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Caring for y PRO TIPS: What’s i or ba? §o r period an be i—eg ar« When a gir starts enstr ating her our period period ay not oe as reg ary Šor the Širst year or two. ’hat’s nora« ‚ t it does ean yo n”d to be prepared. ere are soe tips Šro a Šew girs abo t what they i„e to do· “Ž aways a—y an e•tra prod t–or two–µ st in ase« §o never „now when yo ²or a Šriend«³ ight n”d one. Ž i„e to se pads so Ž „”p a o pe e•tra in one oŠ y ba„pa„’s po„ets.“ ²ore abo t prod tsš page ¦¥«³ “Ž oŠten get raps when Ž’ on y period. Soeties Ž go ay down on a ot in the n rse’s offie iŠ the raps are rea y bad. ²’hey ight aso have e•tra prod ts in ase yo Šorget«³ Ž aso „”p y Šavorite sna„ in y ba„pa„ Šor when Ž’ Š”ing down.” ²ore abo t rapsš page ¦1«³ “My period isn’t ‘reg ar’ yet b t tra„ing y ye on a aendar heps e estiate when it wi start«” ²ore abo t tra„ingš page ›2«³ 37

A Girl's Guide to Puberty and Periods - Page 37 A Girl's Guide to Puberty and Periods Page 36 Page 38