What You Need to Know Officer Training (2 session course) Suitable Audience Officers. We recommend that senior officers attend this course as soon as possible after appointment; however, it is useful to anyone who has been in post for less than a year. This training may be held at a venue or online. If online, attendees will need a device with a reasonable screen size such as a PC, laptop, or tablet to be able to participate fully. Course Overview This informal two part (2 hours each) small-group course gives new and inexperienced officers an introduction to some of the key aspects of the role and highlights many support mechanisms and signposts for further information. Just bring yourself and any questions you may already have! Topics include introduction to legislation, things to do before, during and after meetings, sharing initial experiences, problem-solving and troubleshooting, signposts and support and recommended publications. Course Benefits This session is informal, and we welcome delegates to bring their own questions to be answered, in addition to this some of the key topics that will be covered are: • Setting the context of local councils, both nationally and locally • The ALC, and where it fits in for councils and officers • Powers and duties of a local council (defining duties and powers and looking as some of the specific powers in more detail, for example, The Local Government Act 1972, s.137 and the General Power of Competence) • Meetings and decision-making (thinking about the cycle of meetings, managing their administration with councillors, and considering the agenda, meeting, and minutes) All current prices for these courses can be found on the Hampshire ALC website. Submission of a booking will amount to your acceptance of the LCPD Training & Events Terms & Conditions. Back to Training/Events list Training & Events Directory Page 17 of 41 August 2023