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Pruning To Fix Damaged Plants Shrubsandtreescansome�mesbedamaged byagoodstrongwindstorm,orbyother accidental means. It is important to prunebackthedamagetopromote healing and regrowth, but the methodsusedwilldifferbetween shrubs and trees. AWoundedShrub Shrubscomeintwovarie�es: mul�-stemmedandsingletrunk.If thedamageisonamul�-stemmed shrub, cut the damaged stems to theground,encouragingtheplant to send up shoots. It may look lopsided at first but will eventually fill outagainthefollowingyear. Ashrubwithasingletrunkneedsmore observa�on.Usingathinningcut,pruneout O�enalimbthathasbeendamageddueto anydamagedbranches.Ifthetrunkitselfis high winds will be slightly twisted off the damaged,youwillhavetopayclosea�en�on trunk. If it is too high to reach, call a to it. If you no�ce disease or insect problems professional to remove it with a chain saw. that can be an indica�on that your plant is weak.Damagetothetrunkcouldalsobea If the limb is down and has taken some of the sign of damaged roots and may indicate that trunk bark with it, there is not much you can theshrubneedstobereplacedaltogether. doasidefrommakesurethelimbisnot showingsignsofdiseaseorinsectinfesta�on. AWoundedTree If these signs appear, remove it from the area Trees can be more complicated to fix once anddisposeofitimmediatelyasan they have been damaged.If the broken infesta�on on fallen branches can easily branchiss�ll hanging on the tree, you can spreadbacktothetreeorothersurrounding typically use a hand saw to remove it. Star�ng plants. fromthebo�omofthebranch,cuttoward thebrokenspot,tryingyourbesttoremove Trees and shrubs are incredible healing thelimbwithouttearingdownintothebark machines.All plants react the same to a cut or of the trunk. This may require you to find a wound;iftheweatheriswarm,cellsinthe helper to hold the damaged limb while you vicinity begin to divide and create an removeit,toensureacleanandeasycutthat an�microbial layer on the wounded area. will not damage the tree further. Trees will contain the damage by growing healthy �ssue over the area. In cold weather 11

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