VCE VM WORK RELATED NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT VCE VM PD OVERVIEW VCE Vocational Major Work Related Skills Students preparing to transition to the (WRS) examines a range of skills, knowledge workforce and to further education are best and capabilities relevant to achieving individual placed for success when they have confidence, career and educational goals. Students will self-awareness and the skills to interpret develop a broad understanding of workplace relevant information and make informed environments and the future of work and decisions about their future goals. education, in order to engage in theoretical and practical planning and decision-making for a In VM Work Related Skills, students will develop successful transition to their desired pathway. the knowledge, skills and experiences to be active and engaged citizens and future members The study considers four key areas: the future of the workforce, with the ability to communicate of work; workplace skills and capabilities; effectively, advocate for themselves and be industrial relations and the workplace adaptable to change. environment and practice; and the development of a personal portfolio. The study of WRS leads to opportunities across all industries and areas of work as well as in Students will have the opportunity to apply the further education, and provides young people knowledge and skills gained from this study with the tools they need to succeed in the future. in the classroom environment and through Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT This study enables students to: Structure • understand and apply concepts and This study is made up of four units. , Unit 1: Careers and learning for the terminology related to the workplace future , Unit 2: Workplace skills and capabilities, Unit 3: Industrial relations, workplace environment and practice, Unit 4: Portfolio preparation and • understand the complex and rapidly presentation changing world of work and workplace environments and the impact on the Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is individual designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each • understand the relationship between outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and key skills. skills, knowledge, capabilities and the Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning that at the senior achievement of pathway goals secondary level: • develop effective communication skills to • identifies opportunities for further learning enable self-reflection and self-promotion • describes student achievement • apply skills and knowledge in a practical • articulates and maintains standards setting. • provides the basis for the award of a certificate.

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