SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In VCE Media, students learn to analyse and UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY critique media texts and messages in all their Students explore how media narratives shape OR CAREERS forms. Through in depth case-studies and text society and/or are influenced by the social, COULD LEAD ON analysis, students explore how narratives and cultural, ideological and institutional contexts TO? stories have shaped, and continue to influence, of the time. They choose two media texts to Journalism our society. Students analyse the complex analyse in detail. Students also undertake pre- Publishing issues surrounding media regulation, ownership production processes and develop written and Film & Television and agency. A significant component of this visual documentation to support the production Acting subject is practical - students plan, design and and post production of a media product. Online content create their own media productions, choosing creation Photography from a range of contemporary disciplines UNIT 4 Videography Game including film, photography, print, magazine, Students complete the production stage of their Design animation, radio and video game design. major media project. In collaboration with their Animation peers, students work towards the realisation Post-production of their artistic and creative vision. They also consider the controversial and extremely timely question of media influence and agency through a series of case studies and research projects. Students analyse the capacity of the media to be used by governments, institutions and audiences as an instrument of control. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • Critical thinking • VCE end of year exam Media Studies is ideal for students with • Content creation • School assessed task (major media project) strong literacy and creative skills • Media literacy • School assessed content Equipment needed: laptop and digital • Digital literacy storage items (SD cards and external HDD)