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automa�callydecreasetheheightofyour Thinning cuts are used to cut out an en�re shrubortreeandbecausetheauxin limb to open the canopy of a small tree or produc�onofthedominantbudisgone,your shrub. This allows air and sunlight to shrubortreewillhavemorebranches. penetrate to the interior of the shrub, resul�ng in more blooms or be�er ripening Howyoupruneinrela�ontogrowthonthe fruit. In a mul�-stemmed shrub, thinning cuts stemorlimbwilldeterminethehealthofthat take out branches all the way to the ground. cut and the direc�on a branch grows. Your cut shouldbeaboveabudfacingthedirec�on Ashrubwithlotsofbloomsandfruitneeds youwantthelimbtogo.Figure1showsthe air and sun circula�ng throughout its growth different ways to cut a stem while retaining a to remain healthy. What you are removing is healthy plant. excessive plant growth which can harbor disease and insect pests. Be mindful of which Before you cut the header be sure you know stemsyouprunetothegroundandtrynotto thegrowthhabitofyourshruborsmalltree. overdoit. Shrubsthathavemul�plestemscomingfrom onerootsendupmoreshootstobecome Tip Pruning bushier whenthedominantbudissnipped Some�mescalled“Pinching,”thismethodof off. Some small ornamental trees like pruning involves removing just the �ps of pyramidal arborvitae (Thuga occiden�s stemsandhasasurprisinglyprofoundeffect ‘Pyramidalis’) have conical shapes, tall and ontheen�reshrubortree.Thisisbecause thin, while others, such as apple trees (Malus whenthat�pisremoved,theauxinthatit domes�caspp),haveavaseshape. producesisnolongerbeingsuppliedtothe plant. As previously men�oned, this allows Evergreens such as arborvitae, hemlock, dormantsidebudstogrowintovigorousside juniper, and yew can quickly grow beyond shoots. yourdesiredsize. They are pruned using a headingcutfornewgrowthandthinningcuts Tip pruning an apple tree results in more (explained below) to maintain their shape. It lateral branches, which will lead to more is also important to note that evergreens will blossomsandfruit. Youcankeepan putoutnewgrowthonlyiftheremaining evergreensuchasafir,spruce,orpinethe branchhasneedlesonit. size you want by pinching off the “candles” or light-colored new growth on the side Thinning Cuts branchesinthespringwhiletheyares�llso�. Whenusingthismethod,theeffectonthe Unless you are looking to change the shape of tree will not be visible if the cut branch was anevergreen,resist cu�ngbackthemain deadorrubbingonanotherbranch.Ifthe stemwiththedominantbud. branchisprunedwhiles�llalive,theen�re tree or shrub will feel the effect and begin to engageinmorevigorousgrowth.Thereason for this is that the energy the plant was pu�ngintothatbranchhasnowbecome available to the en�re shrub or tree. 9

Pruning E-Book by Rogitex - Page 9 Pruning E-Book by Rogitex Page 8 Page 10