Announcements appeared earlier, but in fact September 1939 chan- ged the Jewish reality by 180 degrees. First, the beginning of the war, then various kinds of repressions - from the required armband with the Star of David, through portioning of food, bans on running one’s own business, to ghettoization. The year 1940 is the 昀椀rst tragic year for the Grodzisk Jews - in the vicinity of Joselewicza Street, the Jewish center of the city, a ghetto was established, 昀椀rst open, then fenced. And the synagogue was demolished. The 昀椀rst destruction occurred with the 昀椀rst bombing of the city in September 1939 - then the 昀椀rst losses in the building appeared. The Dusk took place in the winter of 1940. The wooden buildings of the Jewish Community: the Talmud-Tora, the mortuary and the synagogue were demolished, and the materials were used for burning in the ovens. „One day, the Germans announced that they were going to burn down the synagogue in Grodzisk. They told the inhabitants that they could take whatever they wanted from it. It was freezing, everyone desperately needed 昀椀rewood, so the Poles began to dismantle the synagogue. The Germans burned its remains.” „I went to Grodzisk and found Rajnberg’s workshop near the ru- ins of the synagogue...”. Fajga Burman, „So You Can Tell” (2020, Odkrywamy Bliskie Historie). In February 1941, the liquidation of the ghetto was carried out. The Jews were transported to the Warsaw Ghetto, then most of them were murdered in Treblinka. Pieczątka ostatniego rabina Grodziska Mazowieckiego, Arona Icka Szapiro. Źródło: Ganzach Kiddush Hashem Stamp of the last rabbi of Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Aharon Yitzhak Shapiro. Source: Ganzach Kiddush Hashem Печатка останнього рабина Гродзіска Мазовецького Арона Іцка Шапіро. Джерело: Ганзах Кідуш Хашем Анонси вже робилися раніше, але лише у вересні 1939 року єврейська реальність змінилася на 180 градусів. Спочатку - початок війни, потім різного роду репресії - від обов’язкової пов’язки із зіркою Давида, через порційну їжу, заборони на ведення власного бізнесу, до геттоїзації. 1940 рік став першим трагічним для євреїв Ґродзіська - в околицях вулиці Йозелевича, 38 39