O U R T E A M M e e t Sajid Hussain Instructor of Self Development and Human Excellence Spiritual & Holistic Practitioner Sajid has over the years used his wealth of experience to build up a number of successful businesses as well as pursuing success in the akhira by dedicating himself to dawah work. He has been active domestically in the UK as well as abroad in places such as Morocco, Pakistan and Europe. Some of his main duties include: Mansoor Ahmed Leading Dawah departments and youth to practice the Deen Spiritual Healing and Ruqiyah Creating powerful posters for events and SOME Mansoor is a qualified accountant and consultant, who has spent 11+ years in teaching companies to optimize their accounting, leveraging tools and technology such as Dynamics, Navision & E- conomic. Some of his main duties include: Umar Sheikh Mentoring brothers on the path to Allah Azzawajal Ambassador for Prophetic Path, branding, marketing and tours. Active Daee and keynote speaker Umar has a background in finance and brings several years of experience from top firms within the auditing space, working with companies such as PWC, Deloitte and DSV. Some of his main duties include: Ibrahim Malik Managing workshops within Wiselife Academy for marriage and character building Translating material from foreign languages into local languages Teaching the youth of basic principles of Aqidah, Fiqh and Tazkiyyah. Ibrahim is an IT-engineer who has worked it the field of IT, sales and consultancy for several years. Some of his main duties include: