PSYCHOLOGY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Psychology enables students to explore UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM how people think, feel and behave through Students will study the role of the brain YEAR 10 DOES the use of a biopsychosocial approach, and in mental processes and behaviour, brain THIS FOLLOW ON explores the connection between the brain and plasticity, brain damage, the complexity of FROM? behaviour. In these units students investigate psychological development, and atypical Psychology the structure and functioning of the human brain psychological development. In the student- and the role it plays in the overall functioning directed research investigation students of the human nervous system. Students may choose a question selected from the list explore brain plasticity and the influence provided in the study design or they may develop that brain damage may have on a person’s their own research question related to one of the psychological functioning. They also investigate six topics. how perception of stimuli enables a person to interact with the world around them and how UNIT 2 their perception of stimuli can be distorted. Students will study perception in terms of They evaluate the role social cognition plays in a sensation and distortion. They investigate social person’s attitudes, perception of themselves and cognition and social influences on behaviour. The relationships with others. investigation component requires the students to identify an aim, develop a question, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply models, theories and concepts • Annotated folio of practical activities • Language and methodologies of psychology • Research reports • Investigation skills • Practical Reports • Research, ethical and safety principles • Coursework • Communication • Unit Tests • End of year Exam.