MEET THE FUTURE ACTORS OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY! Organisers, producers, booking agents were all welcome as participants in the Management Training of MOST. These emerging music industry professionals will represent the region on the global market, therefore deserve training and resources. Although the Balkan world music is a treasure trove of untapped potential, artists outside of the European Union are often less connected to Western Europe. During the programme, participants were able to acquire new skills and professional tools to strengthen music industry relations between the poles. To achieve this goal, they had the opportunity to participate in the training course of the programme, get valuable experience as trainees at one of the partner organisations of the project, and build new connections with prominent European music professionals and artists from the Balkans. Meet 20 out of 80 managers who participated in the traineeship programme, so you recognize them at an upcoming music event. For more information about the managers, visit our website: 102

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