Kulfi Faluda at Bapu Bazaar Kulfi Faluda is one of the sweets that we Indians adore the most. We may always have a scoop of kulfi with the yellow noodles like faluda, whether at weddings, dinner parties, or just at home. The finest way to cool the heat in Jaipur is with a platter of delectable kulfi, and the best spot to get it is at Shop number 28 on Link Road at Bapu Bazaar. According to statistics, the store is situated on a busy thoroughfare with a lot of activity. The mouthwatering kulfi faluda will transport you back to when you were a youngster and enjoyed this meal with it spilling all over you! Timing: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm Address: 28, Link Rd Bapu Bazar, Bapu Bazar, Biseswarji, Jaipur, Rajasthan Read More: 10 Popular Tourist Attractions within 100 Km of Jaipur