Will you pay for your 111 gas with cash, credit, or innocent blood? Ryan Pegg The artistic atrocities continue. A cluster of airplanes with lizard legs scream for Coca-Cola. Conversely, the lizards with airplane wings beg for Pepsi. The mammal automobiles and the avian seacraft share their food stamps. The rest of the free 昀氀amingos gather in Prague. I wept for the penguins in Serbia. Cosmic lover, why have you forsaken the Czech rhinoceros? Heavier burdens await in the garage. Bees and beetles 昀椀ght epic battles in the Colorado prairie. I have nothing to add on the topic of Mandrill separatists. I throttled a ghost in the twilight of January. The experiences of the platypus transcend linear reason. File in line lizard planes and airplane lizards! Ladybug shouting changes with the times. Grasshoppers make the economic circumstances delightful. Eight score bath bomb factory workers raid a Spencer’s in Tallahassee. Manager, Marly Mantis, was found dead in a crumbling overpass. Resources are tight in Ghost World. Cannibal bonobos rede昀椀ne debauchery in Quebec. The time-platypus says they met God in the form of a 昀氀oppy disc made of 昀氀esh. The bugs come together to embroider “sodomy” on the carpet of the Louvre. Galileo’s severed middle 昀椀nger inexplicably grows a new Galileo. Fate was spelled out when Fred Fox decided to take up the oboe. Susan, the galaxy, anxiously awaits the seventh mass extinction.

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