INDEX SOURCE / OUTPUT ENERGY GRADE LUMINOUS FLUX ANGLE LIGHT COLOUR DIMMING POWER SUPPLY SLIM SYSTEM RT L= SLIM system profile, recessed installation in the frameless system, length in cm SLIM SYSTEM ON L= SLIM system profile,, surface installation, length in cm SLIM SYSTEM Z L= SLIM system profile, suspended installation, length in cm Slim System The Accent System solutions allow to create customed luminaire to the interior needs. Combining different types of lighting distributions it's possible to create light effect highli - ghting every detail in Sunlike technology. application: A system of luminaires designed for residential interiors, office spaces, re - staurants, and retail outlets. SERIES: SLIM 7 RM 41 37 12.5 138 RM 41 37 RM 60 1500 20 30 60 60 337 336