PH1-M-OB PH2-M-OB

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 106 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE PH3-M-OB PH8-M-OB PH4-M-OB PH5-L-OB Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating PH1-S-OB Small Wall Lantern 430mm 170mm - - 240mm Old Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PH2-S-OB Small Wall Lantern 430mm 170mm - - 240mm Old Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PH3-M-OB Medium Pedestal 540mm 190mm - - - Old Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PH4-M-OB Medium Pillar 1165mm 190mm - - - Old Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PH5-L-OB Large Lamp Post 2370mm 265mm - - - Old Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 PH8-M-OB Medium Chain Lantern 380mm 190mm 540mm 1540mm - Old Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PH1-S-OB PH2-S-OB PHILADELPHIA OLD BRONZE (continued)

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 107 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The New England and St. Louis fittings take their influences from different periods dating back to pre and post 1900s. Available in a Weathered Bronze finish, these fittings use hand-blown glass and great attention to detail in their designs resulting in products that will add style to any situation. NEW ENGLAND & ST. LOUIS Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating STL2-S-WB Small Wall Lantern 325mm 170mm 215mm Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 STL2-M-WB Medium Wall Lantern 400mm 185mm 230mm Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 NE1-S Small Wall Lantern 350mm 165mm 195mm Weathered Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP44 NE8-M Flush Mount 200mm 360mm - Weathered Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 ST. LOUIS STL2-M-WB NEW ENGLAND NE1-S ST. LOUIS STL2-S-WB NEW ENGLAND NE8-M

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 108 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE A comprehensive range of classic lanterns in “turn of the century” style, available in three size options, small, medium and very large. The range covers pedestal, pillar, wall, lamp-post and suspended versions and each product is offered with clear textured blown glass and a hand finished Rusty Bronze Patina. CHICAGO Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating CC2-S Wall Lantern 470mm 235mm - - 280mm Rusty Bronze Patina 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CC3-S Pedestal 510mm 235mm - - - Rusty Bronze Patina 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CC4-S Pillar 1150mm 235mm - - - Rusty Bronze Patina 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CC8-S Chain Lantern 435mm 235mm 510mm 1510mm - Rusty Bronze Patina 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CC3-S CC8-S CC2-S CC4-S Extra large fittings: please check dimensions carefully when ordering

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM AMERICAN TRADITIONAL 109 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating CC2-L Large Wall Lantern 700mm 355mm 430mm Rusty Bronze Patina 4 x 60W E14 IP44 CC2-M Medium Wall Lantern 560mm 280mm 340mm Rusty Bronze Patina 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CC5-M Medium Lamp-post 2465mm 280mm - Rusty Bronze Patina 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CC5-M CC2-L CC2-M Extra large fittings: please check dimensions carefully when ordering

110 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL This collection features styles influenced from period British and European lanterns from the last century. Although some of these are modern updates made of cast aluminium, others are still hand-made in iron to keep the authenticity. These lanterns are typically smaller in scale to suit picturesque cottages and small town houses. WEXFORD WX2 page 115 CANTERBURY BL50M page 119 MINERS MINERS-CHN page 131

111 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM Model shown: Hereford - BL21 (see page 127)

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 112 A full range of leaded lanterns, the Norfolk is a versatile choice for all residential applications. Offering unique styling and exceptional value, each lantern panel features five separate pieces of glass, hand-leaded together. All versions are backed by a 5 year anti- corrosion guarantee*. The NR1 is available with a P.I.R. detector which is guaranteed for 2 years. Available in a Black finish. NORFOLK Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating NR1-BLK* Wall Lantern 450mm 184mm - - 260mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 NR1-PIR-BLACK* PIR Wall Lantern 470mm 184mm - - 295mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 NR2-BLK* Wall Lantern 450mm 184mm - - 215mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 NR9-BLK Chain Lantern 395mm 184mm 515mm 600mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 * For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK NR1-PIR-BLACK NR9-BLK NR2-BLK NR1-BLK PIR detectors are guaranteed for 2 years 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 113 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating NR3-BLK Pedestal 440mm 184mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 NR4-BLK Pillar 1090mm 184mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 NR7-2-BLK Half Lantern 359mm 257mm 125mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 NR8-BLK Triple Lamp Post 2270mm 600mm - Black 3 x 100W E27 IP43 NR3-BLK NR7-2-BLK NR4-BLK NR8-BLK 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 114 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating WX1-PIR* PIR Wall Lantern 532mm 159mm - - 278mm Black/Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP44 WX3 Pedestal 523mm 159mm - - - Black/Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP44 WX9 Chain Lantern 340mm 159mm 460mm 900mm - Black/Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP23 WX7 Half Lantern 338mm 221mm - - 86mm Black/Silver 2 x 60W E27 IP23 * For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK A range of substantial leaded lanterns, the Wexford offers attractive traditional styling for larger applications. Each lantern panel features five separate pieces of glass, hand- leaded together. All versions are backed by a 3 year anti- corrosion guarantee*. Available in Black/Silver finish. WEXFORD WX1-PIR WX9 WX7 WX3 PIR detectors are guaranteed for 2 years

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 115 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating WX1 Wall Lantern 535mm 159mm 285mm Black/Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP44 WX2 Wall Lantern 370mm 159mm 286mm Black/Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP23 WX4 Pillar 1235mm 159mm - Black/Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP44 WX8 Twin Lamp Post 2285mm 570mm - Black/Silver 2 x 100W E27 IP44 * For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK WX4 WX8 WX2 WX1 Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 116 The York standard lantern range originates from the typically Old English coach lanterns of long ago and are manufactured completely from die-cast aluminium. These lanterns come with a 5 year anti-corrosion guarantee* and are available in a Black finish. YORK Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BL2* Wall Lantern 310mm 185mm - - 225mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL5* Wall Lantern 435mm 185mm - - 230mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL6A Porch Lantern 245mm 185mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 BL6B Porch Chain Lantern 285mm 185mm 400mm 500mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL7 Pedestal 315mm 185mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL15 Half Lantern 280mm 210mm - - 140mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 * For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK BL2 BL7 BL5 BL6B BL15 BL6A 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 117 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BL17* 1 Wall Lantern 385mm 185mm - - 246mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 BL18* 1 Wall Lantern 335mm 185mm - - 237mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL18A Porch Lantern 280mm 185mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL18B Chain Lantern 285mm 185mm 400mm 525mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL19* 2 Wall Lantern 400mm 185mm - - 310mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL25 Pedestal 410mm 185mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 * 1 For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK * 2 For corner bracket order C-BKT2-BLACK The attractive Winchester lantern range reproduces the feel of lanterns used hundreds of years ago. Fully manufactured from die-cast aluminium, these typically English style lanterns come with a 5 year anti-corrosion guarantee* and are available in a Black finish. WINCHESTER BL18B BL19 BL25 BL17 BL18 BL18A 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Corner brackets available - see details in table below

3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 118 The Springfield lanterns offer classic style with a weathered effect aluminium. The hammered-look metal and Distressed Black finish gives each fixture texture and character, while the seeded glass softly diffuses the light. SPRINGFIELD KL-SPRINGFIELD-M KL-SPRINGFIELD-S Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-SPRINGFIELD-M Medium Wall Lantern 450mm 191mm 221mm Distressed Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-SPRINGFIELD-S Small Wall Lantern 343mm 153mm 177mm Distressed Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 119 A range of medium sized lanterns with typically British style window bars and elegant curves and scrolls. Manufactured from die-cast aluminium, these lanterns come with a 5 year anti- corrosion guarantee* and are available in a Black finish. CANTERBURY Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BL46M* 1 Wall Lantern 440mm 215mm - - 250mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL48M Chain Lantern 300mm 215mm 414mm 895mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL50M Pedestal 380mm 215mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL52M* 2 Wall Lantern 405mm 215mm - - 330mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 * 1 For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK * 2 For corner bracket order C-BKT2-BLACK BL52M BL50M BL46M BL48M 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING MADE IN THE UK *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 120 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Simple yet classic lines are the trademark of the Chapel and Chapel Mini range. Manufactured from die-cast aluminium these fittings are offered in a Black finish and come supplied with clear glass panels (except models CP7, CP7-2 & CP12). All are Class 1 and backed by a 10 year anti-corrosion guarantee*. (Special order available: Black/Gold, Verdi and Black/Copper.) CHAPEL & CHAPEL MINI Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating CPM1-BLACK* Mini Up Wall Lantern 380mm 170mm 240mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CPM2-BLACK* Mini Down Wall Lantern 380mm 170mm 240mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP6-BLACK Midi Lamp Post 1790mm 205mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP7-BLACK Half Lantern 380mm 190mm 120mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP8-BLACK Twin Lamp Post 2270mm 600mm - Black 2 x 100W E27 IP44 * For corner bracket order C-BKT3-BLACK CP7-BLACK CP8-BLACK CP6-BLACK CPM2-BLACK CPM1-BLACK 10 YEAR 10 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING MADE IN THE UK *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 121 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating CP1-BLACK* Up Wall Lantern 480mm 205mm 297mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP2-BLACK* Down Wall Lantern 440mm 205mm 297mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP4-BLACK Pedestal 500mm 205mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP5-BLACK Pillar 1000mm 205mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP7-2-BLACK Half Lantern 410mm 220mm 140mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CP12-BLACK Ceiling/Wall Flush Mount 300mm 300mm 165mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CPM4-BLACK Mini Pedestal 440mm 170mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 CPM5-BLACK Mini Pillar 940mm 170mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 * For corner bracket order C-BKT3-BLACK CP1-BLACK CP7-2-BLACK CPM5-BLACK CP4-BLACK CPM4-BLACK CP12-BLACK CP2-BLACK CP5-BLACK 10 YEAR 10 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING MADE IN THE UK *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 122 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Parish and Parish Mini offer a blend of minimal, elegant styling with fine attention to detail and quality. Manufactured from die-cast aluminium these lanterns are supplied with clear glass panels (except PR12) and are offered in a Black finish. (Special order available: Black/ Gold, Verdi or Black/Copper finish.) All are Class 1 and have a 10 year anti-corrosion guarantee*. PARISH & PARISH MINI Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating PRM1-BLACK* Mini Up Wall Lantern 390mm 180mm 250mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PRM2-BLACK* Mini Down Wall Lantern 390mm 180mm 250mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PRM4-BLACK Mini Pedestal 450mm 180mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PRM5-BLACK Mini Pillar 950mm 180mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PR1-BLACK* Up Wall Lantern 520mm 230mm 300mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PR12-BLACK Flush Mount 165mm 300mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 * For corner bracket order C-BKT3-BLACK PRM2-BLACK PRM5-BLACK PRM1-BLACK PR12-BLACK PR1-BLACK PRM4-BLACK 10 YEAR 10 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING MADE IN THE UK *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 123 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE PR2-BLACK Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating PR2-BLACK* Down Wall Lantern 480mm 230mm 300mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PR4-BLACK Pedestal 520mm 230mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PR5-BLACK Pillar 1040mm 230mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PR6-BLACK Lamp Post 1800mm 230mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PR7-BLACK Half Lantern 420mm 200mm 137mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 PR8-BLACK Twin Lamp Post 2290mm 650mm - Black 2 x 100W E27 IP44 * For corner bracket order C-BKT3-BLACK PR7-BLACK PR5-BLACK PR6-BLACK PR8-BLACK PR4-BLACK 10 YEAR 10 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING MADE IN THE UK *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 124 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE An elegant Victorian style lamp range suitable for both domestic and commercial environments. The lamp-post has an access door to assist wiring installation and, as with all the range, is made predominantly of cast aluminium. All products are Class 1 and IP23 rated. Optional root fixing available: order WSLP1 ROOT ONLY. Supplied in Black finish with clear glass panels. WILMSLOW Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating WSLB1* Wall Lantern 1145mm 385mm 675mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 WSLL1 Head Only 825mm 385mm Includes 80mm i/D Frog Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 WSLN1 Pedestal 1060mm 385mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 WSLP1 Large Lamp Post 3300mm 585mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 * For corner bracket order C-BKT4-BLACK WSLL1 WSLN1 WSLB1 WSLP1 Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING MADE IN THE UK *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 125 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE A distinctive range of Victorian style lanterns ideally suited to the traditional or period property. The lamp-post has an access door to assist wiring installation and, as with all the range, is made predominantly of cast aluminium. All products are Class 1 and IP23 rated. Optional root fixing available: order GP1 ROOT ONLY. Supplied in Black finish with clear glass panels. GRAMPIAN Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating GB1* Wall Lantern 820mm 290mm 490mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 GL1 Head Only 680mm 290mm Includes 50mm i/D Frog Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 GN1 Pedestal 790mm 290mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 GP1 Large Lamp Post 2760mm 410mm 290mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 * For corner bracket order C-BKT4-BLACK GN1 GB1 GL1 GP1 Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 126 Typically English in appearance, these unique round lanterns offer decorative elegance yet functional appeal. Fully crafted in die-cast aluminium, these lanterns come with a 5 year anti- corrosion guarantee* and are available in Black finish only. HEREFORD Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BL8* Wall Lantern 310mm 150mm - - 210mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 BL10* Wall Lantern 420mm 150mm - - 215mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 BL12 Pedestal 340mm 150mm - - 215mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 BL13A Porch Lantern 260mm 150mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 BL13B Porch Chain Lantern 285mm 150mm 405mm 500mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP23 * For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK BL13B BL13A BL10 BL12 BL8 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Corner brackets available - see details in table below

