Gibberish and the Mucus 114 Cloth of Existence Sebastian Montes de Oca Hanging conveyor belts with Members dangling Trees of gum with leaves of teeth At a desk of bones Sits a tinkerer, Before jars of hips and bowls of eyes “What must crack for the lids to open?” Bent inside out, the tinkerer Shuf昀氀es about Moving to think, Thinking to tinker, Tinker to giggle, Giggle and shiver. “Hips hips hips, lisping lips, and little licks” A pot. A womb in the pot. Stuf昀椀ng. Tinker cackles and 昀椀re crackles “Birth birth, another to my little earth” Smoke blowing up 昀椀replace nostrils “Life I spice and life I splice and life I give none twice” Laughter, mucus, chuckle, spitter, cloth, and muf昀氀e

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