SUMMER FAMILY HOLIDAY SUMMER FAMILY HOLDAY Our Complaints SFH 2024 POLICY OUR COMPLAINTS POLICY At Prophetic Path, our commitment is to provide a high-quality service to everyone, irrespective of Complaints Process: their background. We take any concerns or complaints seriously and promptly investigate them for If you feel the Organisers have: resolution as quickly as possible. Our approach to handling complaints includes: • Failed to provide a service or an acceptable standard of service. • Ensuring complete con昀椀dentiality throughout the complaint resolution process. • Made a mistake in the service provided. • Dealing with complaints consistently, fairly, and with sensitivity within clear time frames. • Failed to act in a proper manner. • Offering individuals a fair and effective means to voice their concerns. • Provided an unsatisfactory service. • Monitoring complaints to enhance the quality of our services. • Informing the complainant of actions taken to prevent a recurrence. Please email: [email protected] allowing us to understand your concerns and attempt to resolve matters. Courtesy and Respect: Expect to be treated with courtesy, respect, and fairness at all times. We anticipate that you will extend the same courtesy, respect, and fairness to our staff handling your complaint. Complaints Process: For Youth attending the event Venue issues: For issues related to your room or food, inform your Prophetic Path Group Leader (Yellow Hi Viz) who will inform the venue. If your issue remains unresolved, please contact either Br Majed or Sr Riana ( Dark blue Hi-viz) for assistance. Other issues during your stay: If you are dissatis昀椀ed with any aspect of the event, staff, workshops, or activities, contact the following leaders: Sisters: 07702 163337 (Sr Riana) Brothers: 07711 914758 (Br Majed) We will make every effort to ensure your experience with the Summer Family Holiday is enjoyable. While certain situations may be beyond the control of Organisers or Venue Staff, we are committed to resolving matters as quickly as possible. If you remain dissatis昀椀ed or have concerns about how your complaint has been handled, you can escalate your concern to Sr Saiqa (07771 415896) who will make the 昀椀nal decision. 22 23