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 127 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BL21* Wall Lantern 294mm 150mm - - 221mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL21A Porch Lantern 235mm 150mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL21B Porch Chain Lantern 260mm 150mm 380mm 475mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL21-G* Wall Lantern 345mm 200mm - - 240mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 BL22-G* Wall Lantern 360mm 200mm - - 240mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 * For corner bracket order C-BKT5-BLACK BL21 BL21A BL22-G BL21B BL21-G 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 128 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Guarantee* QZ-CORTLAND-F Outdoor Flush Mount 156mm 305mm - Imperial Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 3 years QZ-CORTLAND-S Small Wall Lantern 305mm 171mm 131mm Imperial Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 3 years GZH-CHW2 Wall Lantern 260mm 120mm 160mm Old Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 3 years QZ-PROVINCE2-S Small Wall Lantern 382mm 171mm 197mm Mystic Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 3 years POLRUAN Wall Lantern 340mm 179mm 204mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 2 years CORTLAND QZ-CORTLAND-S CORTLAND QZ-CORTLAND-F These designs take inspiration from lanterns of times gone by and come in various finishes including Bronze, Black and a textured Weathered Zinc. Several come with hinged doors to make changing lamps easier, inspired by the days when they would have been lit by candles, gas or oil. TRADITIONAL LANTERNS CHEDWORTH GZH-CHW2 PROVINCE QZ-PROVINCE2-S POLRUAN

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 129 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Guarantee* EUSTON Wall Lantern 220mm 212mm 233mm Old Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP43 2 years KL-ARGYLE2-S Small Outdoor Wall Light 261mm 166mm 194mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 75W E27 IP44 3 years KL-ARGYLE2-M Medium Outdoor Wall Light 322mm 204mm 234mm Weathered Zinc 1 x 100W E27 IP44 3 years ARGYLE KL-ARGYLE2-S ARGYLE KL-ARGYLE2-M EUSTON

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 130 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Guarantee* FE-PEDIMENT-M Medium Wall Lantern 460mm 178mm 155mm Dark Aged Copper 2 x 60W E14 IP44 3 years FE-PEDIMENT-S Small Wall Lantern 318mm 170mm 155mm Dark Aged Copper 2 x 60W E14 IP44 3 years BALMORAL Large Wall Lantern 615mm 277mm 170mm Old Bronze 3 x 60W E14 IP44 2 years KENDAL Wall Lantern 460mm 230mm 110mm Old Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 2 years STOW Wall Lantern 450mm 112mm 110mm Old Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 2 years BALMORAL KENDAL STOW TRADITIONAL LANTERNS (continued) PEDIMENT FE-PEDIMENT-M PEDIMENT FE-PEDIMENT-S

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 131 Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HYTHE Wall Lantern 390mm 120mm - - 190mm Old Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP43 MATLOCK Wall Lantern 320mm 125mm - - 110mm Old Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP43 MINERS-CHN Chain Lantern 380mm 200mm 455mm 1560mm - Old Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 MINERS-PED Pedestal Lantern 360mm 200mm - - - Old Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 MINERS-WALL Wall Lantern 420mm 200mm - - 150mm Old Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 MINERS-CHN MINERS-PED MINERS-WALL MATLOCK HYTHE 2 YEAR 2 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 132 WINCHCOMBE GZH-WC2 BURFORD GZH-BF2 KENT Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating GZH-BF2 Wall Lantern 253mm 168mm 199mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KENT Wall Lantern 328mm 165mm 230mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 GZH-FF12 Flush Ceiling Lantern 160mm 260mm 160mm Old Bronze 2 x 40W E27 IP44 GZH-SDN2 Wall Lantern 255mm 177mm 200mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 GZH-SHIP2 Wall Lantern 268mm 215mm 242mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 GZH-WC2 Wall Lantern 262mm 150mm 190mm Black/Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 SANDOWN GZH-SDN2 SHIPSTON GZH-SHIP2 TRADITIONAL LANTERNS (continued) FAIRFORD GZH-FF12

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 133 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating GZH-CKL7 Half Wall Lantern 350mm 198mm 112mm Black/Gold 1 x 60W E27 IP44 GZH-HN1 Wall Lantern 260mm 135mm 150mm Weathered Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HK-RANDOLPH2-S Small Wall Lantern 274mm 152mm 174mm Autumn 1 x 75W E27 IP44 HK-WABASH2-M Medium Wall Lantern 349mm 207mm 258mm Mocha 2 x 40W E14 IP44 HK-WABASH2-S Small Wall Lantern 265mm 157mm 195mm Mocha 1 x 60W E27 IP44 WABASH HK-WABASH2-S WABASH HK-WABASH2-M HIGHNAM GZH-HN1 RANDOLPH HK-RANDOLPH2-S CRICKLADE GZH-CKL7

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 134 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Guarantee GZH-LB1 Wall Lantern 427mm 173mm 220mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 3 years GZH-LB3 Pedestal Lantern 475mm 173mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 3 years GZH-LB5 Lamp Post 1924mm 225mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 3 years GZH-NB7 Half Wall Lantern 330mm 172mm 122mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 3 years MD7 Half Wall Lantern 445mm 260mm 140mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 5 years MEDSTEAD MD7 LEDBURY GZH-LB3 LEDBURY GZH-LB1 LEDBURY GZH-LB5 NEWBURY GZH-NB7 TRADITIONAL LANTERNS (continued)

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 135 Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Guarantee DUNGARVAN-BLK Up/Down Wall Light 300mm 190mm 150mm Black 2 x 60W E27 IP44 20 years GZH-MALV Up/Down Wall Light 230mm 92mm 129mm Black 2 x 7W LED GU10* IP44 3 years JANNIK-LED2 LED Wall Fitting 235mm 110mm 102mm Dark Grey 7.6W LED* IP44 5 years MAGNUS-2 Up/DownWall Light 188mm 100mm 128mm Dark Grey 2 x 9W GX53* IP44 5 years * Lamps included MALVERN GZH-MALV This eclectic mix brings together all of Elstead’s up/down wall lights, with styles ranging from modern to traditional. The unique nature of an up/down wall light brings attention to the architecture of a building, while also providing useful ambient lighting. It is an alternative design sure to make a strong statement. Many models are supplied with LED light sources. UP/DOWN WALL LIGHTS JANNIK JANNIK-LED2 MAGNUS MAGNUS-2 DUNGARVAN DUNGARVAN-BLK *Guarantee details on p220 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM UP/DOWN WALL LIGHTS 135

LIGHTING 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 136 *Guarantee details on p220 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM SECURITY LANTERNS 136 SECURITY & PIR LANTERNS WEXFORD WX1-PIR NORFOLK NR1-PIR-BLACK MEDSTEAD MD7-PIR-BLACK Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Guarantee MD7-PIR-BLACK Medstead PIR Half Lantern 495mm 260mm 140mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 5 years NR1-PIR-BLACK Up Wall Lantern with PIR 470mm 184mm 295mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP43 5 years WX1-PIR Up Wall Lantern with PIR 532mm 159mm 278mm Black/Silver 1 x 100W E27 IP43 3 years PIR Technical Information for Square Sensors (2 Year Guarantee) 150 watt switching capacity PIR range: min. 1m to 8m max. Time adjustment: 5 sec to 7mins Detection width: 120o This collection of outdoor fittings has a focus on security and convenience. All come with a passive infrared sensor (PIR) guaranteed against fault for two years. Use of a PIR sensor on an outdoor lantern minimises energy use without sacrificing the security gained from outdoor lighting. The efficient LED Sigmund further reduces the energy used.

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COUNTRY TRADITIONAL 137 *Guarantee details on p220 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM SECURITY LANTERNS 137 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE HELSINGOR HELSINGOR-PIR Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Guarantee HELSINGOR-PIR Wall Lantern with PIR 236mm 218mm 260mm Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 15 years HELSINGOR-PIR BK Wall Lantern with PIR 236mm 218mm 260mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 15 years SIGMUND-3-PIR Wall Spotlight with PIR 124mm 230mm 230mm Graphite 9W LED (605 LM) IP54 5 years PIR Technical Information for HELSINGOR (2 Year Guarantee) PIR range: 5m max. Time adjustment: 5+ mins Detection width: 90o Please Note: The sensor cannot be manually overridden. The final PIR setting must be set at dusk as the PIR does not operate in daylight. SIGMUND SIGMUND-3-PIR PIR Technical Information for SIGMUND-3-PIR PIR range: min. 0m to 12m max. Time adjustment: 10 secs to 8 mins Detection width: 150o HELSINGOR HELSINGOR-PIR BK

138 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION The harsh nature of coastal environments challenge many product types that are used outdoors, particularly outdoor lighting. To combat the effects of saline and UV damage, we have brought together a wide collection of models, styles and options that fulfil these challenges without compromise to the design. Using premium materials, these ranges have been designed to resist these harshest of conditions whilst bringing great style to the location used.

139 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TECHNICAL INFORMATION POLYMER • E xtremely strong yet lightweight material. • A ll use impact resistant polycarbonate lenses. • E mbedded colour for enhanced UV, colour and corrosion resistance. • S uitable for ocean facing locations. • G uaranteed 20 years.* see pages 160-163 COMPOSITE • S trong and durable material that is robust in appearance and feel. • A ll feature hand-made glass lenses. • E xcellent UV, corrosion and rusting resistance properties. • S uitable for ocean-facing locations and exposure to the harshest conditions. • G uaranteed for 5 years.* see pages 140-159 MARINE MATERIALS • Mala ysian Teak and 316 stainless steel materials used. • R obust and weather resistant to the harshest of conditions. • Natural T eak wood needs maintenance for colour and lifetime protection. • Non-ferr ous supporting components used internally. • 10 y ear limited lifetime warranty.* see page 179 BRASS • S olid high grade brass material used with glass panels. • R obust yet hand crafted ensuring long life properties. • Ha ve lacquered finishes that will potentially age in harsh conditions. • C an withstand ocean-side locations but will age / patina. • Limit ed Lifetime warranty.* see pages 164 -178 *Guarantee details on p220.


