SUMMER FAMILY HOLDAY Let’s Explore SFH 2024 THE MAP… 01 OUR FACILITY DEARNE VALLEY DONCASTER Classrooms - Five purpose- Large Auditorium – A two Canteen Area – Split into two built classrooms are available layer auditorium seating 150 昀氀oors for brothers and sisters for breakout sessions / people where conference and an outside dining area style teaching will be held Shop – Tuck shops available Multi-activity Sports Hall - The Gardens and Woodland - for snacks. And in addition to sports hall offers valuable Dearne Valley stands the canteen there will be a indoor space for activities majestically within 昀椀fty acres during wet weather and also of natural woodland. The has its own changing rooms extensive, spacious grounds offers a natural playground for activities to take place. Congregational Prayers - There is a dedicated congregational men’s prayer room inside. In the event of rain, then the sports hall will be used. The same applies for our dhikr sessions. 2 3