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11 11 © TechSci Research Automotive A Primary Research C C o m pany Analysis B Desk Research ❑ Identifying Key Opinion Leaders ❑ Questionnaire Design ❑ In - depth Interviews ❑ Market Participants ❑ Key Strengths ❑ Tire Portfolio ❑ OEM Tie - ups ❑ Recent Developments ❑ Market Changing A s pe c ts /Dynam ics ❑ Govern m e n t Policies ❑ Final Conclusion ❑ LinkedIn ❑ Te c hS c i I nt e rnal Database ❑ Factiva ❑ Hoovers Paid Sources ❑ Company Website and Annual Reports ❑ OICA ❑ ASEAN Auto Federation ❑ White Paper Study ❑ Financial Reports ❑ Regulatory Body ❑ Industry Associations S e c on d a r y Research Primary R e s e a r c h Data Co ll ec ti o n Data F il t e r & A na l y sis Res e arch & I nte l lig e n c e Act i o n a b le Insights B us i n e ss Solution • In - depth secondary research was conducted to determine top players in the China commercial vehicle tire market, overall market size and segmental market size . Market Profiling Formulating Questionnaire • In order to conduct industry experts ' interviews, TechSci formulated a detailed questionnaire. • List of industry players and industry specialists was developed. Developing List of Respondents • TechSci conducted interviews with industry experts and industry players for data collection and verification . Data Collection • Data obtained as a result of primary and secondary research was validated through rigorous triangulation . Data Validation • The data was scrutinized using MS - Excel and statistical tools, such as Time Series Analysis, etc . , to obtain qualitative and quantitative insights about the China commercial vehicle tire market . Data Analysis Research Methodology

China Commercial Vehicle Tire Market 2027 - Page 11 China Commercial Vehicle Tire Market 2027 Page 10 Page 12