I Shoulda Known Eben Ormston 02 Mrs. Linsky answered her kitchen phone, listened quietly, steadied herself, raised her 昀椀ngers to her lips, and whispered, “Oh, dear no.” ■ ■ ■ Out on the 昀椀elds of eastern Colorado, under a starry fall sky, the Aberdeen Post Of昀椀ce, and Greyhound bus stop stood quiet and closed. Bright lights from a nearby dealership spilled onto Main Street, and in the A&W Jenny Linsky and her best friend Susan were serving burgers, fries, and 昀氀oats to their Friday night customers. The front door opened, and Jenny looked up. She tilted her head past her line of customers, caught her breath, smiled so very brie昀氀y, and smoothed her apron. Jacob McCord and his friends were in line. He held his cowboy hat in his hand. A few steps to Jenny’s left, Susan was scooping ice cream and caught the break in Jenny’s banter. She followed her gaze, scowled, and let the cooler door fall shut. Holding three 昀氀oats steady, she stepped behind Jenny and whispered, “You hardly know him.” With her left hand low to her side, Jenny shooed Susan away. Jacob reached the head of Jenny’s line, and she rested the tips of her 昀椀ngers on the lip of her register. She smiled and tucked a strand of her hair behind one ear. “Hello,” she said. “Evening.” He squinted slightly and tilted his chin. “Aren’t you Jenny? From school?” “Yes. In tenth. Your brother’s class.” She swept her hand to her side. “I just started here.” He tapped his hat against his chest. “Really,” Susan muttered from nearby, and Jacob and

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