Complete list of French Employment glossary -- work terms (and acronyms)

Complete list of French Employment glossary -- work terms (and acronyms) Here is the journey through work life - from unemployment, to finding a job, enjoying the perks, then losing your job. Emploi  Well, we may as well start easy. Emploi, as you may have guessed, means "employment". French newspapers will often have their own "Emploi" sections if you want to read up on the latest employment news. Here is one from Le Figaro. Pôle emploi  With employment comes unemployment, which typically leads people to France's national job centre - known as the Pôle emploi. RSA - Revenue de solidarité active  This is France's basic form of job seekers allowance and you may be able to claim it while you look for work, although there are various and varied conditions. CV  Yes, you'll need one of these in French. Don't be tempted to put resumé at the top. This is a pesky false friend.  Visit your local one here. 

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