SUMMER FAMILY HOLIDAY SUMMER FAMILY HOLIDAY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS summer camp, including all our activities. centre in the unlikely event of an emergency. + Do you cater for people with speci昀椀c needs? + Will there be any time and space for Salah? Absolutely! We are dedicated to providing every young person with the opportunity to enjoy Yes, for the brothers there will be a congregation outdoors (if wet, then inside the sport hall or their summer camp 2024. Most of our activities can be adapted to suit the needs of the space will be allocated) For sisters we recommended they pray in their rooms. individual child. We will be happy to discuss your speci昀椀c requirements at the time of booking. It is vital that you notify ourselves well in advance so we can cater for any needs. If you have any + How many meals will we get per day? questions regarding this please call our events manager (details provided below) Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (bring your own snacks) + How will individuals be split in activity groups? + Is previous experience necessary for some of your more specialised activities? The sta昀昀 on-site have a unique policy of one dedicated multi- No previous experience is required for the activities, on site sta昀昀 will be present during activities trained instructor per activity group for the duration of your stay. The maximum number of and will walk through any safety policies, use of equipment etc people per activity group is 12. We will also split the groups by gender. + Is there any accessible rooms ? + Will the instructors stay with all week for physical activities? There is an accessible room on the ground 昀氀oor of every building if required. Your instructors will stay with your groups throughout your course, although there may be some cases where you will have another instructor for a specialist activity session such as water sports. + What happens if it rains? Most activities can continue in wet weather and extra time will be allocated for everyone to dry o昀昀 properly. If the weather is extreme and activities cannot take place, the Activity Manager will implement the centres’ Wet Weather Plan. + What happens in an emergency? Sta昀昀 are trained to deal with issues in a fast and e昀케cient manner. A member of our on-site sta昀昀 will be on duty 24 hours a day throughout your stay. There is a mobile phone available at each 32 33