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 141 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE With a soft, updated approach to the Prairie design style, the Hodges outdoor collection by Feiss has a simple yet refined farmhouse look. Great craftsmanship and technique is applied to bend the metal roofline and to create the loop at the crown. An Ash Black finish combined with Clear Seeded glass panels provides a warm welcome. Constructed of a weather resistant composite material for added strength, durability and longevity, the collection offers a 5-year warranty. HODGES Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-HODGES-S Small Wall Lantern 300mm 196mm 180mm Ash Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-HODGES-L Large Wall Lantern 415mm 272mm 194mm Ash Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-HODGES-L FE-HODGES-S

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 142 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Inspired by classic Tudor style, the Admirals Cove outdoor collection blends tailored details with modern-day performance. Crafted from a composite material, it is designed to withstand harsh outdoor elements, like saltwater spray and UV rays, for a beautiful and long-lasting Textured Black finish. The clear seeded glass enhances the vintage style while letting the light shine through. ADMIRALS COVE KL-ADMIRALS-COVE-L KL-ADMIRALS-COVE-M KL-ADMIRALS-COVE-S Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-ADMIRALS-COVE-L Large Wall Lantern 595mm 260mm 331mm Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ADMIRALS-COVE-M Medium Wall Lantern 478mm 208mm 270mm Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-ADMIRALS-COVE-S Small Wall Lantern 377mm 156mm 208mm Textured Black 1 x 40W E27 IP44

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 143 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Randhurst outdoor fixtures are a modern interpretation of an antique gas lantern, made of a composite material that can withstand the harshest outdoor elements and finished off with a new rough-hewn, Copper Oxide finish. Handcrafted stepped details, grommets and open vents on the crown add charm to this period-inspired collection. RANDHURST FE-RANDHURST- L- CO FE-RANDHURST- M-CO FE-RANDHURST-S-CO Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-RANDHURST-L-CO Large Wall Lantern 510mm 225mm 219mm Copper Oxide 3 x 40W E14 IP44 FE-RANDHURST-M-CO Medium Wall Lantern 413mm 187mm 186mm Copper Oxide 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-RANDHURST-S-CO Small Wall Lantern 345mm 150mm 149mm Copper Oxide 1 x 60W E27 IP44

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 144 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Newport outdoor lanterns have a vented top inspired by lighthouse designs. Newport is available in either Painted Silver with Opal Etched glass or Antique Bronze with Clear Seeded glass. The lanterns are made of a unique synthetic composition that is tough enough to withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it a great choice for Coastal applications. NEWPORT FE-NEWPORT-M-ANBZ FE-NEWPORT-M-PBS FE-NEWPORT-S-ANBZ FE-NEWPORT-S-PBS Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-NEWPORT-M-ANBZ Medium Wall Lantern 329mm 191mm 226mm Antique Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-NEWPORT-M-PBS Medium Wall Lantern 329mm 191mm 226mm Painted Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-NEWPORT-S-ANBZ Small Wall Lantern 229mm 159mm 193mm Antique Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-NEWPORT-S-PBS Small Wall Lantern 229mm 159mm 193mm Painted Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 145 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Harsh sunrays, salt water spray and more of Mother Nature’s worst are no match for the Textured Black finish on the Suri outdoor collection. Constructed using a composite material with UV protectant, Suri’s nautical-inspired look stays beautiful for years with a rich finish that never fades and is backed by a 5-year warranty. SURI KL-SURI-F (shown for porch) KL -SURI-F (shown as pedestal) KL -SURI-L KL-SURI-M KL-SURI-S Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-SURI-F Porch / Pedestal Lantern 278mm 140mm - Textured Black 1 x 40W E27 IP44 KL-SURI-L Large Wall Lantern 444mm 228mm 260mm Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-SURI-M Medium Wall Lantern 393mm 198mm 229mm Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-SURI-S Small Wall Lantern 286mm 140mm 170mm Textured Black 1 x 40W E27 IP44

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 146 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Inspired by classic craftsman architecture, the Beacon Square outdoor collection features clean lines, creating a transitional and versatile style. Crafted from a composite material, each fixture is designed to withstand harsh outdoor elements, like saltwater spray and UV rays, with a beautiful and long-lasting Olde Bronze or White finish. The clear, hammered glass simulates the look of water, enhancing the overall style, while still letting the light shine through. KL-BEACON-SQUARE-F-OZ KL-BEACON-SQUARE-M-OZ KL-BEACON-SQUARE-S-OZ KL-BEACON-SQUARE8-OZ Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-BEACON-SQUARE-F-OZ Flush Mount 132mm 305mm - - - Olde Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-BEACON-SQUARE-M-OZ Wall Lantern 359mm 203mm - - 228mm Olde Bronze 1 x 40W E27 IP44 KL-BEACON-SQUARE-S-OZ Wall Lantern 302mm 165mm - - 190mm Olde Bronze 1 x 40W E27 IP44 KL-BEACON-SQUARE8-OZ Chain Lantern 254mm 165mm 377mm 1403mm* - Olde Bronze 1 x 40W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1000mm chain. BEACON SQUARE OLDE BRONZE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 147 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE KL-BEACON-SQUARE-F-WHT KL-BEACON-SQUARE-M-WHT KL-BEACON-SQUARE-S-WHT KL-BEACON-SQUARE8-WHT Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KL-BEACON-SQUARE-F-WHT Flush Mount 132mm 305mm - - - White 2 x 60W E27 IP44 KL-BEACON-SQUARE-M-WHT Wall Lantern 359mm 203mm - - 228mm White 1 x 40W E27 IP44 KL-BEACON-SQUARE-S-WHT Wall Lantern 302mm 165mm - - 190mm White 1 x 40W E27 IP44 KL-BEACON-SQUARE8-WHT Chain Lantern 254mm 165mm 377mm 1403mm* - White 1 x 40W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1000mm chain. BEACON SQUARE WHITE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 148 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Inspired by Craftsman design, the Crusade outdoor series is clean and classic. Encased in criss-crossed bands, the clear seeded glass emits plenty of light. The fixture body is created using a composite material suitable for extreme temperatures and is resistant to fading. CRUSADE QZ-CRUSADE-M-BLK QZ-CRUSADE-S-BLK QZ-CRUSADE8-BLK Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-CRUSADE-M-BLK Medium Wall Lantern 366mm 202mm - - 202mm Earth Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-CRUSADE-S-BLK Small Wall Lantern 279mm 153mm - - 153mm Earth Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-CRUSADE8-BLK Chain Lantern 325mm 202mm 414mm 2890mm* - Earth Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 2438mm chain.

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 149 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE LIVINGSTON Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-LIVINGSTON2-L Large Wall Lantern 420mm 208mm 193mm Imperial Bronze 3 x 40W E14 IP44 QZ-LIVINGSTON2-M Medium Wall Lantern 356mm 180mm 169mm Imperial Bronze 2 x 40W E14 IP44 QZ-LIVINGSTON2-S Small Wall Lantern 283mm 143mm 139mm Imperial Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP44 Classic yet subtle styling makes the Livingston outdoor series a welcome addition to the Coastal Collection. Clear seedy glass complements the rich Imperial Bronze finish. Made of a unique composite material this outdoor collection is guaranteed to withstand the harshest of elements and features a five year finish warranty. QZ-LIVINGSTON2-M QZ-LIVINGSTON2-S QZ-LIVINGSTON2-L


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 151 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-BOYNTON2-S Small Wall Lantern 273mm 229mm - - 271mm Painted Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-BOYNTON2-M Medium Wall Lantern 328mm 267mm - - 311mm Painted Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-BOYNTON2-L Large Wall Lantern 390mm 316mm - - 365mm Painted Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-BOYNTON8-S Outdoor Pendant 279mm 229mm 500mm 1414mm* - Painted Brushed Steel 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 3 x 305mm & 1 x 152mm rods. Taking inspiration from both industrial and nautical design and boasting a new Painted Brushed Steel finish, the Boynton outdoor collection by Feiss makes a style statement that is equally suited for use indoors or out. Constructed of a weather resistant composite material for added strength, durability and longevity, the collection offers a 5-year warranty. BOYNTON FE-BOYNTON8-S FE-BOYNTON2-S FE-BOYNTON2-M FE-BOYNTON2-L

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 152 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE QZ-MARBLEHEAD-F-WHT QZ-MARBLEHEAD-M-WHT QZ-MARBLEHEAD-S-WHT Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-MARBLEHEAD-F-WHT Flush Mount 127mm 330mm 330mm White 2 x 40W E27 IP44 QZ-MARBLEHEAD-M-WHT Medium Wall Lantern 342mm 220mm 257mm White 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-MARBLEHEAD-S-WHT Small Wall Lantern 263mm 169mm 205mm White 1 x 60W E27 IP44 Marblehead is a rich masculine outdoor series. The stately form of the arches gives the clear seedy glass a window like appearance. Made from a weather resistant outdoor composite material and featuring a 5 year warranty it is sure to stand the test of time. It is available in Palladian Bronze or White. MARBLEHEAD

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 153 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-MARBLEHEAD-F Flush Mount 127mm 330mm - Palladian Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-MARBLEHEAD2-M Medium Wall Lantern 367mm 229mm 257mm Palladian Bronze 1 x 75W E27 IP44 QZ-MARBLEHEAD2-S Small Wall Lantern 281mm 178mm 205mm Palladian Bronze 1 x 75W E27 IP44 QZ-MARBLEHEAD2-S QZ-MARBLEHEAD2-M QZ-MARBLEHEAD-F


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 155 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE These traditional style lanterns are made of a weather resistant composite material which has exceptional durability to withstand the harshest elements. Londontowne and Federal feature seeded glass and Wellfleet features a classic infinity motif detail which nicely complements the cylindrical lantern silhouette. LONDONTOWNE FEDERAL & WELLFLEET Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-FEDERAL-F Outdoor Flush 149mm 331mm - Gilded Bronze 2 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-FEDERAL-S Small Outdoor Lantern 359mm 172mm 165mm Gilded Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 FE-LONDONTOWNE Wall Lantern 297mm 171mm 206mm Weathered Chestnut 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-WELLFLEET-S Wall Lantern 321mm 160mm 186mm Aged Bronze 1 x 75W E27 IP44 LONDONTOWNE FE-LONDONTOWNE WELLFLEET FE-WELLFLEET-S FEDERAL FE-FEDERAL-F FEDERAL FE-FEDERAL-S

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 156 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Inspired by traditional Parisian style lanterns, the Shepherd outdoor lighting collection by Feiss features a decorative shepherd's crook, a latched and hinged front door panel, an inner Case White glass shade, Clear Seeded outer glass to create the visual appearance of vintage gas lanterns. Made of a weather resistant composite material for outstanding durability even in the harshest elements, the collection has a 5-year warranty. SHEPHERD Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-SHEPHERD-2XL Extra Large Wall Lantern 891mm 292mm 328mm Dark Weathered Zinc 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-SHEPHERD-2XL

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 157 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE FE-SHEPHERD-F Code Description Height Width Projection Min. Drop Max. Drop Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-SHEPHERD-2L Large Wall Lantern 650mm 216mm 245mm - - Dark Weathered Zinc 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-SHEPHERD-2M Medium Wall Lantern 487mm 190mm 184mm - - Dark Weathered Zinc 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-SHEPHERD-2S Small Wall Lantern 419mm 178mm 184mm - - Dark Weathered Zinc 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-SHEPHERD-8L Large Chain Lantern 537mm 216mm - 633mm 2189mm* Dark Weathered Zinc 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-SHEPHERD-F Flush Mount 145mm 330mm - - - Dark Weathered Zinc 2 x 75W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1524mm of chain. FE-SHEPHERD-8L FE-SHEPHERD-2L FE-SHEPHERD-2M FE-SHEPHERD-2S

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 158 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The classic, rectangular silhouette of the Roscoe lighting collection from Feiss is a modern take on a vintage coach lantern. Striated details frame the recessed White Opal Glass panel, while the rectangular handle detail on top completes the transitional design. Each lantern is made from a weather resistant composite material with a 5-year warranty for supreme strength, durability, and longevity. ROSCOE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FE-ROSCOE-L Large Wall Lantern 461mm 214mm 195mm Textured Black 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-ROSCOE-M Medium Wall Lantern 342mm 191mm 178mm Textured Black 1 x 75W E27 IP44 FE-ROSCOE-S Small Wall Lantern 293mm 161mm 153mm Textured Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 FE-ROSCOE-L FE-ROSCOE-S FE-ROSCOE-M

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 159 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Bedford outdoor series is classic and suitable for any home exterior. The clear seedy glass adds an aged feel and works perfectly with the Mystic Black finish. It is made of a composite material created to handle extreme heat and the brutal cold. It features a 5 year warranty. BEDFORD Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating QZ-BEDFORD2-L Large Wall Lantern 461mm 254mm - - 279mm Mystic Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-BEDFORD2-M Medium Wall Lantern 391mm 216mm - - 241mm Mystic Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-BEDFORD2-S Small Wall Lantern 322mm 178mm - - 203mm Mystic Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 QZ-BEDFORD3-M Medium Pedestal Lantern 470mm 216mm - - - Mystic Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 QZ-BEDFORD8-S Small Chain Lantern 314mm 178mm 479mm 2451mm* - Mystic Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 * Supplied with 1981mm of chain. QZ-BEDFORD8-S QZ-BEDFORD2-S QZ-BEDFORD2-M QZ-BEDFORD2-L QZ-BEDFORD3-M

