1) Figure Out How the ERC20 Token will be Formatted: It is the first step in the process of making ERC20 tokens. You have to come up with a slogan for your Ethereum token. Make a list of the features and functions you want this Ethereum-based token to have. Also, explain how it will help your business or project. After that, make a plan or road map to follow. 2) Use the ERC20 Protocol to Make a Smart Contract: Most people know that smart contracts on Ethereum are an essential part of Blockchain Technology. So, when making smart contracts for their projects, priority and importance should be given. ERC20 Smart Contracts have a total of eight main functions, which are listed below: ● Total Supply ● Contract Owner ● Approve ● Transfer ● Allowance ● Add Holder ● Remove Holder ● Remove Appointee 3) Check the Contract Code to Make Sure Etherscan is Working: When you're done writing the Smart Contract code for your project, your ERC20 token development company can build the code to ensure all of the features work. 4) Make Sure the Tokens are Valid: The ERC20 Token transactions can be tried after all the checks and verifications are done. Check to see how well your Ethereum tokens are doing. Make the necessary changes if it has flaws, problems, or defects. 5) Deployment that can't Fail for Crowdfunding Sales: Last, the code can be put on the Ethereum Blockchain. The ERC20 token development process will go more smoothly if these five steps are considered.