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Amoreeffec�vewaytoremoveunwanted older shrubs is to cut back the top growth to 1inchfromthegroundbutleavetheroots intact. These shrubs will send up shoots for 2-3 years, which you can simply snip off. The roots will con�nue to soakupwaterwhileyouestablisha different landscape plan. You could also let them grow and see if you prefer the shrubs in their smaller size. Plants cannot grow without their leaves for photosynthesis so when youremovetheleavesandnew shoots from the shrub stubs the roots will slowly die. Leaving them in the groundservesapurpose:theysoakup waterwhiletryingtoregrow,eventually becomingorganicma�erinyoursoilonce they die off, feeding the microbes who are Ques�onstoaskyourself: feeding your new landscape. • Are the shrubs or trees planted too close to the house? MoreFlowersandFruit • Will other landscape features have an Shrubsandtreesbloomorfruitoneitherthe impactonthatshrub/tree(sun st nd 1 or2 yeargrowth. Ifyouhaveatangleof exposure, proximity to other plants, untendedgrowththeflowerswillbehardto etc)? see, and you will not be able to reach the • Are you planning on adding more to fruit. You will also have more disease and pest yourlandscape? problemsbecausethattangleistheperfect environmentforthem;warm,dark,and If you answered yes to any of these ques�ons, g moist. n i thenyoumayhavesomepruningtodo(in m r a F addi�ontopossiblysomedigging). e l b Raspberries o�en create thickets that trap the a n i a juicy berries in the middle, making them only t s Somewordsofcau�on: Beforeyou u S accessible to birds. These can fortunately be g a�empttodiganythingup,haveaplanfor n i t r tamedeasilyenough,alongwithlilacs, o p movingwaterawayfromthehouse.Those p u poten�llas, and dogwood that put out shoots S shrubrootsaretakinginalotofrainwater to increase the diameter of the plan�ng, anddiggingthemoutmayresultinwater usually to the detriment of flower produc�on. building up and possibly flooding your basement. 4

Pruning E-Book by Rogitex - Page 4 Pruning E-Book by Rogitex Page 3 Page 5