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 160 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Glenbeigh globe range is designed to be corrosion proof and impact resistant. The lights are manufactured from Black Polymer with opal polycarbonate diffusers. They are IP44 rated, Class II products, ideal for tough coastal climatic conditions. GLENBEIGH Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating GLENBEIGH-WALL Wall Lantern 440mm 270mm - - 320mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 GLENBEIGH-CHAIN Chain Lantern 420mm 270mm 535mm 730mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 GLENBEIGH-PED-PO Pedestal/Porch Lantern 420mm 270mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 GLENBEIGH-PILLAR Pillar 1060mm 270mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 GLENBEIGH-POST Lamp Post 1810mm 270mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 GLENBEIGH-CHAIN GLENBEIGH-PED-PO GLENBEIGH-POST GLENBEIGH-PILLAR GLENBEIGH-WALL Can be mounted as up or down light

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 161 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Kerry 4 sided range is designed to be corrosion proof and impact resistant. These lights are manufactured from Black Polymer with transparent polycarbonate diffusers. They are IP44 rated, Class II products, ideal for tough coastal climatic conditions. KERRY Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KERRY-WALL Wall Lantern 520mm 205mm - - 280mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KERRY-CHAIN Chain Lantern 510mm 205mm 625mm 730mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KERRY-PED-POR Pedestal/Porch Lantern 490mm 205mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KERRY-FLUSH Flush Wall Mount 440mm 205mm - - 140mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KERRY-PILLAR Pillar 1160mm 255mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KERRY-POST Lamp Post 1910mm 255mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KERRY-PED-POR Can be mounted as up or down light KERRY-PILLAR KERRY-POST KERRY-CHAIN KERRY-WALL Can be mounted as up or down light KERRY-FLUSH

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 162 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Kinsale 6 sided range is designed to be corrosion proof and impact resistant. These lights are manufactured from Black Polymer with transparent polycarbonate diffusers. They are IP44 rated, Class II products, ideal for tough coastal climatic conditions. KINSALE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KINSALE-WALL Wall Lantern 460mm 230mm - - 270mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KINSALE-CHAIN Chain Lantern 520mm 230mm 635mm 730mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KINSALE-PED-POR Pedestal/Porch Lantern 510mm 230mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KINSALE-FLUSH Flush Wall Mount 440mm 250mm - - 127mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KINSALE-PILLAR Pillar 1180mm 255mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KINSALE-POST Lamp Post 1930mm 255mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 KINSALE-WALL Can be mounted as up or down light KINSALE-FLUSH KINSALE-PED-POR Can be mounted as up or down light KINSALE-POST KINSALE-PILLAR KINSALE-CHAIN

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 163 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating DUNGARVAN-BLK Up/Down Wall Light 300mm 190mm - - 150mm Black 2 x 60W E27 IP44 SHANNON-DOWN Down Wall Lantern 410mm 250mm - - 320mm Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHANNON-PED Pedestal 500mm 250mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHANNON-CHAIN Chain Lantern 390mm 250mm 530mm 730mm - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHANNON-PILLAR Pillar 1180mm 250mm - - - Black 1 x 100W E27 IP44 The Shannon range and Dungarvan up/down lighter have simple and classic designs which are corrosion proof and impact resistant. They are manufactured from Black Polymer, IP44 rated, Class II products, ideal for tough coastal climatic conditions. SHANNON & DUNGARVAN SHANNON-PILLAR SHANNON-CHAIN SHANNON-DOWN SHANNON-PED DUNGARVAN-BLK DUNGARVAN

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 164 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE These period solid brass lantern designs have been taken from originals dating back to pre-Georgian Britain and will add style and class to town and country homes alike. They are hand crafted and have an Antique Brass finish which is laquered for durability. Models are all IP44 rated. Certain models are also available in a Polished Nickel or Verdigris finish. BRASS LANTERNS MANSION HOUSE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating MANSION-HOUSE-WB1-BR Wall Lantern 478mm 220mm - - 346mm Aged Brass 3 x 60W E14 IP44 MANSION-HOUSE-WB1-PN Wall Lantern 478mm 220mm - - 346mm Polished Nickel 3 x 60W E14 IP44 MANSION-HOUSE8-BR Chain Lantern 480mm 220mm 570mm 895mm - Aged Brass 3 x 60W E14 IP44 MANSION-HOUSE8-PN Chain Lantern 480mm 220mm 570mm 895mm - Polished Nickel 3 x 60W E14 IP44 MANSION-HOUSE-WB1-PN MANSION-HOUSE-WB1-BR MANSION-HOUSE8-BR MANSION-HOUSE8-PN Handmade in Solid Brass LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * *

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 165 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE MANSION-HOUSE-V MANSION-HOUSE-PN MANSION-HOUSE-BR Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating MANSION-HOUSE-BR Wall Lantern 375mm 220mm 120mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 MANSION-HOUSE-PN Wall Lantern 375mm 220mm 120mm Polished Nickel 1 x 100W E27 IP44 MANSION-HOUSE-V Wall Lantern 375mm 220mm 120mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 MANSION-HOUSE-L-BR Large Wall Lantern 489mm 296mm 145mm Aged Brass 2 x 100W E27 IP44 Handmade in Solid Brass LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * MANSION-HOUSE-L-BR

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 166 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE ST-MARTINS-L-BR ST-MARTINS-PN ST-MARTINS-V ST-MARTINS-BR Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating ST-MARTINS-L-BR Large Wall Lantern 413mm 300mm 116mm Aged Brass 2 x 100W E27 IP44 ST-MARTINS-BR Wall Lantern 305mm 225mm 80mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 ST-MARTINS-PN Wall Lantern 305mm 225mm 80mm Polished Nickel 1 x 100W E27 IP44 ST-MARTINS-V Wall Lantern 305mm 225mm 80mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 Handmade in Solid Brass BRASS LANTERNS (continued) LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * *

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 167 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE OLD-BAILEY-L-BR Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating OLD-BAILEY-L-BR Large Wall Lantern 375mm 260mm 150mm Aged Brass 2 x 100W E27 IP44 OLD-BAILEY-BR Wall Lantern 280mm 210mm 110mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 WESTMINSTER-BR Wall Lantern 375mm 260mm 120mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 WESTMINSTER-PN Wall Lantern 375mm 260mm 120mm Polished Nickel 1 x 100W E27 IP44 WESTMINSTER-PN WESTMINSTER-BR OLD-BAILEY-BR LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * Handmade in Solid Brass

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 168 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating LAMBETH-PALACE Wall Lantern 270mm 180mm 130mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 LAMBETH-PALACE-V Wall Lantern 270mm 180mm 130mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 REGENTS-PARK-BR Wall Lantern 350mm 185mm 100mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 REGENTS-PARK-V Wall Lantern 350mm 185mm 100mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 VICTORIA-BR Wall Lantern 260mm 175mm 100mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 VICTORIA-VERDI Wall Lantern 260mm 175mm 100mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 LAMBETH-PALACE-V LAMBETH-PALACE Handmade in Solid Brass REGENTS-PARK-V REGENTS-PARK-BR BRASS LANTERNS (continued) LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * VICTORIA-VERDI VICTORIA-BR

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 169 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating DOWNING-STREET Wall Lantern 600mm 175mm 130mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 DOWNING-STREET-V Wall Lantern 600mm 175mm 130mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HYDE-PARK-BR Wall Lantern 465mm 210mm 120mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 ST-JAMES-BRASS Wall Lantern 285mm 200mm 115mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 ST-JAMES-VERDI Wall Lantern 285mm 200mm 115mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 ST-PAULS-BRASS Wall Lantern 320mm 205mm 115mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 DOWNING-STREET DOWNING-STREET-V Handmade in Solid Brass HYDE-PARK-BR ST-JAMES-VERDI ST-JAMES-BRASS LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * ST-PAULS-BRASS

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 170 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE The Sheldon is influenced by simple barn lamps of the early 1900’s, with a slight industrial edge. It is hand made in solid brass and lacquered for durability. The finish will naturally age into a rich patina and can be chosen with or without the vintage glass guard cage. SHELDON Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating SHELDON-AN Wall Lantern 240mm 295mm 390mm Antique Nickel 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHELDON-BR Wall Lantern 240mm 295mm 390mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHELDON-V Wall Lantern 240mm 295mm 390mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHELDON-AN SHELDON-BR SHELDON-V Handmade in Solid Brass LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * *

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 171 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating SHELDON-CH-BR Chain Lantern 255mm 295mm 330mm 950mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHELDON-CH-V Chain Lantern 255mm 295mm 330mm 950mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHELDON-CH-AN Chain Lantern 255mm 295mm 330mm 950mm Antique Nickel 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SHELDON-CH-BR shown with brass cage SHELDON-CH-V SHELDON-CH-AN Handmade in Solid Brass AN CAGE BR CAGE V CAGE Cage accessories available for all Somerton and Sheldon fittings. Available in all 3 finishes. LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * *

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 172 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating SOMERTON-BR Wall Lantern 250mm 240mm - - 370mm Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SOMERTON-V Wall Lantern 250mm 240mm - - 370mm Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SOMERTON-CH-BR Chain Lantern 255mm 240mm 330mm 950mm - Aged Brass 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SOMERTON-CH-V Chain Lantern 255mm 240mm 330mm 950mm - Verdigris 1 x 100W E27 IP44 SOMERTON-V SOMERTON-CH-BR SOMERTON-CH-V BR CAGE V CAGE SOMERTON-BR shown with brass cage Cage accessories available for all Somerton and Sheldon fittings. SOMERTON Handmade in Solid Brass LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * Influenced by simple barn lamps of the early 1900’s, the classic Somerton lantern is hand made in solid brass and lacquered for durability. The finish will naturally patina into a rich aged colour giving a true period look. Somerton is available with or without the vintage glass guard cage.

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 173 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE These elegant reproduction Georgian outdoor lanterns are manufactured entirely by hand from fine solid brass material. Designed to emulate the lanterns seen around London in the early 1900s, the Holborn models are produced in 2 sizes and are available in a choice of Polished Chrome and Dark Bronze finishes. Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HL7-S-DB Wall Lantern 310mm 130mm 110mm Dark Bronze 1 x 60W E14 IP44 HL7-S-PC Wall Lantern 310mm 130mm 110mm Polished Chrome 1 x 60W E14 IP44 HL7-M-DB Wall Lantern 310mm 255mm 110mm Dark Bronze 2 x 60W E14 IP44 HL7-M-PC Wall Lantern 310mm 255mm 110mm Polished Chrome 2 x 60W E14 IP44 HOLBORN HL7-M-DB HL7-S-DB HL7-S-PC HL7-M-PC Handmade in Solid Brass LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * *


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 175 LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-BINGHAM-S Small Wall Lantern 318mm 121mm - - 165mm Sienna 1 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-BINGHAM-M Medium Wall Lantern 406mm 152mm - - 203mm Sienna 2 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-BINGHAM-L Large Wall Lantern 533mm 203mm - - 260mm Sienna 3 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-BINGHAM3 Pedestal 630mm 203mm - - - Sienna 3 x 60W E14 IP44 Made of Solid Brass, Bingham’s traditional style recalls a turn-of- the-century gas light reproduction. The vintage look is nautical in nature and recognises Hinkley’s origins on the shores of Lake Erie. The brass construction features clear seedy glass and a Sienna finish, while candelabra lamping completes the authentic style. HK-BINGHAM-S HK-BINGHAM3 HK-BINGHAM-M HK-BINGHAM-L BINGHAM Handmade in Solid Brass

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 176 LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * Brighton’s regal design features hand-soldered solid brass construction. The triangular-shaped stamped window pattern with circular medallion accent gives this style a distinguished sophistication. BRIGHTON Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-BRIGHTON2-S Small Wall Lantern 356mm 178mm 178mm Sienna 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HK-BRIGHTON3-M Pedestal 550mm 229mm - Sienna 3 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-BRIGHTON8-M Chain Lantern 425mm 229mm 510mm 1150mm* - Sienna 3 x 60W E14 IP44 * Supplied with 725mm of chain. Handmade in Solid Brass HK-BRIGHTON2-S HK-BRIGHTON3-M HK-BRIGHTON8-M

