[17] Qwaken Club 1 Branded Existing audience: Experience UEFN already boasts a large and engaged user base across various partner metaverses. Entering this established ecosystem grants im- on UEFN mediate access to potential cus- With more than 200 millions monthly players tomers without the need to build our own audience from scratch. we strongly believe the Fortnite ecosystem is The QWK brand experience can be accessed and explored within the place to be to reach the gamers audience various partners, increasing visi- and to pioneer web3 integrations. bility and attracting users from different communities. 2 Reduced Workload Building and maintaining a stan- dalone metaverse is a massive undertaking. UEFN provides the underlying infrastructure and tools, allowing us to focus on creating our unique brand- ed experience within its frame- work. UEFN’s team handles core metaverse functionalities, free- ing up your resources for content creation, marketing, and com- munity engagement. 3 QWK ESPORT TEAM The QWK branded experience is not locked into one specific metaverse. We can easily move it to other compatible platforms within the UEFN network, fu- ture-proofing our investment. HOUSE OF THE BRAVES
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