Members of the Jimmy’s Egg ownership family in 2024. Courtesy The Oklahoman. Loc had owned boats for many years and Camp Pendleton, California. Mai and her family became captain of the 昀椀shing boat. He steered it stayed in Guam a month, then were loaded onto from the bay into the open waters of the South a military transport plane and 昀氀own to Camp China Sea. It was not safe because pirates tried Pendleton. They lived in a tent city and adults and to hijack any of the hundreds of vessels seeking children began English classes. freedom. Only a few hours after they were safe After sponsorships in Nebraska and Texas, the from enemy shelling, Loc’s boat encountered a family’s aunt and uncle, members of the Oklahoma larger 昀椀shing boat owned by a man that Loc’s father City catholic parish, The Cathedral of Our Lady knew. Loc knew that if his family was to escape, of Perpetual Help, commonly called Our Lady’s they needed a ship even larger than the friend’s Cathedral, sponsored Loc’s family to relocate to 昀椀shing boat. Oklahoma City. They arrived in the winter of 1978. Luckily, a Vietnamese cargo ship 昀椀lled with The church rented and furnished them a house rice was sailing nearby. Loc and his father asked for near Northwest 29th Street and Classen Boulevard, permission for his family to be allowed to board the an area that within a few years became a thriving ship. The captain refused and only gave Loc water Asian District. The family had no money. Their only for his passengers. Loc clung to the ship’s anchor clothing was used, given to them by the American line and told the captain he and his family would military while on the cargo ship escaping Vietnam. die on the open seas. Only after family members Mai was 11 years old and had learned enough surrendered what gold and diamonds they left English to begin classes at Edgemere Grade School. Saigon with, they were allowed to board the ship Loc and Kim took odd jobs to support their four along with approximately 100 more refugees. U.S. children and improve their English. Loc understood military ships in the area provided canned food trucking and transportation and eventually was and water for the week-long trip to Guam, a U.S. able to land a job as an inspector with the Santa Fe territory in the North Paci昀椀c Ocean about 1,800 Railway. Kim opened a wig shop that became miles east of Manila in the Philippines. Hi-Fashion Wigs. American military troops stationed in Guam By 1980, Kim owned three wig shops. She set up tents for refugees and fed them. The often ate breakfast at a restaurant owned by Jim U.S. government had put into action a plan to Newman at Northwest 16th Street and May Avenue transport refugees to several American military in Oklahoma City. It was called Jimmy’s Egg and Kim posts, including Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, and discovered Newman would like to sell the business. 38

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