INDEX SOURCE / OUTPUT ENERGY GRADE LUMINOUS FLUX ANGLE LIGHT COLOUR DIMMING POWER SUPPLY ACCENT SYSTEM RT L= ACCENT system profile, recessed installation in the frameless system, length in cm ACCENT SYSTEM IN L= ACCENT system profile, recessed installation, length in cm ACCENT SYSTEM ON L= ACCENT system profile, surface installation, length in cm ACCENT SYSTEM Z L= ACCENT system profile, suspended installation, length in cm Accent System luminous flux include light looses because of the lens (8%) depends of led power supply * ** The Accent System solutions allow to create customed luminaire to the interior needs. Combining different types of lighting distributions it's possible to create light effect highli - ghting every detail in Sunlike technology. application: A system of luminaires designed for residential interiors, office spaces, re - staurants, and retail outlets. SERIES: ACCENT 7 RM 80 60 12.5 161 RM RM 60 60 74 70 60 RM 60 1500 20 30 60 60 331 330