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CONSULTANCIES VS AGENCIES ƒhe marˆeting in­ stry, liˆe most a­visory in­ stries in the mo­ern lan­scape, has been great ­isr pte­ by a variety of factors s ch as technology an­ emerging players‚ ƒhe marˆeting in­ stry is no longer e…cl sive to marˆeting specialists or specific marˆeting agencies’cons l€ debate tancies‚„oth cons lting an­ professional services firms with regional’global scale, have entere­ into the marˆeting in­ stry to offer marˆeting cons lting services to their clients‚ The Big 4 Strategy Consulting Firms Since the early 2010s, the big 4 professional arˆeting an­ bran­ing have increasingly become a maŠor iss e for the C€s ite (top services firms (PwC, Deloitte, , P senior e…ec tives, s ch as C†’s an­ CŒ†’s ,have beg n growing their a­visory b siness of mo­ern organisations‚ ‡si­e from the „ig on top of their core a ­it an­ acco nting 4, the maŠor strategy cons lting firms have b sinesses in or­er to ­iversify their offer€ also e…pan­e­ their position an­ offerings in ings an­ increase reven es‚ ƒhese „ig 4 the marˆeting cons lting in­ stry‚ ƒhe „„ firms were strong players in the a­visory firms s ch as cˆinsey Ž Co, „C an­ „ain space prior to the nron Scan­al in which all Ž Co‚ as well as smaller cons lting firms of the big 4 e…cept Deloitte p lle­ o t of s ch as ‘, ‡ƒ an­ †CŽC have increase­ a­visory space following the Sarbanes †…ley their offerings from p re strategy, towar­s ‡ct in 2002‚ also incl ­ing marˆeting an­ bran­ b il­ing sol tions‚ Since then, the „ig 4 have been maˆing a ret rn in the cons lting in­ stry ­ e to the growth of the sector an­ high reven es that are on offer‚ Cons lting allows these tra­i€ tional acco nting firms to reach o t an­ engage in a wi­er range of clients as well as Other Consulting Firms a­­ new val e to their e…isting clients‚ ach of the „ig 4 have separate cons lting Other global consulting firms such as arms ­e­icate­ to provi­ing marˆeting an­ Accenture and Capgemini have also bran­ing services for their clients‚ ƒhese „ig entered the marketing industry to increase 4 firms have b ilt o t their ­ivisions thro gh their offering of advisory services. Accenture a combination of organic growth, as well as is involved in the marketing space through ac‰ isitions of smaller marˆeting firms‚ Accenture Interactive, Accenture Digital and Accenture Strategy and is steadily groing its marketing offerings outside its traditional I consulting services. Accenture has also made a series of acuisitions of marketing agencies recently to further epand their marketing advisory offerings. hey acuired the onkeys creative agency and Droga­, one of the largest marketing and creative agencies in the orld for a reported €‚ƒ­ million. 26 26

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