Welcome! Local Council People & Development (LCPD) is the people and development arm of the Hampshire Association of Local Councils. In addition to our HR Services, through our training and events programme we provide a variety of information, networking, and development opportunities to suit a wide range of councillor and officer needs. With over 40 planned sessions, courses, and events throughout the year there is something relevant and enjoyable for everyone, so why not browse through this document to find out more. If you find what you are looking for, why not check our Training & Events Calendar on our website for when the training or event is happening next. Key reasons to use our training services We have a long-standing reputation for work in the sector, and our programme of training and events is tried and tested based on practical experience. • We are a non-profit making, and our sole aim is to encourage better performance and capacity building in local councils. • We follow the National Improvement Strategy for Parish and Town Councils in England. • Our trainers come from a background of dealing with local councils, and bring to you a wealth of practical experience, in-depth knowledge, and ability to facilitate training. • We provide high quality services that are cost-effective and value for money. • We run multiple scheduled sessions, courses, and event dates throughout the year in various venues and online for both councillors and officers. • Our services are flexible and can be tailored to your needs. • Our training and events focus on being practical and relevant to your work to enable you to apply your learning straight away. You will have plenty of time to explore your own needs and issues as well as share experiences and insights with other participants. • We constantly review and improve our programme to ensure it is up to date with your changing needs and preparing you for the issues facing your profession. All our training and events are subsidised as a benefit of membership. We are pleased to welcome delegates from outside of Hampshire, and from Hampshire councils that are not members of the Association to all our training and events. Disclaimer The Hampshire ALC carefully selects external speakers at its conferences, meetings and learning events in the belief that they will present accurate, reliable, and appropriate information and views. Unless specifically stated, the ALC does not necessarily endorse, approve, guarantee, or certify the accuracy, reliability, appropriateness or other aspects of the information and views of speakers. Any opinions provided by the speaker do not necessarily represent the views of the ALC or its members. Reference to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademark or otherwise does not imply or constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or other support from the ALC or its members. Training & Events Directory Page 2 of 41 August 2023