MUSIC PERFORMANCE NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In VCE Music Performance Units 1 & 2, students UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM will perform in both group ensembles and as Students build their performance and YEAR 10 DOES a soloist. They will develop their musicianship musicianship skills to present performances as THIS FOLLOW ON through theoretical and analytical tasks, a group and as a soloist. FROM? applying their knowledge to their own Music performances. They identify technical, expressive and stylistic challenges in performance pieces and through the work of other performers, as well as develop their listening, aural, theoretical and analytical musicianship skills through substantive theoretical tasks. UNIT 2 Students continue to build their performance skills, taking opportunities to perform in familiar and unfamiliar venues/spaces. Students continue to develop their theoretical knowledge through increasingly difficult aural, theoretical and analytical activities, as well creating a folio of original works based on their performance repertoire. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • Developing musical language • Performance/s of at least 3 works (group Students must and solo) have instrumental music lessons • Developing written musical notation and separately to taking theory • Technical Program (that supports this subject performance pieces) Each student must • Developing critical listening and analysis have a solo or skills • Aural and written theory tasks principal instrument

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