89 Just a Few More Lanes Isaac Seyer To the Houston Traf昀椀c Committee: The large and repeated traf昀椀c jams on Interstate 10 (I-10) have been a concern to all Houstonians as of late. The fact that it can take an hour to move 昀椀ve miles in this city is frankly unacceptable. Additionally, once you arrive at your destination, there isn’t enough room to park, which means you’ll have to park your car far from where you need to be. Once you 昀椀nally park you’ll have to cross the still busy streets, and that is a danger to both you and the drivers on the road. This is why we would like to propose that Houston expands I-10 from a twenty-six lane highway to a one hundred lane highway. Additionally, we believe it would be bene昀椀cial to convert 75 percent of downtown into parking garages to help alleviate parking issues. Expanding I-10 into one hundred lanes is a sure昀椀re way to reduce traf昀椀c. The nearly 400 percent increase in space will leave more room for people to travel freely at their own individual pace, and not held back by the other people on the highway. We estimate that this will reduce congestion to 25 percent of what it once was within a mere week of the expansion’s completion. This plan dwarfs all of the previous expansions’ ef昀椀ciency in congestion reduction. Furthermore, by making more room on the highway, this means that more cars can pass through Houston, which provides more opportunities for people to help fuel the local economy. This brings us to our next point. Downtown Houston is a wonderful place, rich with history and culture. Truly, the downtown area is the lifeblood of this great city. The only issue is that it can be so inaccessible for people driving cars into the city. There simply is not enough parking to accommodate all the people who want to visit. This is why it is crucial that we bulldoze 75 percent of downtown and rebuild it as parking garages. By vastly increasing the

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