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 177 LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-MONTAUK-CHAIN Chain Lantern 465mm 178mm 535mm 2059mm - Sienna 2 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-MONTAUK-M Medium Wall Lantern 439mm 178mm - - 235mm Sienna 2 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-MONTAUK-L Large Wall Lantern 495mm 229mm - - 286mm Sienna 4 x 60W E14 IP44 HK-MONTAUK-M HK-MONTAUK-CHAIN HK-MONTAUK-L The classic sophistication of the Montauk collection brings together the finest elements of traditional American East Coast style. The entire collection is made from solid brass, complemented by clear seedy glass and candelabra sockets for authentic appeal. MONTAUK Handmade in Solid Brass

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 178 LIMITED LIFETIME LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY WARRANTY * * HK-CAPECOD2-M Cape Cod’s classic onion lantern design conveys classic New England style. The solid brass construction and clear seedy glass add vintage appeal. CAPE COD Code Description Height Width Min. Drop Max. Drop Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-CAPECOD2-S Small Wall Lantern 356mm 184mm - - 203mm Sienna Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP23 HK-CAPECOD2-M Medium Wall Lantern 457mm 222mm - - 260mm Sienna Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP23 HK-CAPECOD8-S Duo-Mount Small Chain Lantern 229mm 178mm 490mm 2014mm - Sienna Bronze 1 x 60W E27 IP23 HK-CAPECOD8-L Duo-Mount Medium Chain Lantern 495mm 279mm 570mm 2094mm - Sienna Bronze 1 x 100W E27 IP23 HK-CAPECOD8-S shown as flush mount HK-CAPECOD8-L shown as chain mount but can also be flush mounted HK-CAPECOD2-S Duo-Mount HK-CAPECOD8-S shown as chain mount Handmade in Solid Brass

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM COASTAL COLLECTION 179 LIGHTING MADE IN ITALY 20 YEAR 20 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Poole and Sandbanks use premier quality materials for extended durability. The stainless steel is Marine Grade 316 (as used on ships) and is designed to withstand the most challenging of conditions. The teak used is genuine quality wood from Malaysia and, if oiled seasonally, will keep its natural appearance for many years. We recommend that you use a small diameter LED lamp in these fittings, e.g. LED E27 candle. GZ-POOLE-W 316 SS & Teak GZ-POOLE-MB 316 SS & Teak GZ-POOLE-B 316 SS & Teak Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating GZ-POOLE-W Wall Lantern 280mm 100mm 140mm 316 Stainless Steel And Teak 1 x 60W E27 Candle IP44 GZ-POOLE-MB Mini Bollard 240mm 100mm - 316 Stainless Steel And Teak 1 x 60W E27 Candle IP55 GZ-POOLE-B Bollard 670mm 100mm - 316 Stainless Steel And Teak 1 x 60W E27 Candle IP55 GZ-SANDBANKS-B Bollard 600mm 102mm - 316 Stainless Steel 1 x 60W E27 Candle IP44 GZ-SANDBANKS-MB Mini Bollard 240mm 102mm - 316 Stainless Steel 1 x 60W E27 Candle IP44 (Stainless steel will teastain if not maintained) POOLE & SANDBANKS POOLE GZ-ROOT-A Material: iron-zinc H:80mm W:136mm GZ-SPIKE-D Material: iron-zinc H: 550mm W:136mm GZ-SANDBANKS-MB 316 Stainless Steel GZ-SANDBANKS-B 316 Stainless Steel SANDBANKS 10 YEAR 10 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

180 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN The interpretation of Modern lighting can vary. Designs can be based on anything from updated Scandinavian retro looks, to more clean and straight lined styles inspired by modern architecture. This series includes a mix of both, some incorporating integral LED for low energy consumption. All models suit both residential and commercial applications. COPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN-BK page 185 SVEN SVEN-2W page 198 LUNA HK-LUNA-S-TT page 189

181 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM Model shown: INGRID (see page 190)


LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 183 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE KLAMPENBORG8 KLAMPENBORG8-BK KLAMPENBORG-BK KLAMPENBORG Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating KLAMPENBORG Wall Lantern 255mm 275mm 420mm Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KLAMPENBORG-BK Wall Lantern 255mm 275mm 420mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KLAMPENBORG8 Chain Lantern 260mm 275mm - Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KLAMPENBORG8-BK Chain Lantern 260mm 275mm - Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KLAMPENBORG Klampenborg is a classic Scandinavian swan neck wall lantern with matching chain lantern. The core metal is 304 grade stainless steel and is then painted with powder coating for durability. Available in Black or Silver finish. 15 YEAR 15 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 184 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE HELSINGOR & COPENHAGEN SILVER These Danish inspired lanterns are suitable for installation in coastal regions. They are made of 304 Grade stainless steel and then painted in powder coating to give the metal extra durability. Available in Black or Silver finish. Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating COPENHAGEN Wall Lantern 236mm 218mm 260mm Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR Wall Lantern 236mm 218mm 260mm Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-BOL-SL Bollard Lantern 1000mm 218mm - Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-PED Pedestal Lantern 305mm 221mm - Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-PIR PIR Wall Lantern 236mm 218mm 260mm Silver 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-BOL-SL HELSINGOR-PED HELSINGOR COPENHAGEN HELSINGOR-PIR 15 YEAR 15 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 185 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE HELSINGOR & COPENHAGEN BLACK Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating COPENHAGEN-BK Wall Lantern 236mm 218mm 260mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-BK Wall Lantern 236mm 218mm 260mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-BOL-BK Bollard Lantern 1000mm 218mm - Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-PED-BK Pedestal Lantern 305mm 221mm - Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-PIR-BK PIR Wall Lantern 236mm 218mm 260mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINGOR-BOL-BK HELSINGOR-PED-BK HELSINGOR-BK COPENHAGEN-BK HELSINGOR-PIR-BK 15 YEAR 15 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 186 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HORNBAEK-PED Pedestal Lantern 307mm 130mm - Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HORNBAEK-W1 Wall Lantern 245mm 90mm 150mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HORNBAEK-W2 Wall Lantern 391mm 90mm 200mm Black 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HORNBAEK Hornbaek is a simple Scandinavian style family which has a small bollard and two wall light options including a mini torchiere style wall light. The core metal is 304 grade stainless steel and is then painted with black powder coating for durability. HORNBAEK-W1 HORNBAEK-W2 HORNBAEK-PED 15 YEAR 15 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 187 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating BRUGES Wall Lantern 365mm 135mm 165mm Stainless Steel 304 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINKI-B Pillar Lantern 1000mm 218mm - Stainless Steel 304 1 x 60W E27 IP44 HELSINKI-W Wall Lantern 236mm 218mm 260mm Stainless Steel 304 1 x 60W E27 IP44 KOLNE Wall Lantern 344mm 182mm 233mm Stainless Steel 304 1 x 100W E27 IP44 HELSINKI BRUGES & KOLNE These modern simple outdoor lights take inspiration from the classic Scandinavian lanterns found in towns off the coast of Finland, Belgium and Germany. Constructed from Grade 304 Stainless steel, they are lacquered but will age if not maintained. HELSINKI-B HELSINKI-W KOLNE BRUGES 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 188 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Model shown: HK-LUNA-S-TT

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 189 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Luna is a modern collection of sleek wall lights made from solid aluminium. These fittings are supplied with retrofit LED lamps in the textured, sloped section as well as a retrofit LED downlighter underneath the product. These models are ideal for a dark sky location, and are available in two finishes; Titanium and Satin Black. LUNA Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating HK-LUNA-S-TT Wall Light 229mm 229mm 102mm Titanium 2 x 7W LED E14 (included)* IP44 HK-LUNA-S-SK Wall Light 229mm 229mm 102mm Satin Black 2 x 7W LED E14 (included)* IP44 HK-LUNA-M-TT Wall Light 409mm 152mm 89mm Titanium 2 x 7W LED GU10 (included)* IP44 HK-LUNA-M-SK Wall Light 409mm 152mm 89mm Satin Black 2 x 7W LED GU10 (included)* IP44 *LED E14 & GU10 lamps are replaceable. HK-LUNA-S-TT HK-LUNA-M-TT HK-LUNA-S-SK HK-LUNA-M-SK

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 190 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE INGRID & ELVA Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Lumens E LVA Wall/Ceiling Fitting 200mm 200mm 78mm Graphite 11W LED IP54 4 x 190 LM INGRID Wall/Ceiling Fitting 300mm 300mm 87mm Graphite 2 x 60W E27 IP54 - Both of these die-cast aluminium fittings can be used on walls or ceilings. The Elva gives a 4 way light spread, can be mounted as a square or diamond fixture and will give a stylish appearance when lit. The Ingrid features a graphite finished band which allows light to spread on the wall behind, creating a unique halo effect. Both products have a 5 year anti-corrosion guarantee*. The Elva has a dedicated LED light source. E LVA INGRID

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 191 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE AGNER Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Lumens AGNER-2W Wall Fitting 97mm 155mm 64mm Graphite 6W LED IP54 112lm (Wide: 57lm, Narrow 55lm) AGNER-4W Wall Fitting 165mm 181mm 97mm Graphite 10W LED IP54 220lm (Narrow: 55lm) The robust cast aluminium Agner offers a 2 way or 4 way directional light version allowing for a stylish look on buildings when lit. Multiple fittings when placed close together can give a dramatic appearance. The products are polyester powder coated in Graphite and have hidden screws to add to their clean lines. AGNER-2W AGNER-4W


LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 193 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE SOREL KL-SOREL2-M-LED JANNIK JANNIK-LED1 JANNIK JANNIK-LED2 SOREL & JANNIK LED Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Lumens KL-SOREL2-M-LED Outdoor Wall LED 407mm 166mm 143mm Architectural Bronze 1 x 7W GU10 LED* IP44 * JANNIK-LED1 LED Wall Fitting 150mm 110mm 102mm Dark Grey 3.8W LED IP44 150 LM JANNIK-LED2 LED Wall Fitting 235mm 110mm 102mm Dark Grey 7.6W LED IP44 2 x 150 LM * Each supplied 7W GU10 LED lamp = Lumens: 620Lm, Colour Temp.: 3000k The clean lines and efficient design of the Jannik LED fittings make them suit many applications. They provide a good amount of ambient light yet give a distinct light spread to any wall they are mounted onto, making an attractive lighting design feature. The sharp modern Sorel outdoor LED light features straight lines and sharp corners in a solid Architectural Bronze finish. The clear architectural glass insures great visibility and curb appeal for any contemporary home. 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE LIGHTING 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 194 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE TORSTEN-TALL TORSTEN-SQ Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating TORSTEN-TALL Wall Fitting 250mm 200mm 105mm Dark Grey 1 x 60W E27 IP54 TORSTEN-SQ Wall Fitting 165mm 165mm 171mm Graphite 1 x 60W E27 IP54 MAGNUS-1 Wall Fitting 146mm 100mm 128mm Dark Grey 1 x 5.7W GX53* IP44 MAGNUS-2 Wall Fitting 188mm 100mm 128mm Dark Grey 2 x 5.7W GX53* IP44 * Supplied with 5.7W LED GX53 bulb(s) = 600Lm each, 3000k TORSTEN & MAGNUS The minimalist Torsten series is manufactured from aluminium and features opaque polycarbonate lenses. Due to their simple, yet stylish appearance, these fittings will be suitable for almost any application. The circular Magnus models are designed to have a softer appeal, being ideal for residential and hospitality situations. The 9W LED GX53 lamps are included with Magnus fittings. MAGNUS-1 MAGNUS-2 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE 3 YEAR 3 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 195 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE SIGMUND-3-PIR PIR Technical Information for Sigmund PIR PIR range: min. 0m to 12m max. Time adjustment: 10 secs to 8 mins Detection width: 150o Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Lumens SIGMUND-3W Wall Spotlight 35mm 210mm 160mm Graphite 9W LED IP65 605 LM SIGMUND-6W Wall Spotlight 35mm 210mm 250mm Graphite 18W LED IP65 2 x 605 LM SIGMUND-3-PIR Wall PIR Spotlight 124mm 230mm 230mm Graphite 9W LED IP54 605 LM SIGMUND Sigmund has been designed to exploit the benefits of LED lighting characteristics to their maximum. The Sigmund series features a 3 or 6 light fitting, with each bank of 3 LED modules being rotatable by 320 degrees. The 3 light is also available with a built in PIR sensor. They are constructed from die-cast aluminium and finished in graphite powder coating. SIGMUND-3W SIGMUND-6W

