VCE VM NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM VCE VM OVERVIEW The VCE VM is a Two year certificate tha focuses credit for completed VCAL subjects in 2023. on applied learning and develops knowledge Those students will continue to study Senior and skills that will prepare students for further VCAL subjects in the new certificate as part of a training and employment. phased transition. At the end of 2023, they will be awarded the VCE Vocational Specialisation if The Victorian Government is transforming they meet the requirements. senior secondary education with the introduction of a single senior secondary certificate, offering It is a practical “hands-on” program with many greater access to quality vocational and applied benefits including; fostering independence learning pathways for all students. and industry experience. Improving student motivation, engagement and commitment The VCE VM is a qualification designed to expand Improving student self-esteem and confidence. pathways from school to apprenticeships, Developing workplace readiness skills such employment and further education. as, problem solving, teamwork, leadership and personal responsibility. It caters for students In 2022, there are no changes to the existing with different preferred learning styles and certificates. Students will still be able to enrol provides a meaningful context for learning both in either the Victorian Certificate of Applied theory and practical skills. Learning (VCAL) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). Students studying VCAL in 2022 will transfer into the VCE Vocational Specialisation with SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: VCE VM aims to provide skills, knowledge and Evidence of achievement can include, but is not attributes to enable students to make informed limited to, direct observation, written work, oral choices about employment and education presentations, object production and project pathways. Personal development, students’ implementation. interests and pathways for senior secondary students, in the context of applied learning, Students must be observed to demonstrate underpin the design of VCE VM. achievement of a learning outcome on more than one occasion and in different contexts to make sure the assessment is valid and reliable, fair, flexible and efficient. OVERVIEW