"Let's reject cynicism. Embrace what's beautiful. And create something magnificent." But what holds those qualities for a man? What seems "magnificent" to a man? He doesn't see a relationship the same way you do. So it's important to know how men see relationships differently. That way you can frame your invitation in a way that gets results. You can frame your invitation in a way that connects with his natural drive to create something beautiful with you. You'll whet his appetite. You'll trigger his desire to go after a deeper romantic connection with you. Sounds good, right? So, what is the beauty a man sees in a committed relationship? Well, it might sound a bit odd to you at first, but here it is: A romantic relationship satisfies a man's craving for companionship to the extent that it fits with his identity...the way he wants to see himself. Understanding this one statement will give you tremendous power in your relationships with men. So let me explain. Generally speaking, we seek out relationships because of the other person's qualities. We love someone for who they are. But we also seek out relationships because of the way other people make us feel about ourselves. Let me offer a short story that illustrates this concept well. When I was in high school, there was a girl named Stephanie who had it all. She was tall with a pretty face and a nice figure. Her dad was one of the richest guys in town and gave her the choice of any brand-new car she wanted for her sixteenth birthday. Nearly all the popular guys in our school stood in line for their turn to date her. I did not stand in line. If you asked me if she was an attractive person, I would have said "yes" without a second thought. However, I was not attracted to the idea of myself in her presence. She was taller than me by a good inch. She wore clothes that made mine look shabby. And the worst thing was her silly way of interacting with people. I was kind of serious during my high school years, driven by my appetite for achievement. In contrast, Stephanie liked to engage people with as much silly banter as she could. It's not that I couldn't see the value of that playful style of interaction; it's just that it didn't play to my strong suit. I could imagine myself feeling awkward and unlikable compared to her when trying to interact with her friends. In contrast, my friends appreciated my tendency to deeply consider questions before Visit our Free Presentation on His Secret Obsession