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 196 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating Lumens LINA Wall Fitting 115mm 180mm 70.5mm Graphite 9W LED IP54 370 LM KASPER Wall Spotlight 70mm 264mm 134mm Graphite 7W LED IP54 360 LM FREYR-R Wall Spotlight 165mm 165mm 90mm Graphite 6W LED IP54 260 LM FREYR-SQ Wall Spotlight 150mm 150mm 72mm Graphite 6W LED IP54 260 LM FREYR KASPER & LINA These stylish yet compact LED fittings are made from die-cast aluminium and finished in a Graphite polyester powder coating, with polycarbonate lenses to protect the lamp housings. Their hooded designs make them ideal for use in dark sky locations, where there is a need to reduce light polution, as well as provide plentiful ambient light. FREYR-SQ FREYR-R LINA KASPER

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 197 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE FRIDA-S FRIDA-M FRIDA The Frida collection is characterised by bold bars of die- cast aluminium painted with a Graphite finish, which disguise the light source and cast unique shadows on their surroundings. Each fitting features a polycarbonate lens and comes with a 5 year anti-corrosion warranty*. FRIDA-F Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating FRIDA-M Medium Wall Fitting 210mm 210mm 175mm Graphite 1 x 100W E27 IP54 FRIDA-S Small Wall Fitting 160mm 160mm 167mm Graphite 1 x 60W E27 IP54 FRIDA-F Ceiling Fitting 280mm 280mm 180mm Graphite 1 x 100W E27 IP54

*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 198 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE SVEN The Sven collection brings together a series of sleek, modern wall fittings which are die-cast from aluminium and finished in Graphite. The Sven 3-bar fittings are just as well suited as ceiling fixtures as they are on walls, and the polycarbonate lens helps to maintain the minimalist appearance of each fitting. Supplied with a five year anti-corrosion warranty*. SVEN-2W SVEN-1R Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating SVEN-2W Wall Lantern 346mm 191mm 143mm Graphite 1 x 100W E27 IP65 SVEN-1R Wall/Ceiling Lantern 260mm 260mm 102mm Graphite 1 x 60W E27 IP54 SVEN-1W Wall/Ceiling Lantern 300mm 185mm 90mm Graphite 2 x 60W E27 IP54 SVEN-1W

LIGHTING *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM MODERN 199 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Code Description Height Width Projection Finish Max. Wattage IP Rating EGIL-2W Wall/Ceiling Lantern 140mm 140mm 54mm Graphite 1 x 9W GX53 (included) IP54 EGIL-1W Wall/Ceiling Lantern 140mm 140mm 50mm Graphite 1 x 9W GX53 (included) IP54 ANO-1W Wall/Ceiling Lantern 140mm 140mm 52mm Graphite 1 x 9W GX53 (included) IP54 ANO-2W Wall/Ceiling Lantern 140mm 140mm 57mm Graphite 1 x 9W GX53 (included) IP54 EGIL-2W EGIL-1W ANO-2W ANO-1W ANO & EGIL These compact size fittings allow for great flexibility in lighting your outdoor environment. Their minimalist design makes them well suited to be used in multiples to light stairs, walkways and building exteriors. Fittings are made from cast aluminium and finished in Graphite. Each come with a 5 year anti- corrosion warranty* and have GX53 lamps included.


*Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 201 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE COLLECT & CONNECT The Garden Zone Collect & Connect system is incredibly simple and safe to use, allowing up to 12 fittings to be connected together over a distance of 30m. With a comprehensive selection of fittings, you will find the ideal solution for any landscaping requirement. These fittings are guaranteed for 5 years against structural failure and the LED modules are guaranteed for 2 years. The bright way to light up your garden! The Garden Zone Collect & Connect low voltage, energy saving lighting system is a great way to add style to any garden landscape. The system uses LED lights offering excellent light output with exceptionally low energy consumption. A wide selection of stylish light fittings including ambient, spot and deck lighting options are available. In such case, a Starter Kit can be purchased with the option of adding additional fittings if required. N.B. Collect & Connect cannot be mixed with Professional Collection. COLLECT & CONNECT 6M CABLE 6 meter cable with 5 connecting point for Collect & Connect fittings Product Code: GZCC-6M-CABLE IP Rating: IP65 TRANSFORMER 12 V transformer for powering up to 12 fittings over a distance of 30m Product Code: GZCC-TRANSFORMER IP Rating: IP64 3 WAY PLUG A 3 way plug socket and 1.5m extension lead Product Code: GZCC-3-WAY-PLUG IP Rating: IP65

COLLECT & CONNECT 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 202 SPENNYMOOR 1P 1 x 12V Spotlight, Pole with 1m cable Product Code: GZCC-SPENNYMOOR-1P Material/Colour: Anodised Aluminium Dimensions: H: 90mm W: 60mm Spike: 415mm Light Source: 6 x 0.1W LED IP Rating: IP54 SPENNYMOOR 3P Starter kit includes: 3 x 12V Spotlights, 3 x Poles, 6m cable & 12V Transformer Product Code: GZCC-SPENNYMOOR-3P Material/Colour: Anodised Aluminium Dimensions: H: 90mm W: 60mm Spike: 415mm Light Source: 3 x 6 * 0.1W LED IP Rating: IP54 SPENNYMOOR 3S Starter kit includes: 3 x 12V Spotlights, 3 x Spikes, 6m cable & 12V Transformer Product Code: GZCC-SPENNYMOOR-3S Material/Colour: Anodised Aluminium Dimensions: H: 90mm W: 60mm Spike: 210mm Light Source: 3 x 6 * 0.1W LED IP Rating: IP54

COLLECT & CONNECT ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 203 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. DERWENT 1 1 x Deck/garden light with 1m cable and in-ground plastic case, diameter 33mm Product Code: GZCC-DERWENT-1 Material/Colour: Anodised Aluminium Dimensions: H: 55mm W: 40mm Case: 60mm Light Source: 6 x 0.1W LED IP Rating: IP54 AMBLESIDE 1 1 x 12V Ambient light, Spike with 1m cable Product Code: GZCC-AMBLE-1S Material/Colour: Anodised Aluminium Dimensions: H: 73mm W: 30mm Spike: 350mm Light Source: 6 x 0.1W LED IP Rating: IP54 AMBLESIDE 3 Starter kit includes: 3 x 12V Ambient lights, 3 x Spikes Product Code: GZCC-AMBLE-3S Material/Colour: Anodised Aluminium Dimensions: H: 73mm W: 30mm Spike: 350mm Light Source: 3 x 6 * 0.1W LED IP Rating: IP54 DERWENT 5 5 x Deck/garden light with 6m cable and 12V Transformer Product Code: GZCC-DERWENT-5 Material/Colour: Anodised Aluminium Dimensions: H: 55mm W: 40mm Case: 60mm Light Source: 5 x 6 * 0.1W LED IP Rating: IP54

5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 204 PLUG & GO: HOW IT WORKS Step 1: Choose the areas you want to have lit, then we suggest that you sketch a rough plan view of each area involved. Step 2: Choose the fittings which will suit the requirements and list them out with the quantity of each where relevant. Be careful to bear in mind the voltage of the fittings chosen. All 240V fittings will need mains supply to wherever they are to be installed whereas all plug & go models just need to be connected into the low voltage cable (as shown right). Step 3: Measure the distance involved for the plug & go models chosen and determine, from the cable set options available which cable set or sets will be needed. Remember, up to 80 metres of cable can be used from 1 LED driver but the wattage loading must not exceed the recommended minimum, maximum (see accessories page 205). Step 4: Plan where the mains supply will originate from. With the plug & go system you have a choice of placing the LED driver/drivers in an IP rated wall box on an exterior wall. However, depending on how large an area is involved, sometimes more than one mains feed may be needed in different locations. Consultation with an electrician is advisable on this matter. Important The Garden Zone Plug & go fittings use a unique single pin, 2 pole plug and as such are not compatible with any other product or system. Currently they are not dimmable but they will work when wired via a timer. Connecting fitting Cable set Minimum of 1.5 m of cable supplied with each fitting. LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN LIGHTING The Landscape Professional Collection offers a versatile selection of high quality, easy to install and energy efficient products for all parts of the garden landscape, designed for use by professional gardeners, landscapers and architects. Using our excellent low voltage plug & go system allows a large number of fittings from these ranges to be connected together over a distance of up to 80 metres. Furthermore, all the fittings within the plug & go series use LED light sources, which have very good light output properties alongside exceptionally low energy consumption. Added to this we offer a complementary range of 220-240V energy efficient models in matching designs as well as range accessories to ensure the widest possible choice. PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION Landscape photography courtesy of Garden Care Services, Dunstable - www.gardencare-services.co.uk

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 205 *Guarantee details on p220. 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Guarantee / Life Expectancy All Garden Zone fittings are guaranteed against structural failure for 5 years and 2 years for the LED units. The LED lamps have a minimum life expectancy at 80% plus efficiency for 20,000 hours. Typically if on 4 hours per day, 365 days per year, than this equates to around 14 years of life. The 2 year Guarantee is only valid when exclusively using Garden Zone cables, fittings and drivers. Repair Service Outside of the 2 year Guarantee we offer a chargeable full maintenance and repair service to fittings. This is conducted in our own workshops and the service includes replacement material parts and wiring repairs. GZ-CABLE SET-6M cable set for plug & go fittings 6 metres long with 5 plugs spaced 1 metre apart for up to 5 fittings GZ-CABLE SET-16M cable set for plug & go fittings 16 metres long with 15 plugs spaced 1 metre apart for up to 15 fittings ACCESSORIES GZ-4W-PG-DRIVER GZ-11W-PG-DRIVER GZ-28W-PG-DRIVER 4W (min. load 2W, max. load 4W) 106mm L x 25mm W x 20mm D IP67 11W (min. load 5W, max. load 11W) 106mm L x 25mm W x 20mm D IP67 28W (min. load 11W, max. load 28W) 157mm L x 29mm W x 20mm D IP67 Drivers are supplied with 30cm of cable. Each fitting is supplied with 1.5m of cable. G Z- CONNECTOR IP68 Connector shown with driver GZ -CABLE-3-WAY 1.5 metre extension lead with 3 plug sockets on end GZ-CABLE-20M 20 metre single plug extension cable IMPORTANT: All fittings should be plugged in prior to switching power on.

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 206 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE BRONZE COLLECTION Our Bronze family is a premium range of products manufactured from heavy cast bronze and chemically treated to give a natural looking Aged Bronze or Verdigris finish (except for models Bronze9 and Bronze20 which are produced from solid natural copper). The Bronze family has a large number of options and accessory choices to enhance the finest of gardens. All of these classic designs are supplied with our 12V Plug & Go system using LEDs to be energy efficient, and easy to use and install. GZ-BRONZE-POLE-A GZ-SPIKE-C GZ-BRONZE-POLE-C GZ-BRONZE-FLANGE-A GZ-BRONZE-ADPT-A/B Product Code Description Height Width Material/Colour GZ-SPIKE-C Spike included with bronze fittings where indicated 220mm 50mm Brown Plastic GZ-BRONZE-POLE-A Tall pole for spot lamps GZ-BRONZE 10 & 12 450mm 25mm Aged Bronze GZ-BRONZE-POLE-C Tall pole for spot lamp GZ-BRONZE9 450mm 25mm Raw Copper & Brass GZ-BRONZE-FLANGE-A Wall/tree/surface fixing plate for GZ-BRONZE 10 & 12 20mm 70mm Aged Bronze GZ-BRONZE-ADPT-A/B For adding to poles when fittings such as GZ-BRONZE6 need to be shining downwards 70mm 25mm Aged Bronze Or Verdigris

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 207 *Guarantee details on p220. 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GZ-BRONZE6 Product Code Description Height Width Light Source Lumens Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-BRONZE6 Spot Light * 1 130mm 63mm 3 x 1W LED* 300Lm 12V IP44 Verdigris GZ-BRONZE8 Spot Light * 1 220mm 100mm 3 x 1W LED 300Lm 12V IP44 Verdigris GZ-BRONZE9 Spot Light* 1 130mm 55mm 3 x 1W LED 300Lm 12V IP44 Raw Copper & Brass * 1 Spike included. See page 206 for more accessories. * 2 Colour temp. 3000k, Beam Angle: 35º, not dimmable. GZ-BRONZE9 GZ-BRONZE8 BRONZE Solid Copper will naturalise to a darker colour unless polished

