Saying “ Saying “ Do Do” ” at the Gaylord-at the Gaylord- Pickens MPickens Museum | Oklahoma Hall of Fuseum | Oklahoma Hall of Fameame Jasmine Johnson and J. R. Brawner asmine Johnson, born into a military family, moved to Oklahoma as a child. Her father J was an o昀케cer in the United States Marine Corps and was stationed in Oklahoma City. J.R. Brawner’s family also relocated to Oklahoma, and he is a 昀椀rst-generation Oklahoman. Jasmine, an accomplished a琀琀orney, found herself captivated by J.R., a pharmaceutical sales representative. Their conversations soon blossomed into a deep connection, as they discovered a shared passion for family, food, and traveling, among many other things. Balancing demanding careers with their shared passion for travel, Jasmine and J.R. navigated life’s challenges hand in hand. The couple embarked on journeys that took them all over the United States, as well as places abroad. From the bustling markets in the Bahamas to the serene beaches of Cancun, their adventures were a tapestry woven with laughter, discovery, and culinary delights. They savored exotic dishes, eager to immerse themselves in each culture’s 昀氀avors and traditions. As days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, their bond grew stronger. They laughed together, shared personal challenges, and supported each other through thick and thin. Their love story continued to unfold, a testament to the strength of two individuals who found solace and joy in each other’s company. It became clear they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. J.R. surprised Jasmine by proposing with a ring that re昀氀ected the beauty of their love. They vowed to create a life 昀椀lled with love, laughter, and support for one another, surrounded by family and friends, on December 2, 2023 in The Foyer of the Gaylord-Pickens Museum |Oklahoma Hall of Fame. Together they lit a unity candle, representing the unity and togetherness as they began their married life. The guests were enthusiastic and excited, clapping at every opportunity. A昀琀er the ceremony, guests made their way to the Great Hall where the theme was classic and timeless with white 昀氀owers and crystals that sparkled all night. A delicious bu昀昀et dinner was served, and the champagne toasts were celebrated by all. The bride snuck away to change into a reception dress, and everyone headed to the dance 昀氀oor. The happy couple kicked it o昀昀 with a choreographed number and then danced the night away with their guests. Their grand send-o昀昀 was celebrated with sparklers. Mr. & Mrs. Brawner enjoyed a tropical honeymoon in Guanacaste, Costa Rica and look forward to residing in Edmond, Oklahoma. Jasmine Johnson and J. R. Brawner were married in The Foyer of the Gaylord-Pickens Museum | Oklahoma Hall of Fame on the evening of December 2, 2023. b-124: Jasmine Johnson and J. R. Brawner were married in The Foyer of the Gaylord-Pickens Museum | Oklahoma Hall of Fame on the evening of December 2, 2023. b-94: An “Oklahoman by Choice” and a 昀椀rst- generation Oklahoman, Jasmine Johnson and J. R. Brawner respectively. An “Oklahoman by Choice” and a 昀椀rst-generation Oklahoman, Jasmine Johnson and J. R. Brawner respectively. 16

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