WELCOME Welcome to the senior years of study. This handbook is a resource for students and their parents guardians which outlines the Victorian Certificate of Education VCE & VCE VM curriculum at LAVERTON P 12 COLLEGE across Year 11 and Year 12 to assist in choosing a structured courses. A VCE program is ideal if you are considering a pathway to University or Tafe. A VCE program is designed to be undertaken over a minimum period of two years. Each subject offered at VCE is broken up into four semester length units. Most studies offer four units, but students do not necessarily have to take all four units. There are two levels of units within the VCE & VCE VM: UNITS 1 AND 2 These are usually taken in the first year of VCE in Year 11. Most students take both units in a study, but it is possible in year 11 subject to timetabling constraints to take only one unit of a particular study. UNITS 3 AND 4 These are more advanced, and are mostly taken in Year 12. Units 3 and 4 must be studied as a sequence that is, if you take Unit 3 of any study, you must also take Unit 4.

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