they’re easy and fast for me to make. Oh, I typically just drink water. A lot of other drinks end up having too much sugar for me. Mobility around town? It’s honestly a real struggle. The city doesn’t really have many wheelchair accessible areas, so I can’t really do much. I’ve tried talking with some people on the city council about it, but they haven’t exactly been understanding, or kind. Oh, it’s not really a bother. I was just working on heading home, so I was okay to answer some questions. You’re welcome.” Jane she/her “I love funnel cake, but I only ever had it when going to things like county fairs. I almost never get to have it anymore. Iced tea is really good, it helps me to relax when I’m stressed out. I can’t say that I have. Are you sure that you’re alright in the hea—” Kyle he/him “Favorite? I’d have to say probably a BLT. It’s got a good mix of textures, and it’s got bacon on it! I’m a sucker for lemonade. My family would always put in way too much sugar, but it would still be delicious. That’s disgusting, why would yo—” PLAINS PARADOX ■ 72

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