over me. And the thought of performing marital duties with any of the eligible cows likely to be chosen is utterly repulsive. As I’d rather not dwell on such nauseating images, I push said thoughts aside and let my mind drift to the delicious memories these last few days provided. I close my eyes and inhale the sweet scent of spring forest. Not nearly as intoxicating as it is when fresh blood is present but invigorating nonetheless. I relax into the 昀氀ashes of bruised skin, raw 昀氀esh, and tear-stained eyes that pass beneath my lids. I can still hear the shrieking and pleading. Rapunzel Forest or, as we fondly refer to it, Rape Forest, swallows even the loudest of screams, making for the perfect hunt. And an excellent hunt it was, indeed. Now mildly aroused, I wish I had kept one of the weaker prizes breathing. Having a plaything along for the next few nights would be rather enjoyable. As if in answer to my prayers, I am shaken from my daydream to a soft voice singing. I tug on Maximus’ reins, halting him on the spot. Indeed, it is a woman’s voice. Not only a woman’s voice, but the most beautiful voice my ears have ever heard. How lovely the maiden attached to it must be. I turn Maximus in the direction of the sweet song and urge him forward. The closer I get, the more enchanting it becomes. My pulse quickens in anticipation. I can only imagine how seductive her screams might sound. Before long, we reach the edge of a clearing. In the center, a lone tower stands, taller than the surrounding trees. A slender cylinder, smooth and gray, stark in contrast to the 昀氀ourishing forest. At the top, a single window, and perched in that window sits the most appealing maiden I have ever seen. Her shining golden hair cascades around her like the melody unfolding from her lips. With delicate 昀椀stfuls, she meticulously folds strand over strand into a smooth, shining plait. Starting at the crown of her head, it drapes over her shoulders, wrapping around her slim 昀椀gure, falling out of view inside the tower, and returning back up to where her 昀椀ngers are lazily weaving. A golden trophy ready for the taking. 79 ■ PLAINS PARADOX

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