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 208 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GZ-BRONZE10 GZ-BRONZE12 Product Code Description Height Width Light Source Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-BRONZE10 Mini Floodlight * 50mm 100mm 2 x 1.2W LED 12V IP44 Aged Bronze GZ-BRONZE12 Floodlight* 100mm 130mm 4 x 1.2W LED, 3000k, 400Lm 12V IP44 Aged Bronze *Spike included. See page 206 for more accessories. BRONZE

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 209 *Guarantee details on p220. 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GZ-BRONZE14 Product Code Description Height Width Light Source Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-BRONZE13 Floodlight* 1 100mm 130mm 4 x 1.2W LED, 3000k, 400Lm 12V IP44 Verdigris GZ-BRONZE14 In-Ground Tiltable Spot* 2 190mm 160mm 3 x 1W LED, 3000k, 300Lm 12V IP44 Aged Bronze * 1 Spike included. See page 206 for more accessories. * 2 NOT suitable for driving over. Cutout hole 140mm Ø GZ-BRONZE13 BRONZE

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 210 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GZ-BRONZE16 GZ-BRONZE20 Product Code Description Height Width Light Source Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-BRONZE16 Round Pagoda Light* 500mm 190mm 1 x 1.2W LED 12V IP44 Aged Bronze GZ-BRONZE20 Round Pagoda Light* 500mm 180mm 1 x 1.2W LED 12V IP44 Raw Copper & Brass *Spike included. Solid Copper will naturalise to a darker colour unless polished BRONZE

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 211 *Guarantee details on p220. 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Product Code Description Height Width Depth Light Source Lumens Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-ELITE3-L Large Wall Spotlight 175mm 95mm 95mm 6 x 1W LED* 2 600Lm 240V IP54 Anodised Aluminium GZ-ELITE5* 1 Spotlight Fitting 100mm 80mm 60mm 3 x 1W LED* 2 300Lm 12V IP54 Anodised Aluminium GZ-ELITE-POLE-A* 3 Pole Accessory 250mm 40mm - - - - - Anodised Aluminium GZ-ELITE-SPIKE Spike Accessory 170mm 45mm - - - - - Black Nylon * 1 Supplied with 1.5m cabling. * 2 Colour Temp.: 3000k, Beam Angle: 35 °, Not Dimmable. * 3 Maximum 3 poles per spotlight. ELITE 95mm 95mm 175mm 60mm 80mm 100mm GZ-ELITE5 GZ-ELITE3-L blue GS281-BLUE red GS281-RED amber GS281-AMBER green GS281-GREEN Coloured lenses are available for the Elite 5. Simply unscrew the lens cap to easily remove and change lenses for different coloured effects on the surroundings. GZ-ELITE5 shown with optional spike and poles GZ-ELITE-POLE-A GZ-ELITE-SPIKE

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 212 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE BE TA COLLECTION The Beta collection is a series of products manufactured from die-cast aluminium with styles that suit outside walls, flower beds, pathways, decking, fencing and trees.

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 213 *Guarantee details on p220. 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE GZ-BETA6 GZ-BETA5 GZ-BETA8 GZ-BETA7 Product Code Description Height Width Light Source Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-BETA5 Aluminium 4-Ring Bollard 370mm 110mm 3 x 1W LED 12V IP54 Matt Silver GZ-BETA6 Aluminium 4-Ring Bollard 370mm 110mm 3 x 1W LED 12V IP54 Aged Iron GZ-BETA7 Aluminium Plain Bollard 370mm 110mm 3 x 1W LED 12V IP54 Matt Silver GZ-BETA8 Aluminium Plain Bollard 370mm 110mm 3 x 1W LED 12V IP54 Aged Iron BETA

5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 214 Model shown: GZ-BETA5 (see page 213)

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 215 *Guarantee details on p220. 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Product Code Description Height Width Projection Light Source Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-BETA1 4-ring Wall Lantern 220mm 85mm 115mm 3 x 1W LED 240V IP54 Matt Silver GZ-BETA3 Plain Wall Lantern 220mm 85mm 115mm 3 x 1W LED 240V IP54 Matt Silver GZ-BETA4 Plain Wall Lantern 220mm 85mm 115mm 3 x 1W LED 240V IP54 Aged Iron BETA GZ-BETA1 GZ-BETA4 GZ-BETA3

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION *Guarantee details on p220. ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 216 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE BETA Product Code Description Height Width Projection Light Source Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-BETA16 Above Door Light 45mm 120mm 170mm 30 x 0.1W LED 240V IP65 Matt Silver GZ-BETA17 Mini Bollard Light Double Sided 450mm 120mm - 60 x 0.1W LED 240V IP65 Matt Silver GZ-BETA9 Single Head Post Spotlight 650mm 110mm - 3 x 1W LED 12V IP54 Matt Silver GZ-BETA10 Double Head Post Spotlight 1000mm 120mm - 6 x 1W LED 12V IP54 Matt Silver GZ-BETA17 GZ-BETA16 GZ-BETA9 GZ-BETA10

PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM LANDSCAPE LIGHTING 217 *Guarantee details on p220. 5 YEAR 5 YEAR * * GUARANTEE GUARANTEE FUSION GZ-FUSION1 Product Code Description Height Width Light Source Lumens Voltage IP Rating Material/Colour GZ-FUSION1 Plain Ring In-Ground Light 5mm 90mm* 1 3 x 1W LED* 3 300Lm 12V IP65 304 Stainless Steel GZ-FUSION11 Plain Ring In-Ground/Deck Light 5mm 40mm* 2 3 x 1W LED* 3 300Lm 12V IP65 Brushed Aluminium * 1 Cutout Hole: 76mm Ø * 2 Cutout Hole: 33mm Ø * 3 Colour temp.: 3000k, Beam Angle: 35°, not dimmable. Supplied with 1.5m cable. FUSION The Fusion in-ground lights are designed for use in decking, soft ground, pathways and walkways to provide low-level light. They come supplied with plastic underground casings, particularly useful when being concreted/tarmacked in place. The Fusion1 It is safe to drive over up to a maximum load of 2500kg. GZ-FUSION11 40mm Ø 40mm Ø 40mm Ø 50mm 64mm (including plastic casing) 90mm Ø 90mm Ø 90mm Ø 125mm (including plastic casing) 65mm

218 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM The Litec range of LED lamps are optimised to suit Elstead Lighting products. They all feature a high lumen output, and the filament style bulbs have the added bonus of looking attractive both when switched on and off. Lamps can be ordered either as single units or at lower prices in pack quantities. WHITE GLOBE LED E27 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED8W-E27-GLW (Price break 5+ quantity) AMBER GLASS AMBER GLASS EDISON LED E27 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED8W-E27-ST6 (Price break 10+ quantity) CLEAR EDISON LED E27 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED7W-E27-ST64-C (Price break 10+ quantity) AMBER CANDLE LED E14 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED4W-E14-C35 (Price break 10+ quantity) CLEAR CANDLE LED E14 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED4W-E14-C3C (Price break 10+ quantity) CLEAR GLOBE LED E27 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED8W-E27-GLC (Price break 5+ quantity) LED LAMPS Code Description Height Diameter Wattage Colour temp. Expected Life Lumens Switch Cycles LP-LED4W-E14-C35 Amber Candle LED E14 Lamp 98mm 35mm 4W (35W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 400 Lm 12,500 LP-LED4W-E14-C3C Clear Candle LED E14 Lamp 98mm 35mm 4W (35W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 400 Lm 12,500 LP-LED7W-E27-ST64-C Clear Edison LED E27 Lamp 140mm 64mm 7W (60W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 15,000 hours 800 Lm 15,000 LP-LED8W-E27-GLC Clear Globe LED E27 Lamp 135mm 95mm 8W (60W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 800 Lm 12,500 LP-LED8W-E27-GLW White Globe LED E27 Lamp 135mm 95mm 8W (60W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 800 Lm 12,500 LP-LED8W-E27-ST6 Edison LED E27 Lamp 140mm 64mm 8W (60W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 800 Lm 12,500 N.B. All lamps are UV free, suitable for 220-240v and are NOT dimmable. All lamps have an A+ Energy Rating and are guaranteed against failure for 2 years.

219 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM G9 LED LAMP Single Code: LP-LED3.5W-G9 (Price break 25+ quantity) GU10 LED LAMP Single Code: LP-LED7W-GU10 (Price break 10+ quantity) GX53 LED LAMP Single Code: LP-LED9W-GX53 (Price break 10+ quantity) TUBULAR LED E14 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED4W-E14-T27 (Price break 10+ quantity) (Dimmable) TUBULAR LED E27 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED7W-E27-T30L (Price break 10+ quantity) (Dimmable) GOLF BALL LED E27 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED4W-E27-G45 (Price break 10+ quantity) CLASSIC LED E27 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED8W-E27-A60 (Price break 10+ quantity) GOLF BALL LED E14 LAMP Single Code: LP-LED4W-E14-G45 (Price break 10+ quantity) Code Description Height Diameter Wattage Colour temp. Expected Life Lumens Switch Cycles LP-LED3.5W-G9 G9 LED Lamp 50mm 15mm 3.5W (28W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 320 Lm 12,500 LP-LED4W-E14-G45 Golf Ball LED E14 Lamp 78mm 45mm 4W (35W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 400 Lm 12,500 LP-LED4W-E14-T27 Tubular LED E14 Lamp 105mm 27mm 4W (35W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 15,000 hours 420Lm 15,000 LP-LED4W-E27-G45 Golf Ball LED E27 Lamp 72mm 45mm 4W (35W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 400 Lm 12,500 LP-LED7W-GU10 GU10 LED Lamp 58mm 50mm 7W (50W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 620 Lm 12,500 LP-LED7W-E27-T30L Tubular LED E27 Lamp 185mm 30mm 7W (60W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 15,000 hours 820 Lm 15,000 LP-LED8W-E27-A60 Classic LED E27 Lamp 105mm 60mm 8W (60W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 800 Lm 12,500 LP-LED9W-GX53 GX53 LED Lamp 24mm 75mm 9W (55W equivalent) 3000k (warm white) 25,000 hours 720 Lm 12,500 N.B. All lamps are UV free, suitable for 220-240v. All lamps are NOT dimmable, except the tubular models above. All lamps have an A+ Energy Rating and are guaranteed against failure for 2 years.

