Research Methodology Baseline Methodology Ourdedicatedteamofindustryexperts hasmonitoredandanalyzedvarious aspects ofIndia touchscreen display market. The team has analyzed the outlook of various segments of this market, while considering the major influencing factors such as growing demand for consumer electronics such as smartphone, television, and laptops, among others. The study includes market forecasting, which would enableourclientstotakebetterdecisionswhileplanningtheirstrategyto achievesustainabilityin Indiatouchscreendisplaymarket. MethodologyFollowedforCalculationofMarketSize: • Market Size by Value: Market size, in terms of value, for the year FY2020 was calculated based on information collected through exhaustive secondary research and primary surveys, with various key opinion leaders/stakeholders, such as touchscreen display manufacturers,channelpartners,marketinfluencers&endusers,industryexperts,andotherindustryparticipants. • Theteaminterviewedmorethan15–20touchscreendisplaycompanies,100–120endusers,and15–20industryexpertsandother value chain stakeholders in the India touchscreen display market to obtain the overall market size from FY2016-FY2020, which was validated by the Delphi technique. Taking standard deviation into consideration, the market size was averaged out, to arrive at the marketsizedatafromFY2016-FY2020. 9
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