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h�ps:// years and wonderedwhy–perhapsyou give a small harvest the second growing weren’t pruning them properly. Determine season. Enoughforoutofhandea�ngifyou whichareyourspringandsummerbloomers, get there before the birds. Ne�ng over fruit thensetupapruningschedule.Justbecause busheswill meanmoreforyou. you’ve lived in an overgrown landscape for HowtoBeginPruning years doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. If you’ve moved into a new home to you, the best pruning is no pruning for a year. Observe Pruning is both an art and a science. Knowing growthhabitsandonlypruneoutdead, thenatural form of a deciduous shrub, for diseased, or rubbing branches. Try to iden�fy example,beforemakinganycutswillmake yourlandscapeplan�ngssoyoucanpruneat yourlandscapingeasier. Figh�ng to keep a theproper�me.Determinewhicharespring spreading shrub in a conical form is a g n bloomers,whichsummer,andifyouhave i m hopeless ba�le. Nature always wins. r a F someeverbloomers.Thenyoucandevelopa e l b a pruning schedule. Keep a journal of what n i Awell-prunedshrub,tree,orvineis ,and a t s bloomedwhen–trustme,youwon’t u S healthier. I hope this informa�on has helped g n remembernextyear.Andyoudon’twantto i t r bothtypesof“pruners,”you’renotin o p p pruneall the blooms off a Forsythia in the u overwhelmandyouhaveabe�erideawhy S middleofSeptember,doyou? you’re pruning and what steps to take next. Therehavebeenmanybookswri�enonthis Haveyoubeenwatchingyourlandscape topic. With this introduc�on I hope you go on becomeovergrownovertheyears?Now’sthe to further study. like me, you’ve killed many shrubs over the 22

Pruning E-Book by Rogitex - Page 22 Pruning E-Book by Rogitex Page 21 Page 23