220 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM TECHNICAL ADVICE & INFORMATION PRODUCT WARRANTIES/GUARANTEES GENERAL 2 YEAR GUARANTEE. All fittings supplied from this catalogue, both interior and exterior, have a manufacturer’s minimum guarantee of 2 years. This means that in normal and fair service, (and without incorrect or inappropriate installation or location), any product sold by Elstead Lighting or its partners should have no fault develop within a minimum of 2 years from purchase. Any fault that is found is covered by guarantee to be repaired or replaced at the suppliers cost, within this period. ALL Elstead warranties/guarantees do not cover out of pocket expenses or consequential costs. LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY – This warranty relates to certain ranges/models shown in this catalogue which are produced of materials that have an exceptionally long life expectation, such as solid brass lanterns. These fittings may age over time, but will not deteriorate to an extent where they will no longer function for the purpose intended. The ‘’Limited’’ element relates to component parts such as rubber seals, lamp-holders etc. which are repairable but are not covered by the Lifetime warranty. 15 YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST STRUCTURAL FAILURE – Those models listed as having a 15 year warranty are guaranteed, that from purchase to within 15 years of normal use, the fittings will not deteriorate to any extent where they experience any structural failure. There may be signs of aging, corrosion or paint fading, but the integrity of the construction of these fittings means they will not deteriorate to any extent where they are rendered unusable within a lifetime of 15 years. 2, 3, 5, AND 10 YEAR ANTI-CORROSION GUARANTEES – Many outdoor fittings have anti-corrosion guarantees stated on each relevant page. This guarantee relates to the corrosion of paintwork on cast aluminium or steel fittings, and excludes locations within 5 miles of the coastline. Fittings that have been damaged, repainted or cleaned with an aggressive cleaner may be excluded. Prior to agreeing to replace any fittings, the company reserves the right for the original seller or a representative of the company to inspect the damaged parts and for photographic evidence to be supplied. COASTAL COLLECTION 20 YEAR GUARANTEE – These fittings are designed to be placed in the toughest of conditions including right by the coastline without exclusion. This guarantee covers protection of the finish against corrosion or UV degradation. COASTAL COLLECTION 5 YEAR ANTI-CORROSION GUARANTEE – This guarantee relates to the corrosion of paintwork on composite parts. In the instance that fittings have been damaged, repainted or cleaned with an aggressive cleaner they may be excluded from the entitlement to a replacement. Prior to agreeing to replace any fittings, the company reserves the right for the original seller or a representative of the company to inspect the damaged parts and for photographic evidence to be supplied. LED MODULE AND PIR SENSOR GUARANTEES – Within this catalogue there are a number of products incorporating PIR sensors or LED modules. Whilst the fittings themselves may have varying physical guarantees against corrosion, these electronic parts are covered by a 2 year guarantee against failure. After this period, they are still repairable and serviceable, either by the company or local supplier. GENERAL NOTES 1. FINISHES. Many of the finishes used on these ranges are hand applied (patinated) and some small variations and irregularities in the finish are to be expected. This is part of the process of manufacture and, far from being a problem, it is an important part of the nature of hand made and hand finished items. 2. LAMP-HOLDER TYPES. Most fittings are constructed with either E14 lamp-holders (small Edison screw, sometimes referred to as SES or with E27 lamp-holders (standard Edison screw, sometimes referred to as ES. Appropriate E14 and E27 lamps are widely available in a range of styles, wattages and lights sources including incandescent, compact fluorescent and LED. Some of these lamp-holders are now supplied with threaded skirts, together with candle tubes and shade rings. This means that these products can be used either as a fitting with candle tubes and candle lamps, or with glass using the shade ring. Additionally we make certain fittings which use G9 and GX53 lamps. Lamps are usually supplied with these fittings. 3. WATTAGES. Most fittings shown in the catalogue are shown with Maximum Wattage recommendations. These recommendations are calculated mainly by heat capability, as there is a correlation between heat and wattage. However, in many countries traditional incandescent lamps, such as 100W GLS are no longer available. There are now many new versions of lamps in the market, lower wattage but similar light performance such as halogen replacement, compact fluorescent and LED. Most fittings wattage capacity and certification has been based on the criteria using an Incandescent lamp and so when choosing lamps, please take care to ensure that wattages specified are of no more than the equivalent original incandescent lamps. In the case of LED, the wattages are far lower, but some of these can still run very hot, not dissimilar to incandescent of much higher power. 5. FLUSH CONVERT/DUAL MOUNT. A few of the chain models are constructed so that they can be easily modified from a chain fitting into a semi-flush fitting. Note that once converted to semi-flush it is not then possible to easily convert back to a chain fitting, as some re-wiring is likely to be required. 6. CUSTOMISATION. Some of our ranges supplied in matt black can be relatively easily patinated into finishes such as Black/Gold, Black/Copper etc. Equally, for chain suspended fittings that need extra chain and cable, these can also be relatively easily undertaken. Both such modifications may incur longer lead times and will have small additional costs added to the price. (See current Elstead Terms and Conditions.). Beyond this, with appropriate lead time and client budget, more specialised changes can be undertaken such as different colours completely, changes to dimensions and design modifications and even fully bespoke fittings can be considered due to our varied manufacturing resources available. EXTERIOR FITTINGS 1. INSTALLATION CARE AND MAINTENANCE. When installing all outdoor lights it is recommended to lightly grease all threaded parts and screws / nuts to ensure that fittings can easily be disassembled for cleaning or lamp replacement. When handling certain fittings / finishes such as polished copper they can easily finger mark, so it is recommended that bare hands on these surfaces is kept to a minimum. Please retain receipt and installation instructions for future reference. 2. FINISH MAINTENANCE. Many of our fittings are supplied in a natural finish, i.e. Polished Copper un-lacquered and Teak wood. These fittings can naturally age over time or to maintain their original appearance, treatment is needed, such as oil for teak, beeswax for brass and light oil for Copper and Stainless Steel. When handling finishes during maintenance, small marks may show which can be easily polished away if required. The alternative is to allow

221 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM ENERGY RATINGS FOR LUMINAIRES 1st Digit Short Description (Protection against ingress of solid bodies) 2nd Digit Short Description (Protection against ingress of moisture) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Non-Protected Protected against solid objects greater than 50mm dia. Protected against solid objects greater than 12mm dia. Protected against solid objects greater than 2.5mm dia. Protected against solid objects greater than 1mm dia. Dust-protected Dust-tight 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Non-protected Protected against dripping water falling vertically greater than 50mm diameter Protected against dripping water when the Luminaire is tilted up to 15° from its normal position Protected against spraying water falling on the Luminaire at any angle up to 60° from the vertical Protected against splashing water from any angle Protected against water jets from any direction Protected against powerful water jets Protected against immersion in water under defined conditions Protected against continuous submersion under manufacturers specified conditions Example IP65 Dust-tight and protected against water jets from any direction. IP RATINGS Please see the relevant energy rating label for the corresponding lamp holder type. Please note that, with the very large number of lamp options available in the market, it is impossible for our luminaires to accurately reflect all choices. But all lamps able to be bought in the market should have their own dedicated energy rating performance clearly stated on their packaging. All luminaires with replaceable lamps. Incandescent, fluorescent or LED. Some of our luminaires combine built-in LED with replaceable lamps. Dedicated LED fittings. the material to age and weather naturally, which does no harm to the fitting. Additionally, when installing cast aluminium fittings, a light coating of beeswax or oil can give the finish extended life, especially when in coastal areas. For all models, we highly recommend that exterior fittings are cleaned once per year with fresh water and oiled or waxed to give longer service. Lenses and glasses also benefit from cleaning but take care with polycarbonate or acrylic as these materials can easily scratch if any abrasive cloth is used. 3. IP RATINGS. All exterior fittings have an IP (Ingress Protection) rating which is a declaration of how much protection any product has against the ingress of both water and dust / particles. The minimum rating for an outdoor luminaire exposed to rain should be IP23 and the maximum can be up to IP68 (this can vary in different countries) which means the fitting is submersible. Most of our fittings are IP44 or greater and some of the Landscape models are up to IP67 meaning they can be covered by water up to a depth of 150mm, such as in-ground lights. See table below for full classifications. Typically, the higher the numbers, the higher the performance. A ++ A + A B C D E 874/2012 L E D This luminaire contains built-in LED lamps. The lamp s cannot be changed in the luminaire. A ++ A + A B C D E 874/2012 This luminaire is compatible with bulbs of the energy classes: COMPLIANCE/APPROVALS All products within this catalogue conform with the European Union Low Voltage Directive, BS EN 60598-1:2008, the product standard for luminaires recognised across Europe and all fittings are CE marked. Every luminaire is individually tested by Elstead Lighting to ensure that the product is electrically sound and meets the company’s quality standards. A unique test / batch number is then applied to the fitting. Please contact us for further details or advise us of your local needs. We are manufacturing members of the UK Lighting Industry Association and conform to all aspects of the Lighting Industry Association Code of Practice for luminaire production. A ++ A + A B C D E 874/2012 L E D The LED lamps cannot be changed in the luminaire. This luminaire contains built-in LED lamps and has sockets for bulbs of the energy classes: LIGHTING

222 ELSTEADLIGHTING.COM INDEX A Admirals Cove 142 A gner 191 Ano 199 Ambleside 203 Arg yle 129 Ashland Bay 29, 46-47 B Balmoral 130 Ba ltimore 102-103 Baton R ouge 98-99 Ba y Shore 76 Beacon Squa re 146-147 Bedf ord 159 Bennie 38 Bet a 212-216 Bingham 174-175 Bluetooth Lanterns 30-31 Boynton 150-151 Brass Lanterns 164-178 B ridge Point 48 B righton 176 Bromley 63 B ronze 206-210 Bruges 187 B urford 132 Byr on 62 C Canterbury 119 Ca pe Cod 178 Ca rson 24-25 Chapel 120-121 Chapel Mini 120-121 Chedw orth 128 Chelsea Ha rbor 52 Chicago 108-109 Clea rpoint 44 Collect & Connect 201 Copenhagen 184-185 Cor tland 128 C otswold Lane 84-87 Cricklade 133 Crusade 148 D Derwent 203 Do wning Street 169 Dunga rvan 135, 163 E Egil 199 Elite 211 Elva 190 English B ridle 92-97 Enz o 80 E uston 129 F Fairford 132 F ederal 155 Franceasi 81 Fr eyr 196 Frida 197 Fusion 217 G Garden Zone Accessories 205 Glenbeigh 160 Glenview 60 Goldenr od 39 Gra mpian 125 H Halleron 27, 70-71 Helsingor 137, 184-185 Helsink i 187 Her eford 126-127 Highnam 133 Hodges 140-141 Holborn 173 Hornbaek 186 Hy de Park 169 Hy the 131 I Inglenook 77 Ingrid 190 J Jannik 135, 193 K Kasper 196 K endal 130 K ent 132 K erry 161 Kinsa le 162 Kla mpenborg 182-183 K olne 187 L Lambeth Palace 168 L edbury 134 LED L amps 218-219 Light house 49 Lina 196 Livingston 149 L ondontowne 154-155 Luna 188-189 Luv erne 100 L yndon 28-29, 43-44 M Magnus 135, 194 Ma lvern 135 Ma nhattan 57 Mansion House 164-165 Ma rblehead 152-153 Ma rina 53 Ma rine 45 Matlock 131 Meds tead 134, 136 Merrill 64 Miners 131 Mont auk 177 Montreal 82-83 N Newbury (EL) 134 Newbur y (QZ) 73-75 New Engla nd 107 Newpor t 144 Norfolk 112-113, 136 O Oakmont 72 Old Ba iley 167 P Parish 122-123 P arish Mini 122 P ediment 130 P ettiford 61 Philadelphia 104-106 Polruan 128 P oole 179 Professional Collection 205 Province 128 Q Quincy 54-55 R Randhurst 143 R andolph 133 R avine 40-41 R edding Station 65 R eef 50-51 Regent Court 101 R egents Park 168 Riverwood 36-37 R oscoe 158 R oyal Marine 34-35 S Sandbanks 179 Sa ndown 132 Securit y & PIR Lanterns 136-137 Shannon 163 Sheldon 170-171 Shepherd 156-157 Shipston 132 Sigmund 137, 195 Somer ton 172 Sorel 192-193 Sout h Hope 31, 56 Spenn ymoor 202 Springfield 118 St . James 169 St . Louis 107 St . Martins 166 Sto w 130 St . Pauls 169 Suri 145 Sven 198 T Tangier 69 T orsten 194 Tournai 88-91 T raditional Lanterns 128-134 Trellis 67-68 U Up/Down Wall Lights 135 V Vandalia 26-27, 42 V enetian Rain 78-79 V ictoria 168 W Wabash 133 W alker 58-59 W ellfleet 155 W estminster 167 W exford 114-115, 136 W ilmslow 124 W inchcombe 132 W inchester 117 Y York 116

BATHROOM LIGHTING See Elstead Lighting’s comprehensive Interior Lighting Collection... CONTEMPORARY RANGES TRADITIONAL RANGES PORTABLE LIGHTING Dryden Rosalie Douille City Loft To request an Interior Catalogue email [email protected] or download from elsteadlighting.com

LIGHTING UK HEAD OFFICE Elstead Lighting Ltd. Elstead House, Mill Lane, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2QJ, UK UK SALES T : 01420 82377 F: 01420 89261 E: [email protected] EXPORT SALES (UK) T: +44 (0) 1420 590509 F: +44 (0) 1420 590005 E: [email protected] www.elsteadlighting.com ELSTEAD EUROPEAN OFFICE EXPORT SALES (POLAND) Elstead Lighting Sp. z o.o. ul. Sportowa 12 32-083 Balice, Poland T: +48 124441091 F: +48 124441966 E: z [email protected] ELSTEAD SLOVAKIA Elstead Lighting, S. R. O. Villa Hungaria, Razusova 9 Piestany, 92101, Slovakia T: +421 (0) 940 853483 E: [email protected] ELSTEAD MIDDLE EAST Elstead Lighting / The Ceiling Fan Company L.L.C., P.O. Box 282188, Dubai, United Arab Emirates T : +971 4 388 3025 F: +971 4 388 3031 E: [email protected] EL STEAD GERMANY Elstead Lighting Ltd, c/o: Annette Allee 33, 48149 Münster, Deutschland T : +49 (0)151 645 86 315 E: [email protected]